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As all the perceptions of the mind may be divided into impressions and

ideas, so the impressions admit of another division into original and

secondary. This division of the impressions is the same with that which

I formerly made use of [Book I. Part I. Sect. 2.] when I distinguished

them into impressions of sensation and reflection.

Original impressions

or impressions of sensation are such as without any antecedent

perception arise in the soul, from the constitution of the body, from

the animal spirits, or from the application of objects to the external

organs. Secondary, or reflective impressions are such as proceed from

some of these original ones, either immediately or by the interposition

of its idea. Of the first kind are all the impressions of the senses,

and all bodily pains and pleasures: Of the second are the passions, and

other emotions resembling them.

It is certain, that the mind, in its perceptions, must begin somewhere;

and that since the impressions precede their correspondent ideas, there

must be some impressions, which without any introduction make their

appearance in the soul. As these depend upon natural and physical

causes, the examination of them would lead me too far from my present

subject, into the sciences of anatomy and natural philosophy. For this

reason I shall here confine myself to those other impressions, which

I have called secondary and reflective, as arising either from the

original impressions, or from their ideas. Bodily pains and pleasures

are the source of many passions, both when felt and considered by the

mind; but arise originally in the soul, or in the body, whichever you

please to call it, without any preceding thought or perception. A fit of

the gout produces a long train of passions, as grief, hope, fear; but

is not derived immediately from any affection or idea.

The reflective

impressions may be divided into two kinds, viz. the calm and the

VIOLENT. Of the first kind is the sense of beauty and deformity in

action, composition, and external objects. Of the second are the

passions of love and hatred, grief and joy, pride and humility. This

division is far from being exact. The raptures of poetry and music

frequently rise to the greatest height; while those other impressions,

properly called PASSIONS, may decay into so soft an emotion, as to

become, in a manner, imperceptible. But as in general the passions are

more violent than the emotions arising from beauty and deformity,

these impressions have been commonly distinguished from each other. The

subject of the human mind being so copious and various, I shall here

take advantage of this vulgar and spacious division, that I may

proceed with the greater order; and having said ali I thought necessary

concerning our ideas, shall now explain those violent emotions or

passions, their nature, origin, causes, and effects.

When we take a survey of the passions, there occurs a division of them

into DIRECT and INDIRECT. By direct passions I understand such as arise

immediately from good or evil, from pain or pleasure. By indirect such

as proceed from the same principles, but by the conjunction of other

qualities. This distinction I cannot at present justify or explain any

farther. I can only observe in general, that under the indirect passions

I comprehend pride, humility, ambition, vanity, love, hatred, envy,

pity, malice, generosity, with their dependants. And under the direct

passions, desire, aversion, grief, joy, hope, fear, despair and

security. I shall begin with the former.


The passions of PRIDE and HUMILITY being simple and uniform impressions,

it is impossible we can ever, by a multitude of words, give a just

definition of them, or indeed of any of the passions.

The utmost we

can pretend to is a description of them, by an enumeration of such

circumstances, as attend them: But as these words, PRIDE

and humility,

are of general use, and the impressions they represent the most common

of any, every one, of himself, will be able to form a just idea of them,

without any danger of mistake. For which reason, not to lose time upon

preliminaries, I shall immediately enter upon the examination of these


It is evident, that pride and humility, though directly contrary, have

yet the same OBJECT. This object is self, or that succession of

related ideas and impressions, of which we have an intimate memory and

consciousness. Here the view always fixes when we are actuated by either

of these passions. According as our idea of ourself is more or less

advantageous, we feel either of those opposite affections, and are

elated by pride, or dejected with humility. Whatever other objects may

be comprehended by the mind, they are always considered with a view to

ourselves; otherwise they would never be able either to excite these

passions, or produce the smallest encrease or diminution of them. When

self enters not into the consideration, there is no room either for

pride or humility.

But though that connected succession of perceptions, which we call SELF,

be always the object of these two passions, it is impossible it can

be their CAUSE, or be sufficient alone to excite them.

