Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Pizza Time



Greanwold sat on Keegan’s bed surrounded by Jackie, Lisa and Keegan. All three had worried looks on their faces. Greanwold looked tearful as explained to his new friends what he thought had happened. “So what that music means is that Moa Constructor, that big ugly Draegon he is, has somehow got someoneto build a musical trapper to capture my friends and I and turn us back into Krystils that Moa Constructor can use to escape from the time trap. Once he does that, then he will destroy this world like he destroyed Nogardland. I don’t know what to do.”

 Keegan looked fiercely at Greanwold. “We’re your friends and we are not going to let some smelly Draegon harm you. Are we?” he said turning to Jackie and Lisa.

 “No way Greanwold.” chorused Jackie and Lisa.

As Keegan was introducing Greanwold to Lisa and Jackie, Parker and Cody were riding up to the Clarke house on the their bikes with Atlas bounding at their feet. They leaned the bikes against the garden shed and went in through a side door to the kitchen. In the kitchen, they helped themselves to a can of pop each from the fridge. Mrs. Clarke was busy at the stove, preparing dinner. The two boys sniffed the air and high fived. Atlas jumped around them and Cody opened the oven door.

 “Pizza for dinner tonight? Hey Atlas, pizza boy.”

 Mrs. Clarke turned from the counter. “Well hello you two. Yes it is. Are you staying for dinner Parker? We’re having your favorite. Homemade Hawaiian.” “Mrs. Clarke maaaam. You are indeedy my favorite mother away from mother. If you are extending an invite to this grateful persona I will certainly be here for dinner.”

 Cody punched Parker on the arm. “You are such a suck dude.”

 Mrs. Clarke glanced at the boys’ dirt and grass stained hands. “Why don’t you both clean your hands, like good little boys….” she teased them. “………then go upstairs and tell Keegan and Jackie that dinner is ready. Ask Lisa if she wants to stay for dinner. Just make sure you and Lisa phone your folks Parker. And ask Keegan if he’s OK to come down to the table.”

 Parker and Cody made for the stairs, pushing and shoving at each other as they raced up the stairs with Atlas at their feet.

Parker, Cody and Atlas burst into Keegan’s room. Immediately the door began to open Greanwold, sensing danger, morphed into a large beach ball. Keegan, still not used to Greanwold’s sudden changes looked at the two interlopers with an annoyed look on his face.

 “Why don’t you knock before you come into my room you bums”. Cody grinned at his younger brother’s outrage.

 “Hey little dude, dinner’s ready and mom wants to know if you are recovered from your big adventure enough to come down to the table.”

 Parker bent down and picked up the beach ball. “Yo girl persons. Watcha up to? Hey what a cool ball.”

 Parker picked up the ball and bounced it against Cody’s head. Unnoticed by either Cody or Parker, the ball showed a pair of bright blue eyes as it bounced off Cody’s head. Keegan leapt off the bed and attempted to grab the ball from Parker. Atlas sat, his head cocked to one side, following the progress of the bouncing ball.

 “Hey Parker. Cut that out. Don’t go bouncing my ball around.” Keegan grabbed for the ball.

 Parker evaded Keegan’s grab and did a slam-dunk with the ball off the top of Jackie’s head. As the ball rebounded the same pair of blue eyes blinked, but now with a dazed expression. Jackie and Lisa exchanged glances. Keegan finally grabbed the ball and held it away from Parker.

 “Hey Keegan dude. Chill out man.” said Parker. “It’s only a ball man. Hey, we gotta eat anyway. Pizza’s on the menu.”

 Cody paused and looked at Lisa and Jackie. He sensed something in the air. He paused at the doorway with a questioning look on his face. “Are you guys planning something otherwise why are two girls – to quote Keegan – girls yuk, sitting in Keegan’s bedroom? Hey what’s with Atlas?” From down in the kitchen, Mrs. Clarke called out. “Are you kids coming for dinner before it gets cold?”

 The two girls looked at Keegan and Keegan looked at the beach ball. On the opposite side of the ball were two bright blue eyes with a worried look. Atlas sat still with his head cocked to one side, his tail wagging backwards and forwards. Parker shrugged. “Hey cold pizza is cool.”

 Cody rolled his eyes, punched his friend in the arm and raced off down the stairs.