Fortune Cookie Philosophy by Kenneth Leroy Busbee - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

 Work and Rewards


5.1 Efforts1


  • It is most gratifying when a goal is achieved through one's efforts.
  •  You need to work hard to be lucky.
  •  Solid gains are possible today, but with a headache.
  •  Advancement will come with hard work.
  •  It's not the amount of time you devote, but what you devote to the time that counts.
  •  Work on improving your exercise routine.
  •  Whatever is sufficient to get us to this point is insufficient to get us further.
  •  Try to channel excess energies into rejuvenation.
  •  He who waits to do a great deal of good at once, will never do anything.
  •  Your actions reveal your thoughts more than you realize.
  •  Don't let friends impose on you, work calmly and silently.
  •  An investment in enthusiasm ought to start to pay o.
  •  None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.
  •  Wishing does not make a poor man rich.
  •  When one must, one can.
  •  You are on the verge of something big.
  •  Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it.
  •  You can make a new start this week, work hard and be diligent.
  •  Idleness is the holiday of fools.
  •  You will show what you are capable of.
  •  Many possibilities are open to you, work a little harder.
  •  Anyone that dares to be can never be weak.
  •  Follow your dreams of success and make it happen.
  •  If you work seriously, you will succeed.
  •  You never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems.
  •  You may accomplish more be being direct.
  •  You have an important new business development.
  •  Don't let doubt and suspicion bar your progress.
  •  Your success in life must be earned with earnest efforts.


5.2 Diligence2


  • Skill comes from diligence.
  •  Commitment is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism.
  •  Your persistence and diligence are appreciated by all.
  •  Nothing in this world is accomplished without passion.
  •  Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power, and influence.
  •  The mightiest oak in the forest is just a little nut that held its ground.
  •  In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
  •  You are ready to take on the world.
  •  Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.
  •  Customer service is like taking a bath; you have to keep doing it.
  •  When one must, one can.
  •  You can make a new start this week, work hard and be diligent.
  •  You can do everything you ought to do.
  •  You`ll never know what you can do until you try.
  •  He who climbs a ladder must begin at the first step.
  •  No one knows what he can do until he tries.
  •  Follow your dreams of success and make it happen.
  •  To get what you want you must commit yourself for some time.
  •  If you work seriously, you will succeed.
  •  Move slowly but surely to success.
  •  Rome was not built in a day. Be patient.
  •  Practice is the best of all instructors.
  •  You are endowed with strength of purpose and energy of will.
  •  Fortune cookie says; your efforts are budding.
  •  Don't let doubt and suspicion bar your progress.
  •  Keep on charging the enemy so long as there is life.
  •  You have the ability to over-come obstacles on the way to success.
  •  Inch by inch life's a cinch. Yard by yare life is hard.
  •  A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
  •  Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
  •  Whatever is sufficient to get us to this point is insufficient to get us further.


5.3 Success3


  • You have a strong potential for success.
  •  Your aspirations are met with success soon.
  •  Your respect for others will be your ticket to success.
  •  Solid gains are possible today, but with a headache.
  •  You will be a great success both in business and social situations.
  •  Chance favors those in motion.
  •  The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
  •  Many a false step is made by standing still.
  •  Grasp opportunities, you will win.
  •  Behind an able man, there are always other able men.
  •  Your past success will be overshadowed by your future success.
  •  You will enjoy true success in whatever you do.
  • One day you will become rich and famous.
  •  None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.
  •  You are next in line for promotion in your firm.
  •  Your determination will bring you much success.
  •  You will make a name for yourself.
  •  Soon you will be sitting on top of the world.
  •  You will be fortunate in everything you put your hands to.
  •  Character is the cornerstone of success.
  •  You will spend your old age surrounded by comfort and wealth.
  •  You will soon take a very pleasant and successful trip.
  •  Follow your dreams of success and make it happen.
  •  If you work seriously, you will succeed.
  •  Move slowly but surely to success.
  •  You will spend old age in comfort and material wealth.
  •  You have every qualification for success.
  •  Expectation is often better than realization.
  •  Your success in life must be earned with earnest efforts.
  •  Your present plans are going to succeed.
  •  Advancement will come with hard work.


5.4 Wealth4


  • Don't forget to do good deeds as you accumulate wealth.
  •  Be thankful for riches will soon be yours.
  •  Do not worry over money. Good luck soon.
  •  You are good with finances.
  •  Wishing does not make a poor man rich.
  •  Your dream life is rich listen to your dreams.
  •  Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it.
  •  You will have gold pieces by the bushel.
  •  He who knows he has enough is rich.
  •  Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
  •  Don't worry about money. The best things in life are free.
  •  Your wealth is where your friends are.
  •  The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by wanting more.
  •  Wealth is a means to an end. . . not the end itself.
  •  Concentrate on financial matters until the end of the month.
  •  You shouldn't overspend at the moment. Frugality is important.
  •  Don't worry about the stock market. Your investment is good.
  •  You will enjoy good health and financial independence.
  •  Be thankful for riches will soon be yours.
  •  You will make a profitable investment.
  •  Your money worries are over! Your new job will bring you a huge increase in income.
  •  One day you will become rich and famous.
  •  You will be traveling and coming into a fortune.
  •  Time is money.
  •  You will soon have the opportunity to improve your finances.
  •  You have so much to be thankful for.




1 This content is available online at <>.

2 This content is available online at <>.

3 This content is available online at <>.

4 This content is available online at <>.