Fortune Cookie Philosophy by Kenneth Leroy Busbee - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

 The Individual


2.1 Personality1


  • You have a unique personality.
  •  Use your natural talents to obtain more.
  •  Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought.
  •  You have a sweet nature.
  •  Honesty and integrity are just some of your best attributes.
  •  Others are attracted to your lively and sociable personality.
  •  A warm smile is testimony of a generous nature.
  •  You will always get what you want through your charm and personality.
  •  You are a man of righteousness and integrity.
  •  Good manners and soft words have brought many a difficult thing to pass.
  •  To be beautiful externally is like a glass rose; one false move and it can crack.
  •  You are a great guy. Your work has had a positive effect on the lives of many.
  •  You have a air for adding a fanciful dimension to any story.
  •  You are the center of every group's attention.
  •  You are always welcome in any gathering.
  •  Versatility is one of your outstanding traits.
  •  Your loyalty is a virtue, but not when it's wedded to blind stubbornness.
  •  You are talented in many ways.
  •  You have an unusually magnetic personality.
  •  You have an ambitious nature.
  •  You are never bitter, deceptive or petty.
  •  You have a friendly heart and are well admired.
  •  Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  •  Your talents shine through at work.
  •  You are sociable and entertaining.
  •  You are the center of every group's attention.
  •  Someone is looking up to you.
  •  Your talents are in fine shape; utilize them to their fullest.
  •  You are endowed with strength of purpose and energy of will.
  •  You love variety and have a warm heart.
  •  You are original and creative.
  •  You are a considerate and thoughtful person.
  •  You have the ability to be very persuasive.
  • Patience is its own reward.
  •  Your emotional nature is strong and sensitive.
  •  You have a deep appreciation of the arts and music.
  •  You are more likely to give than to give in.
  •  Character is much easier kept than recovered.
  •  You have a keen sense of humor and love a good time.
  •  It is more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.
  •  You have yearning for perfection.


2.2 Skills2


  • Try to enhance your communication skills.
  •  Compromise in a dispute between friends is rarely regretted.
  •  Concentrate on financial matters until the end of the month.
  •  Wit is the salt of the conversation, not the food.
  •  Work on your diplomatic skills and avoid conflict at all costs.
  •  Do it right the first time.
  •  You have every qualification for success.
  •  You would make a good lawyer for no detail escapes your attention.


2.3 Leadership3


  • Character matters; leadership descends from character.
  •  You'll be called to a post requiring high ability in handling groups of people.
  •  Your example will inspire others.
  •  The truth is always bearable when told with compassion.
  •  Have faith in the force of right and not in the right of force.
  •  Work on your diplomatic skills and avoid conflict at all costs.
  •  Your principles mean more to you than any money or success.
  •  Character is the cornerstone of success.
  •  You are never bitter, deceptive or petty.
  •  If a true sense of value is to be yours it must come thru service.
  •  You have executive ability.
  •  Your ability to juggle many tasks will take you far.


2.4 Strength4


  • If strength were all, tiger would not fear scorpion.
  •  Absence sharpens love, but presence strengthens it.
  •  Adversity is the test for strong men.
  •  Somebody admires your strength.
  •  Any one that dares to be can never be weak.


2.5 Respect5

  • Your respect for others will be your ticket to success.
  •  You have a friendly heart and are well admired.
  •  You are a man of righteousness and integrity.
  •  Carve you name on your heart and not on marble.
  •  Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.
  •  You deserve respect and will eventually get it.
  •  Someone you respect will soon honor you.





1 This content is available online at <>.

2 This content is available online at <>. 

3 This content is available online at <>.

4 This content is available online at <>.

5 This content is available online at <>.