Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Capturing Krystils



The trunk sat open on the Reywalmobile parked at the top of Old Tom’s Hill. Reywal and Datslob were busy setting up a large video looking camera on a tripod with a directional amplifier on the top. Set alongside was the Transmodulater that Reywal had built back in his workshop. Reywal addressed Datslob.

 “Very, very good Datslob, very good. Now, install the batteries and we will get down to the very important business of capturing those beastly little creatures and converting them into cold hard cash. Yes, yes…….“

 Reywal rubbed his hands together. “I definitely like the sound of cold hard cash.” Datslob leaned into the trunk of the car and opened the box of batteries. He removed a handful and walked over to the equipment where he inserted each battery one by one. Reywal closed the trunk of the car, walked over to the equipment and flicked a switch. Immediately there was a quiet hum and the directional amplifier began to rotate slowly and then stopped, emitting a loud beep. Reywal studied the screen and let out a whoop. He rubbed his hands gleefully and then slapped Datslob on the back.

 “Ha, ha. It worked; it worked my little metallic companion. We have located the little bat things and they have now zapped into those Krystil things. Oh my, oh my. I am going to be rich, rich you hear!!” He noticed the look on Datslob’s face. “I mean we, yes weare going to be rich. Yes indeed. Criminy crickets. Now quickly, pack all the equipment in the Reywalmobile. Keep the monitor going and be quick. We have to keep track of where they are. Hurry, hurry.”

Unaware that danger was near, Leesawold wore the earmuffs, baseball cap and sunglasses and was doing barrel rolls around a large tree. Minosaurs, even when in trouble do not remain unhappy for more than a few minutes. The name of the game is fun. However, as she disappeared behind the trunk of the large tree, the other five Minosaurs, suddenly, inexplicably morphed into five large crystal like objects that dropped to the ground. In the background, the same soft strange musical sound that was emitted from Reywal’s machine on top of Old Tom’s Hill wafted through the trees. Leesawold appeared from behind the large tree. A look of surprise crossed her face as she realized her friends had disappeared. The music sound stopped. Leesawold looked around in obvious panic for her missing friends and then spied the five Krystils on the ground. She burst into tears.

At the same time, in the depths of Keegan’s cave, there was the faint sound of the same musical tune that was emitted from Reywal’s machine and then there was a tremendous roar and a vibration. The deep evil sound of the Moa Constructors voice came from the depths of the cave.

 “Ahhhhhhhh. Yeeeeessssss. That weasel Reywal has located the first batch of Krystils. He now thinks he can keep them for his own use. I am going to have to teach him a lesson in manners and good business ethics.”