Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Mr. Shama’s Plan



Mr. Shama knocked and entered the room. The kids stood around and looked pensive.

 “Well, young people. What is your decision? Are you willing to trust me? The kids looked at each other and nodded approval.

 Mr. Shama smiled. “Well, what this calls for now is a trip over to our friend Mr. Reywal’s place. I believe that he has the means in his hands now to capture our Minosaur friends.”

 Keegan looked at the others with a worried look on his face.

 “What about my mom and dad you guys? I’m not even supposed to be out at this time and aren’t you guys supposed to be home by 10:00pm.” Jackie looked at Cody.

 “Keegan’s right. If we don’t have Keegan home, we’ll be in trouble and if we aren’t home by 10:00pm, then we’ll be in bigger trouble.

 ”Jackie looked at her watch. “Its ten to eight so we have two hours.” She looked at the others questionably.

 Mr. Shama nodded again. “Here’s what we’ll do. I’ll phone your parents and tell them you are over at my place and I’ll see to it that you all get home safely and on time. Deal?”

 “Well, that’s OK with me.” Lisa said. “ How you about you guys?” With the exception of Parker, the others nodded.

 Mr. Shama picked up the phone with a questioning look on his face. Parker looked a little worried but then he nodded. Mr. Shama spent a few minutes on the phone, nodded a couple of times and then hung up.

 Mr. Shama shepherded the kids before him. “OK, that’s settled my children. Let’s go. My van is down at the back door.”

 The kids trooped downstairs and out the backdoor of the store. Mr. Shama locked the door behind them. Parked at the back of the store was the battered old panel van with the words “Shama General Store” stenciled on the outside. Mr. Shama opened the back door and the kids piled in. Parker ducked under his arm and scrambled into the passenger seat before Cody. “Shotgun!!” shouted Parker triumphantly.

 “You bum.” Snorted Cody settling down in a back seat.

 Mr. Shama started the van. “Seatbelts on everyone.” he said as he backed up, spun the wheel and then headed out onto the road. The van drove down the main street with a couple of backfires and then turned off the main street and onto the main highway leading out of town and towards Reywal’s place. The full moon shone overhead as the van’s the taillights disappeared around a bend. A pair of headlights came the other way and Mr. Shama nodded to himself as he noticed the outline of the Reywalmobile pass by on the way towards Ocean Park. There was silence in the van as they got closer to Reywal’s big black spooky imitation castle. Keegan tapped Mr. Shama on the shoulder.

 “Mr. Shama, what are we going to do when we get here? Are we going to confront Mr. Reywal?”

 Mr. Shama glanced at Keegan in his rear view mirror. “Keegan, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. The main thing we have to do is locate the Minosaurs and keep them out of the hands of Moa Constructor.”

 Keegan grimaced, as he looked at the others “Oh.”