Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Hospital Visit



Lying in his hospital bed, Keegan quickly sat up at the sound of a rustling noise at the window. He called out in hushed voice. “Who’s there?” An odd sounding voice came from the direction of the window. “Grrrnnnnghhh!!” Keegan climbed out of bed and walked cautiously over to the window. “Who’s there?” he asked again in a loud whisper.

 The voice replied. “Get open the window!”

 Keegan pulled the blind aside quickly revealing the window open about 3 inches at the bottom and Greanwold struggling to open it from the outside. A huge grin lit up Keegan’s face as he grabbed the bottom of the window frame and tried to lift the window. On the other side of the glass, Greanwold stopped and held up a hand. He began to shimmer and swiftly morphed into a snake that slithered quickly through the narrow gap between the window and ledge and dropped to the floor. Keegan leapt back in alarm.

 “ Oh boy!!”

 The snake immediately began to shimmer and morphed back into Greanwold. Keegan’s jaw dropped.

 “Oh wow! You're a transforming dragon!!”

 At the sound of the word "Dragon", a look of irritation crossed Greanwold’s face. He crossed his arms and looked sternly at Keegan.

 He replied indignantly. “Dragon? Dragon?” There was a pause. “Listen kid. Greanwold is no scaly-skinned smoke mouth!!! Greanwold is a Minosaur!!! The smartest, and possibly the cutest, Minosaur in Nogardland!!”

 Keegan backed up and sat on the bed. “Minosaur? Nogardland? What’s that!! Where do you come from? What are you doing here?”

 Greanwold rested his chin on his thumb and forefinger and studied Keegan. “Okay. You seem to be OK. You are a human thing I suppose?”

 “Yeah! I’m a human but I’m not a thing! I’m a boy.” Keegan said indignantly.

 Greanwold waved his hands impatiently and made a shushing sound at Keegan. He did a couple of back flips and bounced onto the end of Keegan's bed. “I will show you all about Minosaurs and Greanwold. But first I have to focus on understanding this funny language you speak. Very ugly language.” Greanwold closed his eyes and grimaced before Keegan could respond. He appeared to go into a deep trance for several minutes and Keegan stared at him with growing anxiety as the minutes passed. Greanwold finally opened his eyes and gave a huge sigh.

 Keegan said. “You freaked me out. I thought you were unconscious or something.”

 “No, I was learning your language; this one language you call English but I see you have many languages on Earth. Very strange. Very confusing.” “What do you mean you just learned my language?”

 Greanwold sighed. “Don’t humans know anything?”

 He flopped onto Keegan’s bed.

 “When you and I first came into contact in the cave, the only English I knew was the English you knew ………………………”

 “You read my mind? ” Keegan interrupted, his eyes goggling. “Wow.” Greanwold frowned. “No, I did not read your mind, excuse me. Minosaurs are not permitted to read minds. I only looked into your mind for what you spoke and took from that enough to communicate with you. Afterall, you could not communicate with me in my language, could you?”

 Keegan was still attempting to absorb all the information from his new-found friend and could only nod his head in response.

 Greanwold continued. “Minosaur language is based on music and I see on earth you have much music, some good some bad and some very, very bad.” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “Very bad. Anyway, now I understand your language and I see you are only average in language skills.”

 “Hey, hold on. I’m only a kid”. Keegan protested. “I’m only in Grade five. I’m not a university graduate you know.”

 Greanwold chuckled at Keegan’s protest and said. “I’m only teasing you K..K..K..K..Keegan. Now, be quiet. You asked me about Nogardland and I’m about to show you.”

 Greanwold squinted and frowned in concentration. When he opened his eyes, a pair of beams of light projected from his gaze and a hologram appeared to float in the air. It depicted a beautiful landscape with strange trees and vegetation and Minosaurs of every shape and size in flight everywhere. Greanwold gave a monotone commentary as the images unfolded.

