Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Who Is Who?



The outline of Reywal’s strange castle-like building rose up against the night sky. There was just one light on in the building. It was very dark and for an instant the moon slipped behind a cloud providing a very spooky scene. Mr. Shama switched off the engine of the van and they coasted down the slight slope towards the house and at the last minute, Mr. Shama switched off the van lights. He glided to a stop and parked outside Reywal’s castle main gate. Mr. Shama and the kids clambered out of the van and stood outside the castle gates. The kids stared at a big sign that said - DANGER. ELECTRIC FENCE. MORE DANGER DOBERMAN GUARD DOGS SO WATCH OUT.

 Lisa looked at Mr. Shama. “What do we do now Mr. Shama?

 Mr. Shama held his fingers to his lips and closed his eyes briefly. There was a light musical sound and with a click, the gates opened. As the gates swung open, six large Doberman guard dogs came rushing at them. Parker yelled out “Oh man, now were in trouble.”

 At the same time, there was the quiet musical sound that accompanied the gate opening and the Dobermans stopped in mid run and them calmly stopped turned around and trotted off back to their kennels.

 The kids looked up at Mr. Shama in awe.

 Keegan said. “Wow, how did you do that?”

 Mr. Shama smiled and answered. “Just one on my many secrets Keegan.” Looking around he murmured half to himself. “Now where is that Datslob?” The kids looked at each other with puzzled looks. Mr. Shama brought out a small flashlight and led the way to small door on the side of the gothic house that stood tall and spooky on the old play-land castle grounds. He opened the door and gestured the children inside.

 “Ok kids, I want you to wait here for a minute. I am going to have a quick look around. If Reywal has the Minosaurs then they will be here in this building somewhere. Now Cody, take the flashlight. I’ve been in this building before and can find my way around. I’ll just be a couple of minutes so wait for me here.”

 Mr. Shama handed the flashlight to Cody and quietly slipped through the other door. There was a faint click as it closed.

 The connecting hallway was dimly lit with moonlight coming through a couple of windows high in the wall showing the faint outline of Mr. Shama as he made his way along and then up a flight of stairs. Light was emerging from under a door at the end of the landing. There was the faint sound of music. Mr. Shama walked soundlessly to the door and grasped the handle and entered the room apparently unseen by Datslob who was watching a big screen TV. “Hello Datslob.” There was no response. “Hello Datslob.” said Mr. Shama a bit louder.

 “Oh hi Mr. Shama dude.” said Datslob without turning his head. “I wondered when you would get here.”

 Mr. Shama walked over to the couch and put his hand on Datslob’s shoulder. “You’re a good robot Datslob. Very, very good. Except you were supposed to be at the gate with the dogs. The children got quite a fright I must say.” Datslob looked up at Mr. Shama. “Sorry Mr. Shama. But, you know how to handle dogs. I guess those kid dudes are here?”

 “Yes, they’re in the front room. The doors are locked and here is what I want you to do.”

 Mr. Shama leaned over and whispered in Datslob’s ear. Datslob nodded and smiled. Datslob got out of his chair and walked over to a cabinet set against the wall. He brought out a carry bag that he handed to Mr. Shama. Mr. Shama opened the bag and from it he took a cloak and a tall pointed hat, both covered in strange symbols. He placed the cloak around his shoulders and placed the hat on his head. He removed a saucer from the bag and a small container, the contents of which he sprinkled onto the saucer. He then took a lighter from his pocket. After a couple of flicks, the lighter flame appeared and he touched it to the contents of the saucer. There was a slight explosion and a dense cloud of smoke. The smoke enveloped Mr. Shama and when it cleared, he had vanished.

Half way along Keegan’s cave a slight glow appear out of the air that gradually grew into the shimmering outline of a person who materialized into the figure of Mr. Shama. From within the cloak, he brought out a small case. He opened the case and took out what appeared to be a pair of unusual looking binoculars. Mr. Shama placed the glasses to his eyes and panned the cave ahead. The cave walls shimmered and then seemed to turn transparent. A glow appeared in the middle of the scene and suddenly there was a vague outline of a large, scaly claw. The glasses focused onto the claw and gradually lowered to the Great Harmonic. The large clawed outline rested on the disk. The glasses then zoomed in on the rock to reveal six Krystils resting in six of the twelve recesses. Mr. Shama let out a breath and muttered quietly to himself. “The Great Harmonic!!!!! Finally.”