Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Music On The Wind



The five kids clustered around Greanwold with worried looks on their faces. Greanwold was still frozen, a look of concentration on his face. Atlas nudged Greanwold’s hand. Lisa was the first to speak.

 “Greanwold, are you OK? Greanwold?”

 Keegan leaned over and gave Greanwold a shake.

 “Greanwold! What’s the matter?”

 Slowly Greanwold came out of his immobile state. He glanced at the kids one by one.

 “Greanwold has gotta go. There is a big problem with Minosaurs. Specially Leesawold. A bigproblem!”

 Parker help up a hand. “Whoa up Greanwold dude. What’s a Leesawold? And what can we do to help?”

 Parker turned to Keegan “What is this “Leesawold” thing Keegan?” Keegan shook his head and looked gravely at Greanwold.

 “Greanwold, you gotta tell us what’s wrong. We can help you. We’re your friends. C’mon.”

 Greanwold sighed and a lone tear ran down his cheek.

 “Leesawold is my girlfriend. When I rescued Keegan from the cave, she flew away with other Minosaurs to a place I do not know about. Just now I heard a music tune copied from the Great Harmonic. Not my tune. Others tune though. When the tune plays and all notes are the same, Minosaurs change into Krystils. Six Krystils can allow a door in time. Not a big door. Just a small door for Minosaur or small people. Like you people. When we get thirteen Minosaurs, we use the Great Harmonic to create a big door in time. I heard on the wind some notes. But not all the right notes and not my notes. Leesawold had things…..“ Greanwold concentrated and finished speaking. “………….. on her ears. Very strange.”

 He slumped onto the bed.

 Cody looked at his friends and brother and sister. “Look guys. We gotta help out this little fella. We can’t sit around and do nothing. Keegan, your best buddy is Mr. Shama. I bet if we told him this story and introduced him to Greanwold then he could come up with an idea. What do you think guys?”

 All the kids agreed. They clustered around Greanwold, patting him and smiling.