For as these

passions are directly contrary, and have the same object in common; were

their object also their cause; it coued never produce any degree of the

one passion, but at the same time it must excite an equal degree of

the other; which opposition and contrariety must destroy both. It is

impossible a man can at the same time be both proud and humble; and

where he has different reasons for these passions, as frequently

happens, the passions either take place alternately; or if they

encounter, the one annihilates the other, as far as its strength goes,

and the remainder only of that, which is superior, continues to operate

upon the mind. But in the present case neither of the passions coued

ever become superior; because supposing it to be the view only of

ourself, which excited them, that being perfectly indifferent to either,

must produce both in the very same proportion; or in other words, can

produce neither. To excite any passion, and at the same time raise an

equal share of its antagonist, is immediately to undo what was done, and

must leave the mind at last perfectly calm and indifferent.

We must therefore, make a distinction betwixt the cause and the object

of these passions; betwixt that idea, which excites them, and that to

which they direct their view, when excited. Pride and humility, being

once raised, immediately turn our attention to ourself, and regard

that as their ultimate and final object; but there is something farther

requisite in order to raise them: Something, which is peculiar to one of

the passions, and produces not both in the very same degree. The first

idea, that is presented to the mind, is that of the cause or productive

principle. This excites the passion, connected with it; and that

passion, when excited, turns our view to another idea, which is that of

self. Here then is a passion placed betwixt two ideas, of which the one

produces it, and the other is produced by it. The first idea, therefore,

represents the cause, the second the object of the passion.

To begin with the causes of pride and humility; we may observe, that

their most obvious and remarkable property is the vast variety of

subjects, on which they may be placed. Every valuable quality of the

mind, whether of the imagination, judgment, memory or disposition; wit,

good-sense, learning, courage, justice, integrity; all these are the

cause of pride; and their opposites of humility. Nor are these passions

confined to the mind but extend their view to the body likewise. A man

may be proud of his beauty, strength, agility, good mein, address

in dancing, riding, and of his dexterity in any manual business

or manufacture. But this is not all. The passions looking farther,

comprehend whatever objects are in the least allyed or related to us.

Our country, family, children, relations, riches, houses, gardens,

horses, dogs, cloaths; any of these may become a cause either of pride

or of humility.

From the consideration of these causes, it appears necessary we shoud

make a new distinction in the causes of the passion, betwixt that

QUALITY, which operates, and the subject, on which it is placed. A man,

for instance, is vain of a beautiful house, which belongs to him, or

which he has himself built and contrived. Here the object of the passion

is himself, and the cause is the beautiful house: Which cause again is

sub-divided into two parts, viz. the quality, which operates upon the

passion, and the subject in which the quality inheres.

The quality is

the beauty, and the subject is the house, considered as his property or

contrivance. Both these parts are essential, nor is the distinction vain

and chimerical. Beauty, considered merely as such, unless placed upon

something related to us, never produces any pride or vanity; and the

strongest relation alone, without beauty, or something else in its

place, has as little influence on that passion. Since, therefore, these

two particulars are easily separated and there is a necessity for their

conjunction, in order to produce the passion, we ought to consider them

as component parts of the cause; and infix in our minds an exact idea of

this distinction.


Being so far advanced as to observe a difference betwixt the object

of the passions and their cause, and to distinguish in the cause the

quality, which operates on the passions, from the subject, in which it

inheres; we now proceed to examine what determines each of them to

be what it is, and assigns such a particular object, and quality, and

subject to these affections. By this means we shall fully understand the

origin of pride and humility.

It is evident in the first place, that these passions are derermined

to have self for their object, not only by a natural but also by an

original property. No one can doubt but this property is natural from

the constancy and steadiness of its operations. It is always self, which

is the object of pride and humility; and whenever the passions look

beyond, it is still with a view to ourselves, nor can any person or

object otherwise have any influence upon us.

That this proceeds from an original quality or primary impulse, will

likewise appear evident, if we consider that it is the distinguishing

characteristic of these passions Unless nature had given some original

qualities to the mind, it coued never have any secondary ones; because

in that case it would have no foundation for action, nor coued ever

begin to exert itself. Now these qualities, which we must consider as

original, are such as are most inseparable from the soul, and can be

resolved into no other: And such is the quality, which determines

the object of pride and humility. We may, perhaps, make it a greater

question, whether the causes, that produce the passion, be as natural as

the object, to which it is directed, and whether all that vast variety

proceeds from caprice or from the constitution of the mind. This doubt

we shall soon remove, if we cast our eye upon human nature, and consider

that in all nations and ages, the same objects still give rise to pride

and humility; and that upon the view even of a stranger, we can know

pretty nearly, what will either encrease or diminish his passions of

this kind. If there be any variation in this particular, it proceeds

from nothing but a difference in the tempers and complexions of men; and

is besides very inconsiderable. Can we imagine it possible, that while

human nature remains the same, men will ever become entirely indifferent

to their power, riches, beauty or personal merit, and that their pride

and vanity will not be affected by these advantages?

