Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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The brief storm had abated. It was now dusk with a full moon that shone brightly on Keegan and his rescuer as they came flying out of the tunnel and streaked skyward. As they climbed higher and higher Keegan looked down at the lights of the tiny town of Ocean Park off in the distance. He gulped and said in a squeaky voice. “No-one's gonna believe this……………....uh oh.” Suddenly, Keegan’s strange rescuer let go of his arm. “Bye now!” he said in an oddly musical voice.

 Keegan began to plummet towards the sea far below.

 “Hey! Aaaaahhhhh......!!!!” he yelled out and waved his arms frantically. His rescuer flew away completely unperturbed, then paused in mid-flight, scratched his head and scanned the night sky.

 “Which way did they go now?”

 Unable to find his coloured companions, he glanced back briefly and he saw Keegan plunging towards the ocean far below. He quickly zoomed after him and as Keegan's rapid descent continued, the little green creature struck a sitting pose with a hand under his chin keeping pace with Keegan. He asked Keegan conversationally.

 “What are your name?”

 “K..K..K..K..Keegan... “

 “Hellody. How do you do! I'm Greanwold.” He paused. “Why are you not flying, K..K..K..K..Keegan?”

 Keegan shook his head.

 “You swim, K..K..K..K..Keegan?”

 Keegan nodded at his strange companion.



 Greanwold pointed down.


 Keegan glanced down in time to see the ocean rush up to meet him. He entered the water feet first and immediately sank like a stone. Greanwold hovered above the water waiting for Keegan to reappear. When it became apparent he was not surfacing, he muttered to himself.

 “I think K..K..K..K..Keegan not a flier and - not a swimmer.”

 A strange shimmering glow then encompassed him and he quickly morphed into a large pelican. The pelican rose in the air and then dived into the sea. It located Keegan struggling under the water, grabbed his shirt collar in his large beak and then made for the surface. Flapping his wings furiously, the pelican carried the sodden Keegan aloft. He hovered momentarily, searching for a landing place to lay Keegan down. He spotted a patch of grass, swooped down and set a groggy Keegan down by a park bench. Instantly the pelican morphed back into Greanwold and plonked himself down beside Keegan and took in a large breath of air.

 “Pheeew. You are a heavy wet thing.” He looked around and saw the rooftops of the town of Ocean Park in the distance and sniffed the air appreciatively. “Hmmm! Food! Long time, no food! What place is this?”

 At that moment, a car engine could be heard drawing closer as Keegan regained consciousness. He struggled up on one elbow and looked bleary eyed at his new companion.

 “Greanwold? Pelican? What? Is , is , is ……………… ………………..”

 Greanwold waved at Keegan and said in his musical voice. “Uh oh, got to get going. Bye!”

 He squeezed his eyes tightly and as Keegan looked on in astonishment, his new found friend began to shimmer and then morphed into a slightly greenish replica of Keegan’s backpack - a very wet backpack. Two bright blue eyes appeared momentarily on the main flap and just as quickly vanished as a flashlight beam shone on Keegan.

 “Keegan! Keegan. Is that you?”

 Keegan lay on his back and stared up at the darkening sky. “………treasure...colored...dragons....eagles….Reywal...flying... Greanwold saved me.”

 Mr. Clarke knelt down at his son’s side closely followed by Parker and Jackie. “Yeah, yeah son. Of course he did. Now just stay put 'til the ambulance comes. Were taking you to emergency. That was a weird but thankfully short storm.”

Some time later, in Ocean Parks small but efficient hospital, Keegan lay on his back in his hospital bed looking only slightly the worst for the wear. A doctor had just left and next thing the door was flung open and Cody burst through followed by Jackie, Lisa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and Parker.

 Cody rushed over and mussed his young brothers hair. “I heard they're gonna a mmmpuuutaaate!”

 “Cody! Don't tease your young brother like that. Be nice.” Mrs. Clarke admonished.

 “How are feeling Keegan? asked Mr. Clarke.

 “I just feel tired Dad. I think I'm okay to go home now.”

 “Breakfast in bed, TV all day, and you wanna vacate the premises!! Sheesh! You musta really banged your noggin dude!” Parker exclaimed.

 “Keegan. It's just for tonight. The doctor just wants to make sure you're okay.” Mr. Clarke paused. “What happened to you out there Keegan?”

 Keegan looked over at a coat rack to see his backpack hanging with his jacket. Suddenly his backpack winked at him. Keegan managed to conceal his surprise. “Ah, well I was exploring along the beach dad, and this huge wave swept over me. But…” Keegan paused. “…. can we talk about it later, Dad? I’m really tired.” Keegan looked up at his father not wanting to fib and hoping his father would not follow the same line of questioning later.

 “Ok son. We can talk about it later.” said Mrs. Clarke. “But, you gave us a bad scare. In the future, you have to tell us when you are going to the beach. Not ride off all over the countryside without us knowing where you are.” Keegan, suitably chastised nodded at his mother and father. At that moment, a nurse entered the room.

 “I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Clarke but the doctor wants Keegan to get some rest. Well keep him overnight for observation and all going well, he can go home tomorrow morning.” Mrs. Clarke lifted Keegan’s backpack from the hook on the door.

 “I’ll take this home Keegan and dry it and bring it back tomorrow with some dry clothes.”

 Raising himself from the bed quickly Keegan said. “No, no mom. I need it.” “Don’t be silly honey.” his mother replied. ”It’s all wet. Now we have to go before the nurse chases us out.”

 Mrs. Clarke kissed Keegan on his forehead and his father ruffled his hair then they all chorused goodbye to Keegan as they trooped out the door under the stern gaze of the nurse.

 In the parking lot, Mrs. Clarke opened the trunk, dropped the backpack inside and closed the lid as the others got into the car. As they drove off into the night, the trunk lid opened slightly revealing a dull glow through the opening. As the lid opened further, two large blue eyes peeked from the trunk gap. The trunk lid slowly opened some more and Greanwold clambered out. He sat momentarily on the edge of the trunk enjoying the view of the road rushing under his feet and then launched himself into the air and flew up into the night sky.