Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Becoming Buddies



Keegan sat hugging his knees on the bed in the hospital. Greanwold looked sad as he hovered about.

 “So you have no idea where the other Minosaurs went or where they would go?” asked Keegan.

 Greanwold continued to hover.

 “Minosaurs go wherever there is fun but there is no fun for them so I don’t know where they would go. Greanwold is all alone. The big problem for my friends is – they are young. They cannot change shape yet. I am supposed to be protecting them.”

 Keegan leaned back on his pillow. “Well, I wouldn't say aloneexactly, besides, your friends are out there somewhere and - there's a whole lot of fun to be had right here in Ocean Park if you had the right kind of friends.”

 Greanwold flew down so he is looked directly into in Keegan’s eyes “ K K K K Keegan is a friend?”

 “Of course I’m a friend.” Keegan replied. “But, ………….let me get you straight on my name. It’s not K..K..K..K.. Keegan. It’s just ………….” Keegan paused for effect. “Keegan.”

 Greanwold hovered in front of Keegan and nodded wisely. “Ok Just Keegan.” Keegan sighed deeply. “ Let me do this slowly. My name is just ………………………….. Keegan.”

 Greanwold nodded his head wisely “It just Keeeeegaaaan. Not KKKK? Hhhmmm.”

 He paused and looked at Keegan with a grave look. “A very dull name. Can I call you Keeganwold? It’s a great honor you know.”

 “Exactly. No, no, no. Just Keegan. Oh boy, lets not go there again. Whatever. Now when I introduce you to Parker and Jackie and Cody and Lisa you'll have made plenty more friends!!! Let's shake!!”

 Keegan extended his hand, but Greanwold just sat there and shook. Keegan laughed. “No, like this!”

 Keegan gripped Greanwold's paw and they shook hands. Keegan looked at his new friend and grinned.

 “Something tells me this is going to be the beginning of a great summer …. but ……” he looked thoughtful. “……I gotta tell my brother and sister about you somehow without them freaking out.”

 Keegan looked serious for a minute and then smiled at Greanwold. Greanwold let out a yelp of joy. They stared at each other for a minute and then both burst out laughing.