Treasure Cave by Michael J. Trigg - HTML preview

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At the end of the cave, the ground shook. Mr. Shama had a strange glow enveloping him. Fire and smoke erupted from the fissure in the cave wall. Moa Constructor’s lone ghastly claw was protruding. Reywal was standing, gaping at Mr. Shama. In his hands were the five Krystils. He was looking from Mr. Shama to Moa Constructor.

 Mr. Shama gestured at Reywal and spoke in a trembling voice. “Reywal, don’t give the Krystils to the Moa Constructor. He is evil. He will control you and all of earth if you allow him to escape from the warp.”

 “Reywal.” said Moa Constructor in an oily voice. “Do not listen to the rambling of an old man whose power is gone. Join with me my friend Reywal and we will share the power.”

 “Do not listen to him.” warned Mr. Shama. “He is a liar. He has no intention of sharing with you Reywal. He will destroy us all. You, me, the children, everything.”

 Suddenly, Moa Constructor took a different approach and spoke out in a very polite voice.

 “Oh I say old chap. That’s not fair. I’m not calling younames.” He paused. “Now Reywal, my good friend and colleague, hand them over and don’t listen. Have I ever lied to you before?”

 Reywal stood uncertainly holding the bag with the Krystils.

 “ Howmuch money will I have Mr. Moa Constructor? I am inclined towards your offer however, I would like to see a signed agreement.”

 “Of course my dear chap.” Moa Constructor replied in the same oily voice. “Do you have a pen and paper?“

 Reywal reached inside his coat and brought out a sheet of paper and a pen. “As a matter of fact Mr. Moa Constructor, I came prepared so if you would like to sign here, here and here I would be delighted to be in business with you.”

 Reywal moved towards Moa Constructors claw with the pen and paper. “I would be happy to sign and don’t forget, I still need the other two Krystils to gain my freedom so I have to be honest, don’t I ?”

 As Reywal moved towards the large claw, Greanwold flew into the scene followed closely by Leesawold. Seconds later, Atlas and the five children rushed into the cavern.

 Mr. Shama called out urgently. “Greanwold, children. The Moa Constructor has neutralized my powers. I cannot move. You haveto stop Reywal handing over the five Krystils. Lisa is right. I know that in ONE minute, all things will come together and Moa Constructor will only need ten Krystils to escape the portal. He has the Great Harmonic in his control. You muststop him”

 There was a brief flash and the same glow surrounding Mr. Shama surrounded the children. They could not move. Then quick as an eye, the claw struck out at Reywal and knocked him to the ground. The five Krystils hit the ground and rolled towards Moa Constructor’s claw. The claw was scooping up the five Krystils when Greanwold and Leesawold, who were unaffected by the neutralizing power of Moa Constructor, zoomed down and swooped them up. A terrible crescendo of sound built. The sound grew louder and louder building towards an obvious peak. The claw swept across and knocked Greanwold and Leesawold head over heels spilling the Krystils from their grasp. The claw then grabbed the four of the five Krystils and began retreating along with a great cackling triumphant laugh. The eyes of Mr. Shama and the children were wide with fright. The crescendo built. The claw had almost disappeared back into the fissure in the wall when Atlas leapt out of nowhere and sank his jaw into the claw. There was a scream, the claw retracted dropping the Krystils and pulling Atlas through into the fissure until only his rear legs and tail protruded. Leesawold swooped down and immediately scooped the Krystils and rolled them away from Moa Constructor’s reach. Atlas had almost has disappeared with only his rear legs protruding.

 Keegan, struggling against his bonds yelled frantically.

 “Greanwold! Greanwold! Help Atlas. Quickly.”

 Greanwold struggled up from the ground looking a little groggy. He heard Keegan’s shout and picked himself up, dusted himself off and with a shrug of his shoulders he zoomed over and reached through the fissure and grabbed Atlas’s back legs. With his face straining with the effort he pulled but slowly was losing his grip. Atlas was slowly, slowly slipping away. The terrible musical sound still built. Suddenly Greanwold shimmered and morphed into a knight with brilliant white shining armor. The crescendo stopped. There was dead silence; a frozen moment in time. Then, there was a huge clap of thunder and the knight flew backwards with Atlas in his grip. Amazingly, Atlas had the Great Harmonic in his front paws. There was another huge clap of thunder and Mr. Shama and the five children were suddenly free. A deep vibration occurred and rocks begin to fall from the cave roof. Mr. Shama shouted out.

 “Children, Greanwold, Leesawold. Get out of here. Quickly. I can keep this from falling apart but only for a few minutes.”

 Reywal, who had been mesmerized by the action suddenly shouted. “No ones going anywhere. Stop all of you. I want the Great Harmonic and the Krystils.” In Reywal’s hands was the Transmodulater. His middle finger was on the switch. Mr. Shama and the children all looked aghast. However, Greanwold and Leesawold were smiling.

 Reywal sneered. “One little flip of the switch and those two………” he gestured to Greanwold and Leesawold. “…………..become Krystils so hand over the Great Harmonic now my hearties or by crickety buckets I’ll……..”

 Greanwold flew over until he was hovering directly in front of Reywal. “You’ll what bad man? What?”

 Reywal was momentarily taken aback and then he took a step back and with a look of contempt on his face sneered at Greanwold. “ Thismy little green bat.” Reywal’s finger pressed on the switch. There was a sound of a record being played backwards. The five Krystils immediately burst into Texewold, Qoorkeelawold, P-eyewold, Lyewold and Ozwold. At the same time, the six Krystils in the Great Harmonic burst into Minosaurs and suddenly the cave was crowded with Minosaurs of all different colors. Reywal looked down at his machine, dumbfounded. There was a huge shake and more rocks fell from the cave roof. Mr. Shama shouted.

 “Get out now. I can only hold it for another minute or so.”

 Keegan wailed. “ Whataboutyou?”

 Mr. Shama yelled urgently again. “ Go!Go now.”

 All the Minosaurs circled around. Then they grabbed the kids and Atlas, picked them up and flew with them to the cave exit. Reywal stood looking at his machine with disgust until he was dragged off his feet by two Minosaurs who also headed for the exit as rocks and debris fell from the cave roof.