The Family Board Meeting: You Have 18 Summers To Create Lasting Connection With Your Children by Jim Sheils - HTML preview

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I had heard about Family Board Meetings a number of times from groups like Strategic Coach and Genius Network. I loved the concept—something that takes into account the perspective of an entrepreneur AND focuses on family. But, I always found a reason—too much work, too much travel—to not try it.

Our very first Board Meeting experience exceeded anything I could have hoped for in my wildest imagination. In just a few short hours, Jack and I bonded like we’ve never bonded before. I felt even closer to him. I got to hear what his dreams are and I now get to support him in those dreams. That is something that never would have happened without following the Board Meeting strategy.

I also am grateful to have spent time with him in an intentional way—it was unlike a vacation or simple father-son time. I came away from the experience with unbelievable gratitude for the relationship I have with my son. After our first Board Meeting, Jack looked at me and asked, “Dad, when can we do this again?” I even asked him if he would rather do a Board Meeting or go on vacation. His response: Board Meeting. This time together was truly a gift.





I was first exposed to Jim’s family board meeting framework when I attended a dad’s retreat out in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where Jim spoke. It instantly made sense to me as it seemed like a simple rhythm I could implement to deepen my relationship with each of my children. At the time, my boys were four and five.

The biggest thing for me to make it happen was getting it on the calendar. From there, it was really just turning the phone on airplane mode and being fully present.

Typically, we do Board Meetings on Saturdays or Sun- days, and after the activity of their choosing, we do lunch at the same pizza parlour. It’s really become a family ritual and I’ve just found the openness and the questions that follow them are on a whole other level after being so fully present. In my experience, do it one time, and it will be a family ritual forever.





My daughter was really young when I started (3 years old). If anything, the benefit initially was more for me as I had a hard time establishing a connection with my daughter for the first few years of her life. Now, the benefit of Family Board Meetings are mutual, and we both eagerly anticipate them. My daughter looks forward to them months in advance. I also now do quarterly board meetings with my wife, which has been HUGE.