Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Big Bill’s Pizzeria was closed and in darkness. There were seven Minosaur faces pressed against the window looking in at the darkened restaurant kitchen. In the center of the kitchen sat a broiler with a large vent suspended over it. The vent was attached to a metal chimney that disappeared up through the ceiling. Suddenly, seven sooty Minosaurs flew out of the chimney and looped the loop through the kitchen in the dim light shining from a streetlight outside. Greanwold did a back flip and landed on the setup table in the middle of the kitchen The other Minosaurs one by one flew down and landed on the same table. The restaurant had been closed for a few hours but there was still the tantalizing smell of food hanging in the air. The Minosaurs sniffed the air appreciatively. Greanwold looked around the kitchen.

 “This place smells like pizza.”

 “What is pizza Greanwold?” asked Texewold. “Something sure smell good.” Greanwold rubbed his stomach. “Very good food. Better than anything we ate in Nogardland.”

 Leesawold had been looking at Greanwold with very adoring eyes and she sidled over to him and put her arm around him.

 “Greanwold. I miss you so much. I very afraid when we look back and you gone from us. Where did you going to?”

 Greanwold sighed. “It’s a long story Leesawold and it is very nice to see you too.”

 He leaned over and gave Leesawold a peck on the cheek. The other Minosaurs gave a cheer and both Greanwold and Leesawold blushed.

 “Now, we have to plan.” said Greanwold. “There are many things that are very confusing. We have to think and we have to plan but first, who would like to eat?”

The other Minosaurs stood and cheered again.

 “Ok, but clean up first. All of us are dirty from the chimney.” ordered Greanwold. He pulled down a roll of papers towels and handed them around. Soon, all the Minosaurs were back to their original colors though slightly discolored here and there.

 “OK, OK.” Greanwold said. “There is stuff here that smells like pizza and pizza is good. Trust me. Ok Lets look.”

 The Minosaurs leapt up and began opening cupboards and investigating pots and pans and a large pantry. Greanwold found a big cookbook and leafed through until he found a picture of a pizza being made. He let out a big whoop. “Ok, I found a picture of pizza being made. Get over here and look at what we need.”

 He gathered the other Minosaurs around and pointed at the pictures. “These are various implements needed to make a pizza OK. We need this Leesawold and Qoorkeelawold – this Texewold – this P-eyewold, this Ozwold and Lyewold. OK. We get all that and we make pizza.

 The Minosaurs flew around the kitchen and collected all the materials.