Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Pizzeria Battle



On the road leading to Big Bill’s Pizzeria, Reywal’s car drove slowly along. On the dashboard was a digital receiver. It began to emit a quiet “beep beep beep” followed by another “beep, beep, beep.” The car came to a halt. Reywal leapt out of the car and ran to the trunk and flung the trunk lid open. He pulled out the large video camera shaped object with the parabolic antenna on top, lifted it to his shoulder, made a couple of adjustments on two dials and slowly swung it back and forth. As he brought it into a certain position, the beeping grew louder. Reywal lowered the machine and from a pocket of his coat he took out a pair of night vision binoculars. Reywal held the glasses to his eyes and focused on the unlit sign of Bill’s Pizzeria. He nodded his head and smiled with satisfaction then got in his car and drove off down the hill and parked at the far end of the pizzeria parking lot. Reywal opened the trunk and unloaded some equipment along with a large roll of extension cord that he carried with great difficulty, huffing and puffing and muttering under his breath.

 “Criminy buckets. I wish I had bought that little metal smarty pants robot with me. The greatest criminal mind in the whole world should not be doing this kind of work. Ooooooooof! Huh! Not at my age.”

 Reywal set up the equipment on the tripod and pointed it in the direction of the restaurant. He alternatively worked and rubbed his hands, an evil smirk on his face.

 “Now my little creatures.” He said under his breath. “In a few minutes you will all be mine and then I can rule the world. He he he.”

 He took the plug end of the extension cord from its holder and tip toed over to the edge of the building where he plugged it into an open wall socket. He then tip-toed back to the machine and flipped a switch. An ominous hum came from the machine. Reywal stood behind it and pointed it in the direction of the pizzeria.

At a table inside the pizzeria, the Minosaurs sat around with a look of bliss on their faces and looking very drowsy after overdosing on pizza. In the kitchen were pots and pans, dirty dishes food slops and bits of food and stuff all over the counters. Each Minosaur has obviously pigged out on pizza. Texewold the Minosaur, emitted a loud “burp.” Greanwold and Leesawold sat on the edge of the table the Minosaurs sat around. They held hands and looking into each other eyes. “Leesawold. I missed you very much for these past 500 million years. You have not changed a bit.”

 “I missed you too Greanwold.” said Leesawold as she leaned against Greanwold’s shoulder. “I was so worried when you got left behind with that human person. What is it that happened back then?”

 “I rescued this human named Keegan. He is funny. He can’t fly or be colored. Little boring actually but he is OK.”

 Suddenly Greanwold froze, his head cocked to one side. He glanced at the other five Minosaurs sound asleep around the table. Shaking his head sorrowfully, he grabbed Leesawold’s hand and jumped off the counter to the floor. “Quickly Leesawold! Danger.”

 As fast as the eye could see, Greanwold and Leesawold flew to the big walk-in freezer at the back of the kitchen. As the door slammed, there was the loud swelling of a melodic musical sound and the five Minosaurs asleep at the table transformed into Krystils quickly in the blink of an eye. A few minutes later, the handle of the back door slowly turned and as the door opened Reywal’s head peeked around the opening. Glancing carefully left and right, he pushed open the door and then quickly strode over to the table and peered at the five Krystils. The look of triumph that flickered briefly on his face turned to a frown as he carefully counted the Krystils.

 “Hhhhmmmmm. Let me see here. One – two – three – four - five. Hhhhmmm. Criminy blast. There should be seven.”

 Reywal looked around the room and then under the table. He crawled under the table and as he stood up, he banged his head on the edge.

 “Dangatity blast!!” Reywal exclaimed as he rubbed his head. “ Oohhhh, my head.”

