Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Fandangled Machines



Reywal crouched over the Minosaur Detector and the Transmodulater. Beside him, Datslob handed and took back various tools from his utility chest. Moa Constructor was giving instructions. “Now, have you connected the amplifier to the expansion chamber as I instructed? These adjustments are necessary if we wish to ensnare the Minosaurs and get them back here to the cave.” Reywal replied impatiently. “Yes, yes. Now what is next? Criminy buckets, I have never seen such a fandangled set up in my life. Are you sure this will work? I mean to say, what in planetary orbit does a dragon know about electronics for gosh sakes?”

 Moa Constructor roared. “Be quiet you cretinous, mutinous dog. Of course this will work!”

 Then in a more conversational tone. “Speaking of electronics; who do you think invented the internet?”

 Reywal narrowed his eyes suspiciously “I thought that was Al Gore.” Moa Constructor gave an evil giggle “Yes, yes, but Igave him the idea. Now have you finished? Time is of the essence. I do not want to be kept in this blasted time warp forever. I’ve already missed a million episodes of the Gilligans Island.”

 Reywal glanced up. “Gilligans Isl…….. Oh, never mind.”

 He leaned over the complicated machine and made a couple of adjustments then stood up.

 “Yes, well, I just have to insert the batteries and it’s ready to go.” Reywal looked in the direction of the Moa Constructors voice and arched an eyebrow. “Well, I thinkit’s ready to go.”

 “Alright then.” replied the Moa Constructor. “When you throw the red switch, immediately throw the yellow switch. That will begin the Great Harmonic sequencer. Wherever the Minosaurs are, they will have to respond. Even if in Krystil form, they will revert to their Minosaur form and will then be forced back here to the source of the Harmonics where they will fly through the sound beam and immediately transform into Krystils. We will then permanently seal them in that state. And from that point on I……………..” he cleared his throat. “Ahem, sorry - we - will control all the riches on earth. Now prepare yourselves. Once we activate the switch then certain strange things will happen. It’s best if you close you eyes and block your ears and hold your nose. Within 60 seconds, we will hold the power of all the earth in our hands.” Reywal closed Datslob’s utility chest and then crouched down by the machine and flicked the yellow switch and then the red switch. Immediately he flicked the red switch there was the same clap of thunder heard at Mr. Shama’s store. The ground shook and dust floated down from the roof of the cave. Both Reywal and Datslob closed their eyes tightly shut and placed their hands over their ears. The intense humming leveled off and then slowly decreased, sounding like a radio with the batteries going flat. It finally faded out into silence. Both Reywal and Datslob opened their eyes and took their hands from their ears. They looked around. The silence was deafening. There was no sign of any Minosaurs or Krystils. There is an ominous rumbling and the voice of Moa Constructor reverberated through the cave.

“ What………….” He paused. “………has gone wrong?”

 Reywal looked at Datslob and then looked at the machine. He walked over and opened the lid where the batteries were installed. He pulled out a battery and then walked over to a large toolbox sitting on the floor of the cave. He opened the lid and immediately saw a box with the words “Premium Batteries” printed on the lid. Reywal picked up a battery and examined it carefully. Printed on the cover were the words “Discount Battery”.

 Reywal wheeled around and glared balefully at Datslob.

 “ Aaaarrrrrgggghhhh! Criminy buckets. I don’t believe it. Th…… th… this worthless robot of mine has installed discount batteries!”

 Moa Constructor roared. “What? Whatdid you say?”

 Reywal turned furiously on Datslob. He pulled off the robots toque and whapped him across the head, swatting him as he retreated to the cave wall.

 “You worthless little pile of junk. What is the meaning of this. I, Reywal, the greatest criminal mind in the universe ……………………………………….” There was a loud roar and Moa Constructor interrupted. “What????? Iam the greatest criminal mind in the universe. Youare only second!!!”

 Reywal glanced balefully in the direction of Moa Constructor. “Yes, yes. Exactly. Slight slip of the tongue. I indeed in fact mean that I, Reywal, the secondmost greatest criminal mind in the universe having to put up with a cretinous robot like you. Criminy sakes! What did you do with the Premium Batteries?” “I…I…I used them in my Discman.” Datslob stammered. “It works better with the Premium Batteries.”

 Reywal rolled his eyes. “Great gadzooks! An opportunity for untold riches lost because of your Discman. Oh dear.”

 “Well, if you gave me more allowance I could have bought my own Premium Batteries.” retorted Datslob.

 “Be quiet. Both of you.” the Moa Constructor bellowed. “Just before the Transmodulater died, I was able to detect the six Minosaurs including that key Minosaur named Greanwold were in the home of that troublesome Shama, accompanied by some horrible children. The good news is that the Minosaurs are not in the possession of anyone right now. The bad news is that we must find the Minosaurs before those bratty children and Shama find them.” “All right now listen to me!” the Moa Constructor ordered in a conspiratorial tone. “Come closer. This what we are going to do and this time Mr. Reywal De Koorc you will follow my plans exactly and not leave them in the hands of an illiterate robot. Now here is what we do …………….”