A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge


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Published: 12 years ago

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Book Description HTML

A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (Commonly called "Treatise" when referring to Berkeley's works) is a 1710 work by Anglo-Irish Empiricist philosopher George Berkeley. This book largely seeks to refute the claims made by his contemporary John Locke about the nature of human perception. Whilst, like all the Empiricist philosophers, both Locke and Berkeley agreed that we were having experiences, regardless of whether material objects exist or not. The world which caused the ideas one has within one's mind, Berkeley sought to prove that the outside world was also composed solely of ideas. Berkeley did this by suggesting that "Ideas can only resemble Ideas" - the mental ideas that we possessed could only resemble other ideas (not physical objects) and thus the external wo...

Reader Reviews
  • User image   The Monster Exorcist
    16 Jul 2015
    Made a great movie. You can check out a great ebook here as well. http://mcqueenwrites.blogsp...
  • User image   Steve Randall
    30 Oct 2014
    I read this book as a child, along with the Tarzan books, it's still good today, 50 years later and worth anyone's time.
  • User image   Gabriel Salter
    16 Feb 2014
    This is a very good book, but if someone unfamiliar with Burroughs asked me if they should read it, I would recommend they read "Tarzan" first."The Princess of Mars" isn't light reading, it's more complicated and difficult then your typical adventure story(not unlike Jules Verne's books). But if you take the time to finish it, "Princess of Mars" is a very enjoyable, very well-crafted story.
  • User image   Dianne Hughes
    15 Nov 2013
    Dianne Thoroughly enjoy this imaginative book. Recommended.
  • User image   Jimmy
    15 Nov 2013
    Great read. I too wish it were longer. Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote a lot of great stories. Tarzan was one of the first books I read without it being required reading. It started me on a lifetime of enjoyment reading all kinds fiction. I found that I gravitated toward action mysteries by such authors as Robert Ludlum, Vince Flynn and many others. Burroughs however will hold a special place as the first writer that piqued my interest and started it all.
  • User image   lorrene@vodafone.co.nz
    22 Mar 2013
    Great read. Far better than the movie, but it made the movie very enjoyable. Book far more exciting and more involved. Would enjoy a second book to follow as they now have a fresh start as Mars was very close to dyeing. Its a new start to a new story.
  • User image   David OBrien
    16 Feb 2013
    Great to reread this classic after many years. Still just as good. Visual, fascinating, an excellent read. Looking forward to the other books in the series.
  • User image   Debra Hayes
    27 Jan 2013
    Great read, wish it were longer.
  • User image   Debra Hayes
    27 Jan 2013
    This has been a blast to read. Fascinating(as a certain vulcan would say) story, characters, discriptives, and ideas, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I.
  • User image   Janet Sbeinati
    15 Jan 2013
    I first read this about 20 years ago, and its still a great read. I don't care how allegorical it is - its just a great story, very well told.
  • User image   JERRY P LEE JR
    15 Jan 2013
    this book is great it is even better than the movie john carter
  • User image   Jeffrey Blais
    08 Dec 2012
    the beginning of a thoroughly engaging series in which John Carter finds himself on Barsoom(Mars) and proceeds to earn a place in the leadership of the ferocious society of 2 distinctly different races the scientifically superior Red Race and the Nomadic Barbarian Green Race and how he brings both races together to end the fighting between them
  • User image   Lisa Elyea Smith
    20 Nov 2012
    Thanks to the wonderful staff at free-eBooks I was able to read this sci-fi classic for the first time. It was an incredible read and I look forward to reading the entire Barsoom series.
  • User image   G Daniel Carson
    24 Oct 2012
    One of best sci-fi books ever written
  • User image   theladder
    29 May 2012
    Reading this for the 2nd time. Great book series.
    18 Apr 2012
    it is a great book and series , it's like return of the jedi meets robin hood ! burroughs was a great writer , action adventure all wraped up in one story! moms and young ladys will love it also ; do not let the movie perswade you from reading this book, it is a lot better ,they were ok oin the movie but they mixed and matched too much for anyone unfamilar with the book to understand what they were trying to do ,sad too say disney screws up another good book!
  • User image   David Krieg
    26 Feb 2012
    Anything by ERB is worth the read and his Martian Chronicles series may be his best.
  • User image   Bob Harkins
    22 Dec 2011
    I read this when I was a kid. At the time there was a rumor of a animated movie from Disney. Now a live action is coming out in 2012, I hope they don't mess it up.
  • User image   Claudia Wylie
    11 Dec 2011
    Good plot and constantly on the go - nothing boring about this book - I enjoyed this very much.
  • User image   Lucas Van Enger
    08 Dec 2011
    True Classic SyFy... The start of a series that helped give birth to the whole genre...
  • User image   Mike
    11 Oct 2011
    Great Storyline that kept me interested.
  • User image   Laura Ann Moylan
    30 Sep 2011
    I read this book when I was a teen, and it still has a major impact on me. My mother and grandmother had read this series as well and I read it twice or more a year- hard copy. Now I'm glad I can take it with me wherever I go!
  • User image   Debbie Robinson-Vincent
    06 Aug 2011
    This is a classic! Love this entire series!
  • User image   dasidper
    13 Jul 2011
    This book was very entertaining. Storyline kept me interested throughout the entire book.
  • User image   Lindsay Gorrie
    13 Jun 2011
    Captain John Carter: A man's man!
  • User image   Leslie Jones
    12 Jun 2011
    This was the first book I read by E R Burroughs when I was about 14, wow I loved it and now I get to reread it 50 years later.
  • User image   Brad Asbury
    12 Mar 2011
    I've read this book several times over the years. It is the epitome of your great sci-fi book: imagination, suspense, adventure, struggle and romance!
  • User image   kenpayne
    20 Feb 2011
    I read John Carter when I was a kid and really liked the series. I'm hoping I can download all the "Mars" books
  • User image   Ajabber64
    22 Nov 2010
    An awesome read. Check out the entire Barsoom series.
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