Positive Parenting: Make Your Children Winners by B. K. Narayan - HTML preview

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To bring such wonderful improvement in your children easily, Success MindwareTM   is designed as a set of following 10 powerful Parts:


Part-1: Brainpower Secrets & Self-Motivation Tools To Make Success Automatic

Part-2:How To Program Yourself To Succeed At Anything

Part-3: How To Choose Most Suitable Career

Part-4: How To Develop Mental Sharpness-See and Think What Others Can't

Part-5: How To Learn Anything Fast, By Using Brain-Friendly Study Methods

Part-6: How To Have A Magnetic Personality In 21 Days

Part-7: How To Become Creative To Stay Ahead In Career And Life

Part-8: How To Program Yourself To Be Healthy, Safe And Lucky

Part-9: Guide For Parents And Teachers To Make Ordinary Child Extraordinary Person

Part-10: Action Plan & WORKBOOK to Assure Your Success, By Using Success MindwareTM


Parent’s Guide to help your children better

A 'Parent Guide' is also included as one of the Parts of Success MindwareTM     This Guide shows you how to help your children use Success MindwareTM   and how to solve your children's problems easily.

You can look at the Full contents of Success MindwareTM   in detail, by freely downloading the 'Table of Contents' of Success MindwareTM available here

You also get 3 Free, exciting Bonuses along with Success MindwareTM

You can learn more about Success MindwareTM    and the 3 Free Bonuses by clicking here

And finally, here are….


Two Top Positive Parenting Rules

After all said and done, there are two top positive parenting rules that are worth remembering and following. Because, believe it or not, by using these rules almost 70 percent of parenting problems can be solved even before they are created!

Positive Parenting Rule #1:  Love Your Children Unconditionally

Love your children unconditionally, for just being your children. Not for being obedient, not for getting good grades and not  for being attractive, but for just being your children.

Positive Parenting Rule #2: Show Your Love Through Actions

Hug children frequently, especially if they are young. Try to be there when they need you. Do your best to attend their school and college functions. Give them your attention, look at them while they speak.

Appreciate their little and big achievements. Take them to picnic, museums, or other interesting places whenever possible.

Also, try to do things together.

For example, make crafts or do housework like—cleaning, tidying, gardening, etc. Encourage them to make or build some models or toys or crafts, and display them in your home. Show it off proudly to other people...especially when your children are around!

Have Loads Of Patience

Parenting is the most rewarding and fulfilling role we ever play in our life. But at times, it can also be very frustrating, irritating and exhausting! Because children have their own minds and moods. Their own likes and dislikes.

To make them listen to your good suggestions and advice, you need to use lot of tricks and praises. Plus loads of patience :)

All this is not easy. But Your Love for your children will give you the power to see through the end. And make anything possible.

Best of luck.

Expect Success For Your Children, ALWAYS!

B. K. Narayan

& Preeti Narayan

Authors of Success MindwareTM    and

Book:  251 Study Secrets