Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Evil Plans



Reywal sat on a rock, his legs crossed. He spoke to the Moa Constructor who was not visible through the opening in the rock. The Moa Constructor had provided Reywal hisversion of events as they occurred in Nogardland many eons ago.

 “...and if those missing Minosaurs could be recaptured I could widen this portal and the world would know the power of the Moa Constuctor!”

 Reywal leaned forward with a smug look on his face.

 “I would love to help, but, I would like to know the financial worthof Moa Constructor before I,Reywal make any commitments. Do you have any financial statements at hand?”

 Moa Constructor replied in a huge demonic voice.

 “Help me open this portal and I will reward you with wealth beyond your imagination!!!!”

 Reywal leaned forward, dollar signs in his eyes. “Wealth beyond imagination!! Well why didn’t you say so! Actually that's my favorite kind of wealth. Yes, definitely my kind of wealth! Allow me to present my card.”

 Reywal reached into his pocket and absent-mindedly took out a card and presented it to Moa Constructor to read. The card was withdrawn back through the glowing fissure by the claw. There was a moment of silence.

 “You park in handicapped zones?” came the Moa Constructor’s voice in an admiring tone. “Well, you are truly evil.”

 Reywal grabbed the card back and thrust it angrily back in his pocket “Crimminy dickens!!! No, I was framed. Ahem, yes, framed.” he said as he held up a business card.

 “Here, Mr. Moa Constructor or ...may I call you Mr. Moa? How may I be of help?”

 There was a pause and the Moa Constructor answered. “Well, you can help me with one thing immediately. That rock you are sitting on has some special meaning for me. Can you please move it over here?” Reywal stood up from the rock that unbeknown to him, contained the Great Harmonic. With Datslob’s help, they pushed and pulled it towards the fissure the Moa Constructors voice came from. A scaly claw extended from the fissure as Reywal and Datslob moved the rock closer. They jerked back in alarm. The claw extended, wrapped around the rock and dragged it into the fissure. “Thank you Mr. Reywal.” said the Moa Constructor in a satisfied voice. “This could be the start of a beautiful friendship! Now listen closely, this is what we must do.”