Mom's Letters by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Mom, we have often watched sports games together and you have seen those persons who come around to support their team. Well you have a team in your children, we are your best team and the best supporter we can have is you. It is a great joy having you sit on the stands and yelling c’mon I am right behind you. I am always glad. I often look at the stands to see if you are impressed with my performance. When I see you jubilate, I always feel a sense of pride that sets me to seek to achieve more.

My siblings and I delight in seeing you support us through life. We are so proud to have you as our number one supporter walking with us through life’s hurdles. Like every true supporter who acknowledge that they have to support their team through winning times and losing times, your support through the storms of life has come handy. We know that if we have made any real success, it is because you stood right on by our side even when the moments were not great.

Teams’ supporters are supporters through the weather. Even teams at the bottom of the league still have supporters who go down with them. One fact about supporters is that they stand with their team all the way. That is you. I am counting on you support as you have always done in the past. I know you have passed through the same hurdles I will be passing and I am counting on your support, your drums, your whistles, you dance steps and everything it is that will make them win. I am counting on your support when I fail. I want to be able to hold your hands during those stormy times. I want to hear you whisper, child you can.

“Go! Go! Go! Yes you can do it” are phrases often uses by supporters. They create songs for their team and create works of art to show support for their team. As my mom, you have the right to scream at me "go, go, go, mom is right behind you, mom believes in you" etc. Your phrases steer propulsion for greater achievement from me. I do yearn to fulfill your desire.

Sports teams relish the sight of their supporters. They are proud of their supporters. They often make statements like “wow our supporters are great”. That is what I say too. I relish your support and I do not hold my words back in commending your efforts. I sure have embellished words that you will cherish.

When teams win, their supporters cheer them. The supporters are often delighted to have a winning team. When my siblings and I win, we want to have you around to celebrate with us. We want you to throw a party on our behalf and celebrating with friends. We want to share our beautiful moments with no one else than you mom. So much as you have stood with us during trying times, it is only normal that you enjoy those great moments too. I would like to see you dance to your favorite songs and make a toast to our success.

I want to whisper in your ears this words “thank you mom for being a great supporter through these years, thank you for your words of encouragement. I couldn’t have been where I am now without you.” You will be proud I did.

If you want me to celebrate you, then take the role of my supporter. When the prize is won, you sure will be celebrating too with me.

With love

Your beloved daughter