Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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As Reywal bent over the five Krystils lying at the base of the tree, Leesawold fell in a faint from the tree branch and bounced off his head. Reywal crumpled to the ground. A terrified Datslob gave a shriek and ran off through the trees. His voice faded into the distance.

 “Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh. Baaaaaatttsss. We’re being attacked by vampire baaaaaaats …………….”

 As Datslob disappeared into the forest, there was a blurring around the base of the large tree and Mr. Shama materialized. He glanced down and smiled at the still form of Reywal.

 “Ah, you’ll be OK when you wake up Mr. De Koorc. Probably a headache and a bump on your head but other than that …………..”

 With a concerned look on his face he picked Leesawold up in his arms. “Ah my little darling. You seem to be alright.”

 Mr. Shama tucked her into a large backpack slung over his shoulder. He picked up the carry case abandoned by the fleeing Datslob, gently picked up each Krystil and placed them into the case. With one last look around, he strode off through the trees in the opposite direction to Datslob.

In the park parking lot, a police car pulled up along side the Reywalmobile and Officer Mackintosh got out of the car. He pulled out a book of tickets, wrote out a ticket and placed it under the windshield wiper. With a sigh, he got in his car and drove out of the park leaving Reywal’s car parked in the handicapped parking spot with the parking ticket fluttering under the windshield wiper.