But though the causes of pride and humility be plainly natural, we

shall find upon examination, that they are not original, and that it is

utterly impossible they should each of them be adapted to these passions

by a particular provision, and primary constitution of nature, Beside

their prodigious number, many of them are the effects of art, and arise

partly from the industry, partly from the caprice, and partly from

the good fortune of men, Industry produces houses, furniture, cloaths.

Caprice determines their particular kinds and qualities.

And good

fortune frequently contributes to all this, by discovering the effects

that result from the different mixtures and combinations of bodies. It

is absurd, therefore, to imagine, that each of these was foreseen and

provided for by nature, and that every new production of art, which

causes pride or humility; instead of adapting itself to the passion by

partaking of some general quality, that naturally operates on the mind;

is itself the object of an original principle, which till then lay

concealed in the soul, and is only by accident at last brought to light.

Thus the first mechanic, that invented a fine scritoire, produced pride

in him, who became possest of it, by principles different from those,

which made him proud of handsome chairs and tables. As this appears

evidently ridiculous, we must conclude, that each cause of pride and

humility is not adapted to the passions by a distinct original quality;

but that there are some one or more circumstances common to all of them,

on which their efficacy depends.

Besides, we find in the course of nature, that though the effects be

many, the principles, from which they arise, are commonly but few and

simple, and that it is the sign of an unskilful naturalist to have

recourse to a different quality, in order to explain every different

operation. How much more must this be true with regard to the human

mind, which being so confined a subject may justly be thought incapable

of containing such a monstrous heap of principles, as would be necessary

to excite the passions of pride and humility, were each distinct cause

adapted to the passion by a distinct set of principles?

Here, therefore, moral philosophy is in the same condition as natural,

with regard to astronomy before the time of COPERNICUS.

The antients,

though sensible of that maxim, THAT NATURE DOES NOTHING


contrived such intricate systems of the heavens, as seemed inconsistent

with true philosophy, and gave place at last to something more simple

and natural. To invent without scruple a new principle to every

new phaenomenon, instead of adapting it to the old; to overload our

hypotheses with a variety of this kind; are certain proofs, that none of

these principles is the just one, and that we only desire, by a number

of falsehoods, to cover our ignorance of the truth.


Thus we have established two truths without any obstacle or difficulty,





CAUSE IS ADAPTED TO ITS PASSION. We shall now proceed to enquire how

we may reduce these principles to a lesser number, and find among the

causes something common, on which their influence depends.

In order to this we must reflect on certain properties of human nature,

which though they have a mighty influence on every operation both of

the understanding and passions, are not commonly much insisted on by

philosophers. The first of these is the association of ideas, which I

have so often observed and explained. It is impossible for the mind to

fix itself steadily upon one idea for any considerable time; nor can

it by its utmost efforts ever arrive at such a constancy. But however

changeable our thoughts may be, they are not entirely without rule and

method in their changes. The rule, by which they proceed, is to pass

from one object to what is resembling, contiguous to, or produced by it.

When one idea is present to the imagination, any other, united by these

relations, naturally follows it, and enters with more facility by means

of that introduction.

The second property I shall observe in the human mind is a like

association of impressions. All resembling impressions are connected

together, and no sooner one arises than the rest immediately follow.

Grief and disappointment give rise to anger, anger to envy, envy to

malice, and malice to grief again, till the whole circle be compleated.

In like manner our temper, when elevated with joy, naturally throws

itself into love, generosity, pity, courage, pride, and the other

resembling affections. It is difficult for the mind, when actuated by

any passion, to confine itself to that passion alone, without any

change or variation. Human nature is too inconstant to admit of any such

regularity. Changeableness is essential to it. And to what can it so

naturally change as to affections or emotions, which are suitable to the

temper, and agree with that set of passions, which then prevail? It is

evident, then, there is an attraction or association among impressions,

as well as among ideas; though with this remarkable difference, that

ideas are associated by resemblance, contiguity, and causation; and

impressions only by resemblance.

