Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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On The Trail



The five kids rode their bikes away from the Clarke’s house and in the general direction of Mr. Shama’s store. Atlas trotted along side. Greanwold sat on the crossbar of Keegan’s bike.

 Jackie looked over at Keegan. “Keegan, mom is going to be mad at you. You’re supposed to stay in bed for a couple of days.”

 “Yeah sure Jackie. What am I going to do? Stay at home while you guys have all the fun? Who was it that found Greanwold in the first place? Me right?” Lisa called out. “All right kids. Stop the arguing. We are all in this together so lets stop acting like children!”

 Parker turned and looked at Lisa. “Uh, excuse me Lisa person. We arechildren. The important agenda people friends, are that we get our little green brother back in touch with his family unit. Is that right little greeny guy?”

 Greanwold mimicked Parkers style of speech. “Undoubtedly a factual statement Parker man old chap.”

 Parker looked delighted. “Oh such cool talk little green dude.”

 In the distance, the lights were on upstairs in Mr. Shama’s store. Jackie called out to the others in a loud whisper. “Hey you guys. Be quiet. There are lights on in Mr. Shama’s place upstairs. We can ring his emergency buzzer at the side door.”

 The kids rode up to the general store and leaned their bikes against the side of the building. Greanwold hovered up in the air from Keegan’s bike and was at the kids shoulders as they crowded over to the side door.

 Lisa said in a hushed voice. “What are we going to say to Mr. Shama?” “Well, isn’t he the one who told Keegan where to find treasure? From what Keegan said, he took the map and put the X in the place where he found the original stone, right?”

 Keegan looked at Lisa. “Yeah. OK, well lets buzz him and see what we can do. Are we going to introduce Greanwold to him?”

 Cody said. “Well, I got an idea. Why doesn’t Greanwold change into something and then we can just say we needed to talk to him about the cave that Keegan discovered.”

 “That’s a good idea.” Lisa responded. “What can Greanwold change into that wont look strange?”

 Parker shrugged. “How about a backpack?”

 Keegan looked at Greanwold. “Yeah, yeah. Greanwold. A backpack, like the one you changed into before. Can you do that?”

 Greanwold swelled his chest out proudly “I can change into anything make sense. Backpack? As you say, a cake of piece of.”

 A shimmer appeared around Greanwold and he instantly morphed into a bright green backpack. The kids gaped in admiration. Keegan reached down and picked up the backpack and settled it over his shoulders. Briefly, two bright blue eyes looked out at him from the main flap.

 Jackie whispered. “OK guys, ring the bell.”

 A couple of minutes later, the door opened and Mr. Shama peered at them over his glasses. “Well, well, what do we have here? A posse? What are you children doing here at this time of night? My goodness Keegan. Should you be up and about after your experience yesterday?”

 Keegan sighed. “Hi Mr. Shama. No, I’m okay. It’s only eight o’clock.” glancing at his watch. “Say, if it’s not too much trouble can we come up and see you? We want to talk to you about something.”

 “Why sure young people. You are welcome at my place any time.” Mr. Shama stood aside and welcomed the children in. As the last one passed the doorway, he poked his head out and looked around. Satisfied, he closed the door and locked it behind him.