Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Secrets Revealed



The five kids sat nervously on Mr. Shama’s well-used couch. The room was very old fashioned with Tiffany lamps and well worn carpets on the floor. Keegan completed telling Mr. Shama about his adventure in the cave and how a big wave came in and he had almost drowned. At this point he had not mentioned anything about Greanwold, the Minosaurs or Moa Constructor.

 “….so…………………………… and then I found myself lying on the cliff way above the beach.”

 Mr. Shama eyed Keegan intently and occasionally glanced over at the other kids who were innocently focusing their gaze on Keegan and the backpack that now rested on the floor on the couch next to Keegan. Atlas lay at Keegan’s feet keeping a sharp eye on the backpack. Keegan finished off his story.

“ …. and so that’s what happened.”

 Mr. Shama had a quizzical look on his face. “And do you have any idea how you ended up on the cliff above the beach Keegan?”

 Keegan looked at the other kids who studiously avoided his look. Keegan looked imploringly at Jackie.

 Jackie hesitated “Weeeeeeellllll Mr. Shama. There’s a bit more to it but it’s really weird.”

 Jackie looked at Keegan with a question on her face and shrugged her shoulders. Keegan looked at Jackie and sighed.

 “You see Mr. Shama. When you said I would find treasure well I sure did. But not the kind of treasure that Iexpected.”

 At that moment, there is a huge clap of thunder followed by a medley of strange musical sounds, the same sounds heard back in the cave, and then the house shook. A look of alarm flashed onto Mr. Shama’s face. He held up a hand to the children. “Stop. Listen…………”

 He rose quickly from his chair and walked over to the door leading to the room where Leesawold lay sleeping. At that moment, the window in the room where they were seated exploded outwards and the lights went out.

Seconds later, Leesawold and the five other Minosaurs swept into the room. Greanwold immediately morphed from the backpack. The group of Minosaurs circled the room briefly and then flew out through the window at high speed into the night. The five children leapt up and ran to the open window and peered after the departing Minosaurs. They turned simultaneously and looked at Mr. Shama as he stood by the door, a grim look on his face. Atlas stood at the broken window and whined.