Fortune Cookie Philosophy by Kenneth Leroy Busbee - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



3.1 Ideas1


  •  Your original ideas will get you well-deserved recognition.
  •   Tomorrow your creative side will shine forth with exceptional ideas.
  •   All that we are is a result of what we have thought.
  •   Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.
  •   Original ideas allow you to meet talented people.
  •   You have an active mind and a keen imagination.
  •   Keep your plans secret for now.
  •   You think too much. Today means action. Carry out your plan.
  •   A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
  •   Present your best ideas today to an eager and welcoming audience.
  •   You are bright and witty.
  •   You have an active mind and a keen imagination.
  •   Try a new system or different approach.
  •   Good things come in invisible packages. You will be delighted.
  •   Ideas are like children. Your's are always the best.
  •   Your critical insights can provide the stimulus for change.


3.2 Creative2


  •  Tomorrow your creative side will shine forth with exceptional ideas.
  •   Grasp opportunities, you will win.
  •   Talent and creativity are yours to use and keep.
  •   Dispel negativity through creative activities.
  •   You are talented in many ways.
  •   Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it.
  •   Everyone has his own light Don't hold yours back.
  •   You have a deep interest in all that is artistic.
  •   You are original and creative.
  •   You never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems.


3.3 Dreams3


  •  It is the hope and dreams that we have that make us great.
  •   You enjoy sharing your dreams and plans with others.
  •   Your dream life is rich listen to your dreams.
  •   If your desires are not extravagant they will be granted.
  •   The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  •   Your heart's desire be with you!
  •   Wishing does not make a poor man rich.
  •   Luck is with you now. Act upon your instincts.
  •   Do not desire what you do not need.
  •   Pursue your dreams.
  •   The cautious seldom make mistakes.
  •   Faith moves mountains.
  •   Follow your dreams of success and make it happen.
  •   We must always have old memories and young hopes.
  •   You will soon gain something you have always wanted.
  •   You have an important new business development.
  •   People will find it difficult to resist your propositions.
  •   Never let an opportunity pass you by.
  •   Choose a job you love, money will follow.
  •   Your dreams are never silly; depend on them to guide you.
  •   Any one that dares to be can never be weak.
  •   Keep your feet on the ground and your thoughts at lofty heights.
  •   Your aspirations are met with success soon.
  •   We live at the edge of the miraculous.
  •   Don't major in minor things.


3.4 Feelings4


  •  Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.
  •   Your actions reveal your thoughts more than you realize.
  •   Love is the only medicine for a broken heart.
  •   Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.
  •   The smart thing to do is to begin trusting your intuitions.
  •   Luck is with you now. Act upon your instincts.
  •   A phone call to a good friend will ease your mind and lift your spirits.
  •   Nothing in this world is accomplished without passion.


3.5 Condence5


  •  Confidence is the hinge on the door to success.
  •   You will be a great success both in business and social situations.
  •   Somebody has faith in you.
  •   Always put your best foot forward.
  •   Be careful and systematic in your business arrangements.
  •  A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do!
  •   Winners expect to win in advance. Life is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
  •   Don't let doubt and suspicion bar your progress.
  •   You should be able to undertake and complete anything.


3.6 Goals6


  •  Keep a balance between your goals and your gentle nature.
  •   Revaluate your plans for long term success.
  •   It is most gratifying when a goal is achieved through one's eorts.
  •   It's not the amount of time you devote, but what you devote to the time that counts.
  •   Always begin with an end in mind.
  •   Your goal will be reached very soon.
  •   Work on improving your exercise routine.
  •   If your desires are not extravagant they will be granted.
  •   If you can't decide up or down try moving from side to side.
  •   Try to channel excess energies into rejuvenation.
  •   A good beginning is half the task.
  •   In every enterprise, consider the outcome.
  •   A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that step today!
  •   Aim for the sky, because even if you miss, you'll be among the stars.
  •   You think too much. Today means action. Carry out your plan.
  •   Your present plans are going to succeed.
  •   A schedule defends from chaos and whim.
  •   Invest in your strongest commodity yourself.





1 This content is available online at <>. 

2 This content is available online at <>.

3 This content is available online at <>. 

4 This content is available online at <>.

5 This content is available online at <>.

6 This content is available online at <>.