In the THIRD place, it is observable of these two kinds of association,

that they very much assist and forward each other, and that the

transition is more easily made where they both concur in the same

object. Thus a man, who, by any injury from another, is very much

discomposed and ruffled in his temper, is apt to find a hundred subjects

of discontent, impatience, fear, and other uneasy passions; especially

if he can discover these subjects in or near the person, who was

the cause of his first passion. Those principles, which forward the

transition of ideas, here concur with those, which operate on the

passions; and both uniting in one action, bestow on the mind a double

impulse. The new passion, therefore, must arise with so much greater

violence, and the transition to it must be rendered so much more easy

and natural.

Upon this occasion I may cite the authority of an elegant writer, who

expresses himself in the following manner.

"As the fancy delights in every thing that is great, strange, or

beautiful, and is still more pleased the more it finds of these

perfections in the same object, so it is capable of receiving a new

satisfaction by the assistance of another sense. Thus any continued

sound, as the music of birds, or a fall of waters, awakens every moment

the mind of the beholder, and makes him more attentive to the several

beauties of the place, that lie before him. Thus if there arises a

fragrancy of smells or perfumes, they heighten the pleasure of the

imagination, and make even the colours and verdure of the landschape

appear more agreeable; for the ideas of both senses recommend each

other, and are pleasanter together than when they enter the mind

separately: As the different colours of a picture, when they are well

disposed, set off one another, and receive an additional beauty from the

advantage of the situation." [Addison, SPECTATOR 412, final paragraph.]

In this phaenomenon we may remark the association both of impressions

and ideas, as well as the mutual assistance they lend each other.



These principles being established on unquestionable experience, I begin

to consider how we shall apply them, by revolving over all the causes of

pride and humility, whether these causes be regarded, as the qualities,

that operate, or as the subjects, on which the qualities are placed. In

examining these qualities I immediately find many of them to concur

in producing the sensation of pain and pleasure, independent of those

affections, which I here endeavour to explain. Thus the beauty of our

person, of itself, and by its very appearance, gives pleasure, as well

as pride; and its deformity, pain as well as humility. A magnificent

feast delights us, and a sordid one displeases. What I discover to

be true in some instances, I suppose to be so in all; and take it for

granted at present, without any farther proof, that every cause of

pride, by its peculiar qualities, produces a separate pleasure, and of

humility a separate uneasiness.

Again, in considering the subjects, to which these qualities adhere, I

make a new supposition, which also appears probable from many obvious

instances, viz, that these subjects are either parts of ourselves, or

something nearly related to us. Thus the good and bad qualities of

our actions and manners constitute virtue and vice, and determine our

personal character, than which nothing operates more strongly on these

passions. In like manner, it is the beauty or deformity of our person,

houses, equipage, or furniture, by which we are rendered either vain or

humble. The same qualities, when transfered to subjects, which bear

us no relation, influence not in the smallest degree either of these


Having thus in a manner supposed two properties of the causes of these

affections, viz, that the qualities produce a separate pain or pleasure,

and that the subjects, on which the qualities are placed, are related

to self; I proceed to examine the passions themselves, in order to find

something in them, correspondent to the supposed properties of their

causes. First, I find, that the peculiar object of pride and humility

is determined by an original and natural instinct, and that it is

absolutely impossible, from the primary constitution of the mind, that

these passions should ever look beyond self, or that individual person.

of whose actions and sentiments each of us is intimately conscious. Here

at last the view always rests, when we are actuated by either of these

passions; nor can we, in that situation of mind, ever lose sight of this

object. For this I pretend not to give any reason; but consider such a

peculiar direction of the thought as an original quality.

The SECOND quality, which I discover in these passions, and which I

likewise consider an an original quality, is their sensations, or the

peculiar emotions they excite in the soul, and which constitute their

very being and essence. Thus pride is a pleasant sensation, and humility

a painful; and upon the removal of the pleasure and pain, there is in

reality no pride nor humility. Of this our very feeling convinces us;

and beyond our feeling, it is here in vain to reason or dispute.

If I compare, therefore, these two e