 He looked at the Krystils on the table and counted again, loudly. “ONE - TWO – THREE – FOUR - FIVE!!!! WHERE DID THE OTHER ONE’S GO!!!!!!!!!!!” Reywal removed his hat and rubbed the bump on his head. He looked around the room with a puzzled look on his face, then walked over to the cupboards on the wall and flung them open. He looked in the oven. He stood in the middle of the room and gazed around, thinking, and then noticed the walk-in freezer. He walked over and flung open the door. Light from the kitchen flooded the freezer. He looked slowly around inside the freezer room, a puzzled look on his face. Inside the freezer were bags of crushed ice, piled against the wall as well as various bags of pasta, packets of seafood and other frozen goods. Reywal failed to notice a bag of ice slowly open one bright blue eye, that quickly closed again. Had Reywal glanced up he would have seen Leesawold shivering in the cold, hanging onto an overhead pipe. Her eyes were closed and it was obvious her hands were slipping. Then, unable to hold on any longer, she closed her eyes and dropped, landing on Reywal’s head. Reywal flew across the freezer, his hat flying off. Leesawold was now lying dazed from the cold on the floor. Greanwold exploded from the bag of ice. He zoomed over and grabbed Leesawold by the arm. As he attempted to rise, Reywal rolled over and grabbed Leesawold by the foot. Greanwold’s wings became a blur as he strained against the hold Reywal had on Leesawold. Greanwold turned his head and glared at Reywal with his teeth gritted. “LET ……HER……GO!!!!”

 Reywal’s teeth gritted.

“NO………… I ………WONT …….YOU…… LITTLE … GREEN……. BUNDLE… .OF ………..BONES”

 Unexpectedly, Greanwold’s outline began to sparkle and he morphed into a large eagle. Reywal caught by surprise, released Leesawold’s foot. He flew backwards banging his head on a shelf. Greanwold flew out of the freezer with Leesawold in his grasp and immediately morphed back into his shape and made for the window. He opened the window and flew through with Leesawold dangling from his grasp. Reywal had quickly recovered and rushed over to the window in an attempt to grab them both. The window abruptly slammed down on his head as Greanwold and Leesawold flew off into the darkness.

Hovering in the night sky, Greanwold and Leesawold held hands. Greanwold looked at Reywal’s car down below. He nudged Leesawold and pointed down to the car.

 “That is the bad guy’s car Leesawold. Do you wanta know what is in the back of his car?”

 “Bad guy car? What is a car?”

 “The human things are not very smart. They cannot fly so they have things that move them around. That thing is called a car. That Reywal man has that bad machine in the back of his car. The machine turns our friends to Krystils.” Leesawold grabbed Greanwold’s sleeve. What about Texewold, P-eyewold, Ozwold and Qoorkeelawold? They with bad guy.”

 Greanwold gave a grim smile. “Not to worry. They are OK for time being. Now, I have an idea!”

 Greanwold leaned over and whispered in Leesawold’s ear. A smile appeared on her face. Both Minosaurs peeled off and flew down to Reywal’s car. They alighted on the ground at the rear of the car. Reywal’s machine was still sitting on it’s tripod. Greanwold opened a lid on the side of the machine. Inside were two large batteries. On the inside of the lid revealed a sign that said “Do not under any circumstances reverse batteries.” Greanwold fumbled around in the trunk and then closed the lid. He and Leesawold flew off into the night.

Reywal picked himself up off the floor, rubbing his head. He muttered to himself and looked angrily out the window, into the sky and shook his fist. He picked up the bag he bought into the restaurant with him and placed the five Krystils into the bag. He left by the back door and walked over to the Reywalmobile. Placing the bag in the trunk, he took down the machine on the tripod, stowed them in the trunk with the bag and then drove off in the direction of the cave and Moa Constructor.

In the meantime, the Moa Constructor was having a fit. There was a rumbling and a snorting and a brighter glow from the caves interior. The voice of the Moa Constructor was obviously very angry

 “Where is that miserableReywal. I knew I should have not have trusted him. I am just going to have to teach him a lesson he will neverforget. If he is using the Detector then I will know in an instant from the vibration waves. And if he is trying to cheat me then ………….. I will hold my breath until I turn blue. And …… I will stamp my feet and ……………………… I will yell!”

 There was a tremendous roar and the cave trembled and vibrated.