Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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A Frightening Lesson



Reywal and Datslob cautiously approached the cave entrance from the beach. Reywal had the Minosaur Detector slung over a shoulder and Datslob was laden down with the Transmodulater. Datslob lead the way, pushed and prodded by Reywal, a bright spotlight shining from his chest. He protested somewhat but Reywal was ignoring his complaints.

 “After your performance in the forest tonight you are very lucky that I’m not melting you down for hubcaps you horrible little mechanical jukebox.” said Reywal.

 “Yeah, well it wasn’t my fault. I thought they were vampire bats and you know how I feel about vampire bats.”

 Reywal mimicked Datslob. “ Yeah well it wasn’t my fault. I thought they were vampire bats and you know how I feel about vampire bats. Criminy jam!! How many times do I have to tell you there are no vampire bats around here? Now be quiet. We have to go have a nice conversation with Mr. Moa Constructor.” The two of them entered the cave and made their way gingerly towards the Moa Constructors dwelling place. Datslob’s flashlight created weird shadows on the cave walls and both Reywal and Datslob had worried looks on their faces. Further on down the cave, a glow appeared from around the corner. There was a rumbling noise and the ground shook slightly. Reywal turned to Datslob and waved a finger under his nose.

 “If you mention one more word about vampire bats Datslob, when we get back home I will take you apart and make a barbeque out of you. Do you understand?”

 Datslob nodded his head.

 “Excellent bit of understanding. Then lets get on with business shall we?” Pushing Datslob ahead, Reywal clambered over the stones and small boulders until they arrived at the spot where they had met the Moa Constructor. They both shrugged off their equipment and placed it on the ground. Reywal took up a position and cleared his throat.

 “Ahem. Excuse me Mr. Moa Constructor sir.”

 The ground rumbled and the glow from the cave wall increased. Suddenly, Moa Constructors voice rumbled out.

 “Ah, it is the dishonorable Reywal if I’m not mistaken. You have come back to grovel at my feet and to wheedle more information from me so you can attempt to cheat me again?”

 Reywal cleared his throat again, nervously. “Ahem excuse me. Cheat you did you say? I, Reywal am an honorable man. Am I not Datslob? Tell him how honorable I am.”

 Moa Constructors voice raised from a rumble to a terrifying pitch. “Silence you miserable creature. I have followed your path from the time we first met. I followed you as you made the crystal detector and the Transmodulater from the information I provided to you and you failed my simple test. You double-crossed me and now you will be punished as only I, Moa Constructor can punish.”

 Moa Constructors voice rose to a crescendo from the fissure, the cave shook, and a burst of fire erupted from the fissure in the wall where Moa Constructors voice emanated. Reywal and Datslob backed away to the far wall of the cave. Both had a concerned look on their faces. There was a huge flash of brilliant light and a shining globe of white erupted from the Moa Constructors location. It hovered in front of Reywal and Datslob. They cringed back against the wall as the ball hovered in front of them. A loud humming noise began and got louder and louder as the ball expanded and then exploded into a million bits of sticky goop that spattered all over Reywal and Datslob. Hanging where the ball was hovering was a large poster with the words BOO! in large letters. There was loud laughter from the direction of the Moa Constructor.

 “You miserable creatures. That is the power of Moa Constructor. Next time I will not be so kind. Now listen to me. This is what we must do to secure the Krystils and gain power over all that exists.”

 Reywal, with a look of distaste on his face, opened up the front of Datslob’s midriff and took out a towel that he used to clean himself down with.