Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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The End Begins



Reywal with his coat off and sleeves rolled up worked on the Transmodulater. Datslob was tied firmly to a chair with his toque pulled down over his eyes. Reywal whistled through his teeth as he soldered various wires to the device. Several minutes later he pulled off his welding goggles and stood back to admire his handiwork. Satisfied with what he had accomplished, he walked over to a large cabinet against the wall, opened the door and struggled to lift out a gigantic roll of electrical cord. He could not pick it up by himself and he grunted with frustration. Finally, he gave up and walked over to Datslob. He pulled out a knife and cuts the cords holding the robot to the chair. He removed the gag around the robots mouth and pulled the toque up from his eyes.

 “Alright you little metallic tool box. I require your assistance. Now, please do not do anything other than what I tell you or I will be forced to short circuit your fuse box. Is that clear and understood or do I fry your fuses?”

 Datslob showed he was chastised. “Yes sir boss. I will do whatever is required for your esteemed self.”

 Reywal peered at Datslob suspiciously. “I do not like the tone of voice little robot so just be careful, OK? Now help me lift this cable holder over to the car. And then pick up the Minosaur Detector, the new and improved Transmodulater I might add.”

 Reywal placed a hand on the device proudly.

 “Yes. Indeedy do. That Moa Constructor thinks he is so smart. Can you imagine the nerve of him thinking he is the greatest criminal mind in the world. Well, I will have news for him the Mr. Smarty pants. Yes, by criminy gumboots, I will have some news for him. Yes siree. I have made some modifications to the Transmodulater that will fix Mr. Constructor’s wagon. Yes sir indeed. He will be in for a surprise.”

 He turned to Datslob. “Now, if you do not sabotage my efforts with your sabotaging ways little Datslob, I …… I mean, wewill be rich beyond our wildest imagination. Now help me load this stuff into the Reywalmobile.”

 Reywal and Datslob picked up the large cable holder together and with much heaving and grunting maneuvered it into the trunk of the Reywalmobile. They then did the same thing with the device.

 Reywal turned to Datslob. “Now, a very important assignment for you Datslob. You are to stay here and guard my building. I have a feeling that dreadful Mr. Shama may come looking for those horrible little Minosaur things in which case you have my permission to pour boiling oil on him. Guard my place with your life, such as it is.”

 He sniggered and patted Datslob on the head. “Now as soon as I have exited the gate I want you to make sure the electric fence is on and then let the Doberman’s loose. I would like our visitors to have a special welcome tonight. Have you got that?”

 With a smirk on his face Reywal climbed into the Reywalmobile, slammed the door, started the engine and with a wave of his hand, drove off into the night. The taillights disappeared into the distance as Datslob stood scratching his head. He then gave a shrug and walked over to the big gates to the castle and closed them. He then entered a small gate house and looked at a big electrical switch on the wall. Closing the door behind him, he walked over to a compound that had a large sign above the gate. BEWARE DOBERMAN GUARD DOGS.