Mom Knows by Samuel Ufot Ekekere - HTML preview

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You have often watched sports team play with their hoards of fans supporting them. You would possibly even be a fan too. Sometimes you might have been opportune to see the TV camera cast images of members of a family of one of the players of the team who has come to support his or her family member. Mom also hangs out on the stands of life casting her support all the way. She is your number one diehard fan. She believes you are the best and can never be less. She admires your courage, tenacity, and style. Whom else would she give all her support to other than you? She is flying the colors of your “greatness team.”

Mom is a great fan. Like every great fans who expect their teams to always win, mom expects you to always win too. She always sees the winner in you. She is shouting ole! Ole! Ole! At the top of her voice, because she knows she is supporting a champion who knows how to always win. Mom knows you are a player in life’s games and every great player deserves a great supporter. That supporter you have found in mum.

Lauryn hill puts it this way “a strong mom doesn’t tell her cub son, stay weak so the wolves can get you, she says toughen up, this is reality we are living in.” Mom knows there is a great reality in the game of life. There is a fierce competition and for you to get over this competition, you would have to stand and challenge the odds. And guess what? She is behind you yelling go!go!go! You are the best.

Great fans stay behind their team whatever the odds. They know that as much as they enjoy seeing their team win, sometimes their team could lose too. In addition, they stay behind their team supporting them through their failures.

Mom too knows that sometimes you may come short of your expected victories. She stands by you with all the support she can garner to ensure you come back stronger than you were.

Mom knows you have a great team out there and she wants to stand right there as your number one fan. Mom is the head of the fans club. Moreover, she is barking out all the commands to your crowd of supporters. Moms so contented in this role. Anette Funicelle comments, “Of all the roles I’ve played, none has been as fulfilling as being a mother.” It is so rewarding to mom to know that you can win and over great teams such as failure, shame, pain, poverty etc.

Barbara Buch writes, “I may be the only mother in America who knows exactly what their child is up to all the time.” Isn’t it fantastic to know that mom knows what you are up to? She knows the challenge you have to face and she is proud to cheer you up through them. Margaret Culkin Banning comments, “She never quite leaves her children at home even when she doesn’t take them along.” Even when moms physical absent, her presence still resonates and her spiritual support can and is always felt.

True fans pray for their teams. Abraham Lincoln Americas renowned president of America makes this comment of his mom “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me, they have clung to me all my life. Mom is always praying. She is your number one praying fan and God hears her on your behalf.

She often

Feels your pains along with you. She knows what winning is and how losing too affects you. She wants you to know she understands how you feel in those trying moments. She is assuring that she is standing right behind you

Alerts you of future encumbrances and how to overcome them. Because she has been there too, she is certain that as a great team that you play for, there are many in encumbrances that stand to challenge you against championship and greatness. She shows them to you and shows you how to get over them.

Never says die. Whatever happens, she says child you are getting through this. You cannot afford to lose here. We must reach Greatness County together