Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Back At The Cave



Reywal’s car entered the parking lot at Ocean park beach and stopped in a far corner of the car park. Reywal got out of the car and walked around to the back. He opened the trunk and took out the bag containing the five Krystils. He then removed the machine. With some grunting and effort he slung it over his shoulder, picked up the box and with a large flashlight, set off in the direction of the cliffs and the cave. Up in the sky was the faint outline of Greanwold and Leesawold.

Officer Mackintosh’s police car was parked at the top of Old Tom’s hill. He enjoyed the warm summer evenings immensely and was taking a few extra minutes before he went off duty and went home. As he turned to get into his patrol car, he noticed Mr. Shama’s van driving erratically on the Ocean Park highway far below. Officer Mackintosh turned and got into his car. “Now what the jeepers is Mr. Shama doing out here at this time of night driving like that?” he muttered to himself as he put the police car in gear. At that moment, his radio crackled into life.

Mr . Shama’s van wheeled into the parking lot and came to an abrupt stop. The doors opened and the five kids and Atlas the dog spilled out. Jackie placed a leash on Atlas and he strained against her hold.

 Keegan whispered looking around nervously. “Ok, what do we do now?” “That’s a good question Keegan.” replied Cody in a whisper. “This is yourturf man. You tell us.”

 “Why are we whispering?” Jackie asked in a whisper.

 “WHY ARE YOU WHISPERING?” said Lisa in a loud voice.

 Keegan shushed them. “Ssssshhhh. We’re whispering because this place is spooky since I found Greanwold. I think Mr. Shama wants to find this Great Harmonic. When I was in the cave, there was this…….”

 Suddenly, the ground shook. The kids jumped in alarm. Atlas whined and pulled on his leash. Parker looked around and then squinted against the dark. “Oh boy. What’s happening here?”

 Lisa pointed at the sky. “ Look!”

 The full moon, surrounded by a multi-colored halo, had a cloud sliding across its face. Lisa took her ever-present laptop from its bag and was tapping on the keys with a frown on her face.

 Jackie looked over at Lisa. “What’s wrong Lisa?”

 Lisa tapped on a few more keys, squinted at the screen and then looked up. “Do you guys know that today is a full moon, a full tide, the sun and moon are aligned and today is the summer solstice? I tie that into my Farmers Almanac and I get bad news. There may be a shift in the earth’s magnetic field and if that’s the case then he wont need thirteen Krystils to escape. He’ll only need ten. We must warn Mr. Shama. He must be here and won’t know this!” The children ran for the cave with Atlas pulling on his leash.