Fortune Cookie Philosophy by Kenneth Leroy Busbee - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

 Your Destiny


4.1 Potential1


  • You have a strong potential for success.
  •  A man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.
  •  You are talented in many ways.
  •  The power you desire lives within your heart.
  •  Many a false step is made by standing still.
  •  You are one of the people who go places in life.
  •  We are all made from the same clay but not from the same mold.
  •  Great things are made of little things.
  •  Little acorns lead to mighty oaks.
  •  To be eighty years young is more cheerful and hopeful than forty years old.
  •  The secret of staying young is good health and lying about your age.
  •  A fool at forty is a fool indeed.
  •  Life does not end at 21, it only gets better.


4.2 Choice2


  • You have made a brilliant choice today.
  •  Avoid a hasty decision.
  •  You shall soon make a long, overdue personal decision.
  •  Knowing and not doing are equal to not knowing at all.
  •  You are given a chance to take part in an exciting adventure.
  •  Life is drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.
  •  Follow your instincts when making decisions.
  •  Get to the nitty-gritty of things in all dealings.


4.3 Challenges3


  • Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.
  •  Fear creates danger, and courage dispels it.
  • Courage comes through suffering.
  •  Remember, every downhill has its uphill.
  •  Adversity is the test for strong men.
  •  The cautious seldom make mistakes.
  •  Don't ignore your needs in the area of new challenges.
  •  What you are afraid of overtakes you.
  •  Don't let doubt and suspicion bar your progress.
  •  If strength were all, tiger would not fear scorpion.


4.4 Opportunity4


  • Grasp opportunities, you will win.
  •  Now is the time for you to explore. Take a vacation.
  •  Try to channel excess energies into rejuvenation.
  •  Now is a good time to explore.
  •  Life to you is a dashing and bold adventure.
  •  He who seeks will find.


4.5 Change5


  • You will make a change for the better.
  •  Your critical insights can provide the stimulus for change.
  •  An agreeable romance might begin to take on the appearance.
  •  You are on the verge of something big.
  •  Your luck has been completely changed today.
  •  Grasp opportunities, you will win.
  •  You will make many changes before setting satisfactorily.
  •  Now is the time to try something new.
  •  You will make many changes before settling down happily.
  •  With care, things will never change.
  •  Be brave at heart. Take that chance it's been there all the time.
  •  Every exit is an entrance to a new experience.
  •  You will make some changes before winning.
  •  You think too much. Today means action. Carry out your plan.
  •  You will soon have an opportunity to make a change to your advantage.




1 This content is available online at <>.

2 This content is available online at <>.

3 This content is available online at <>.

4 This content is available online at <>.

5 This content is available online at <>.