There Goes the Brainstem: Tales from the Trenches of Early Motherhood by Elizabeth Bonet, PhD - HTML preview

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Bonus Chapter 1: Park Days

So when do you start going to the park with your baby? As soon as you can convince a friend to meet you there. New moms, for some unknown reason, think the park is not for them. Their baby can’t move, after all. It’s not like you can just set it on the equipment and play yourself.

Newsflash: the park is for moms, not kids.

What? Seriously? For moms? Yes. For moms and all your mommy friends. The fresh air and mostly safe environment is a perfect place to catch up on everything that’s going on in your lives. Take a blanket, some snacks, water, and you’re set for hours. Diaper changes smell less in the fresh air and a crying baby is somehow soothed by breezes, green grass, and the sound of other kids, bigger kids, playing.

Once the baby can sit up, you can put them in the baby swings and stand and talk. This will be the beginning of your standing and talking park days. As the baby starts to crawl and then walk, you’ll follow it around the playground and your friend will follow you. Or vice versa. Somehow, you’ll encourage the babies to crawl up the same slide so you can hear what happened at the end of the fight your friend had with her husband or what the pediatrician said or how she got such a great deal on her designer diaper bag.

Don’t discount the importance of the park. It is vital to your sanity. It’s worth the effort because it gets you out of the house, around people, talking with your friends and the baby also gets some socialization. If you don’t have a park friend, set your intention to make one. Join a mom’s club or vow to meet a local online mommy friend in person . . . at the park.

Top Tip #13

Be clear from the beginning with your children that the park is for mommies to get some rest or catch up with their friends. The fact that they get to play is just a bonus for them so they should take advantage of it; i.e., “Get off of mommy! Go play!”