The Family Board Meeting: You Have 18 Summers To Create Lasting Connection With Your Children by Jim Sheils - HTML preview

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This surprised me. He was only 9 years old at the time, but I soon learned about his experience. Not knowing what to expect, he was surprised to notice bodily changes and different feelings. He thought these changes would be obvious to everyone else and that he’d be judged.

When I got home, I Googled the normal age ranges for children to begin puberty. Sure enough, 9 is about the youngest that boys will begin the process. I was a late developer and don’t remember experiencing any symptoms until I was at least 13, so this was all very new to me.

Over the years, my son and I had plenty of Family Board Meetings together. So we had a strong rapport. I’m convinced that this is why he was comfortable discussing puberty with me. Together, we discussed his fears. I reassured him that everything he felt was normal. At the end of the board meeting we both felt incredible. It was a feeling of fulfillment very different from regular markers of success. It was one of my proudest moments.

In his book, Jim promised that kids will treat you as a confidante after holding proper Board Meetings. He said they’d come to you, instead of friends or the Internet, when looking for solutions to difficult sub- jects. He was right!

Everyone should do this. It’s the best way to connect with and support your kids.”