Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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Strange Rocks



Reywal made his way along the cave. Without Datslob, he had to carry a  flashlight and he tripped and stumbled and cursed his way along. “Dangaty blast. There never is a robot around when you need one.”

Behind Reywal, Greanwold and Leesawold hovered in the cave. They had entered unseen by Reywal and were ahead of the kids. They stopped and listened with heads cocked to one side. Greanwold nudged Leesawold. “Leesawold, there is someone behind us. That bad man Reywal is in front and someone is behind. What to do. What to do.”

 Greanwold thought for a minute. “Leesawold, I know. I will change to a big rock and you hide behind me. OK?”

 Leesawold gave a reluctant nod and Greanwold shimmered and morphed into a large rock. Leesawold crouched down behind the rock making herself as small as possible.

Meanwhile, the kids were picking their way through the rocks and debris with the aid of a small flashlight. As they drew level with the Greanwold /rock, Atlas froze. Then, his tail started wagging and he ran to the rock and began licking it. Jackie, holding on to Atlas’s leash tried to pull him away. Atlas refused to be pulled away and suddenly there was the sound of giggling. The children froze and looked around. Atlas kept licking the rock. There was more giggling and it seemed to be coming from the large rock that Atlas was licking. The children looked around in confusion. Suddenly the rock began to shimmer and morphed into Greanwold who revealed Leesawold crouched behind. Keegan whooped and ran over and hugged Greanwold.

 “Greanwold, Greanwold, what are you doing here? And who is this? Is this Leesawold?”

 Greanwold grinned a big grin. He introduced Leesawold to the kids who crowded around hugging and grinning. Atlas jumped up and down until Greanwold looked his way and mouthed something to him.

 Suddenly the cave rumbled and there was a loud roaring. The kids, Greanwold and Leesawold all looked at each other. Atlas growled. There was another rumble and this time accompanied by two loud voices in conflict. The ground shook again. Jackie looked at Greanwold.

 “Lisa says that because of the time of year, Moa Constructor only needs only ten Krystils to escape. What can we do?”

 “Reywal has got Texewold, Qoorkeelawold, P-eyewold, Lyewold and Ozwold and they are now Krystils.” Greanwold replied. “His five plus the six in the Great Harmonic……. Oh no. He only needs ten and he has eleven. We must go. Leesawold, stay with our friends.”

 Greanwold immediately flew off down the cave. Leesawold however flew after him before anyone could stop her. Atlas pulled his leash from Jackie’s hand and charged down the cave. Jackie let out an “oh no” and the children surged down the cave after Atlas.