 “Minosaur society is older than time. But during time, there has been great tragedies and social disruption in the Minosaur society. The most precious possession and oldest artifact is the Great Harmonic. It is the centre of Minosaur music and civilization. All through time, the Great Harmonic restored the Minosaurs and healed society wounds. Six times, Minosaur society declined and restored because thirteen Minosaurs entered Great Harmonic and then became released according to a prophecy. Legend though told of one day that Minosaurs would disappear for a long time except for Thirteen Special Minosaurs.” “Why thirteen Minosaurs?” Keegan interrupted. “Thirteen is an unlucky number for us.”

 “Hah.” Greanwold said as he wagged a finger at Keegan. “That shows how much you humans know. We believe thirteen is a luckynumber. Now stop interrupting. It’s very rude.”

 Greanwold continued. “Minosaur society would end one day. Nobody believed that because we were all so happy. Plus, there were so many Minosaurs. Food was abundant and there was so much music, so much fun. Great Harmonic sent out soothing waves of sound when things sometimes got unpleasant for whatever reason. The Great Harmonic always used for good but …….” “What’s a Great Harmonic?” interrupted Keegan again, unable to help himself. “Boy oh boy! You are one interrupting kid you know that? Just be quiet and listen to your elders. Don’t you know manners?”

 Keegan jumped to his feet. “What do you mean elders? You’re smaller than I am.”

 Greanwold frowned. “Oh yeah? Well how old are you?”

 Keegan hesitated. “I’m …….. let me think. Yeah I’m eight now but I’ll be nine in three months, two weeks and six days.”

 Greanwold jumped off Keegan’s bed and did two back flips. He then bounced up and down and waved his arms.

 “Wow, wow, wow. Eight years old. Do you know how old I am K..K..K..K.. Keegan?

 Keegan shook his head.

 “I am 500,000 of your years old.” said Greanwold, his face stuck aggressively in Keegan’s face. Keegan leaned back looking suitably impressed.

 “Now, stop disrupting. For your information, the Great Harmonic if it is in evil hands has also great power of destruction, especially if the thirteen Minosaurs are locked in as Krystils. Krystils are Minosaurs in state of suspended animation.

In such a manner, it creates great power. But always, Minosaurs were Keepers of the Great Harmonic. A long, long time ago, there was a wise old Minosaur Xenxywold who legend said told a story of the Great Harmonic with thirteen Minosaurs ending up on place called “earth”. And being found by a young human. And, Moa Constructor would have a battle with a mysterious old human. Nobody knew what humans where of course. No one knew about earth. But one day there was huge explosion in the sky. Then, dark shadows of giant wings swept over the landscape and huge menacing Draegons appeared. We heard of Draegons but never saw them as they existed in different dimension. Now, the dimension wall was gone and the Minosaurs were chased and killed by many, many Draegons.”

 In the hologram, a particularly fearsome Draegon blew smoke and flame and Keegan drew back, startled as Greanwold continued.

 “This is the Moa Constructor. His one desire is to own the Great Harmonic and use it for evil purpose. He knows that it has a great power and can bring all of the universe under hispower.”

 In the hologram, the Moa Constructor towered over a small circular radiance. “This radiance you see is an inter-dimensional portal in time” continued Greanwold.

 A larger Minosaur flew at the Moa Constructors head and he lifted a large scaly paw and dashed it to the ground. With his attention distracted, the thirteen young Minosaurs joined wings and flew in a circle into the portal carrying the Great Harmonic with them.

 “The inter-dimensional portal leads to early earth, the only Gateway, but thirteen brave young Minosaurs managed to close it behind them!”

 Keegan stared at Greanwold with a gaping mouth.

That is so cooool. Who’s the bigger Minosaur that the Draegon killed?” Greanwold looked at Keegan with a sad smile and dropped his head. “That was my mother” he said sadly. “I will never see her again.” Keegan looked horrified. In the hologram, the portal had opened in the face of a large rock and the Minosaurs entered the portal through to the Earth-side. Moa Constructor’s scaly claw reached through the hole after them but was foiled by Greanwold who morphed into the jaws of a great big steel trap and sank his iron teeth into the Draegons arm. The arm retreated through the opening with a great roaring scream and all the Minosaurs immediately transformed into Krystils and imbedded themselves into the Great Harmonic which in turn became imbedded in the large rock, safely out of reach of the Moa Constructor.