History of Modern Philosophy From Nicolas of Cusa to the Present Time by Richard Falckenberg - HTML preview

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Colecchi, A.

Coleridge, S.T.

Collard, Royer

Collier, Arthur

Collins, Anthony

Collins, F.H.

Collins, W.L.



Commer, E.

Common Sense, Scottish doctrine of

Comte, Auguste


doctrine of


Conn, H.W.

Conybeare, J.

Copernicus, N.


Cosmological Argument, the

in Locke

in Rousseau

in Leibnitz

in Kant

Cotes, Roger

Cousin, Victor


Crescas, Chasdai

Creuz, K. von

Critique of Reason, the

meaning of

the neo-Kantians on

its central position in modern thought Crousaz

Crusius, C.A.

Cudworth, Ralph

ethics of

Cumberland, Richard

Czolbe, H.





Darwin, Charles

Darwin, Erasmus

Daub, K.

Da Vinci, Leonardo


naturalism of

in Herbert

in English thinkers of XVIII. century in Hume

in Rousseau

of Reimarus

in Lessing

Kant's relation to

_See also_ Faith, Faith and Reason, Religion, Theology Delboeuf

Delff, H.

De Morgan, A.


Des Bosses

Descartes, René

system of

and occasionalism

and Spinoza

and Locke

and Leibnitz

_See also_ Spinoza


Dessoir, M.



in Hobbes

in Spinoza

of the early associationalists

of Hume

in Leibnitz

of Schleiermacher

of Herbart

of Schopenhauer

of J.S. Mill

of Jonathan Edwards

_See also_ Character, the Intelligible; Freedom of the Will

Deussen, P.

Deutinger, M.

De Wette

Dewey, J.

Diderot, Denis

Diels, H.

Dieterich, K.

Digby, Everard


Dilthey, W.

doctrine of,

Dippe, A.

Döring, A.

Dorner, A.


the Cartesian

in Bayle

Rousseau's reverential

Drobisch, M.W.


Druskowitz, Helene

Du Bois-Reymond, E

Dühring, E.

Dumont, E.

Duncan, G.M.


Ebbinghaus, H.

Eberhard, J.A.



Eclecticism, of the German Illumination of Schleiermacher

of Cousin and his School

Edfeldt, H.


Locke on

Rousseau on

Edwards, Jonathan

Ego, the

certain knowledge of, in Campanella, and Descartes the individual, and the transcendental consciousness in Kant

Fichte's doctrine of

a complex of representations in Beneke Fortlage on

Herbart's doctrine of

the neo-Kantians on the individual, and the transcendental consciousness

_See also_ Soul


Emerson, R.W.


founded by Bacon

in Hobbes

and rationalism

of Locke

of J.S. Mill

of Opzoomer

Liebmann on

_See also_ Experience, Sensationalism Encyclopedists, the

Engel, J.J.


Erasmus, Desiderius

Erdmann, Benno

works by

Erdmann, J.E.

works by

philosophy of

Erhardt, F.

Eschenmayer, K.A.


in Crusius

of Fichte

of Schopenhauer

in Hartmann

_See also_ Panthelism.


Bacon on

Hobbes's political theory of

Descartes on

Geulincx on

Spinoza on

Pascal on

Malebranche on

Locke on

English, of XVIII. century

Hume's empirical and mechanical

of French sensationalists

of French materialists

of Rousseau

of Leibnitz

of Herder

of Kant

of Fichte

of Schleiermacher

of Hegel

of J.F. Fries

of Beneke

of Herbart

of Schopenhauer

of Comte

of Bentham

of J.S. Mill,

of Spencer

of T.H. Green

of Lotze

of Hartmann

recent German interest in

Eucken, R.

works by

philosophy of

Everett, C.C.


Weigel on the origin of

Böhme on the origin of

Spinoza's doctrine of

Leibnitz's doctrine of

Schelling's theory of

Baader's theory of

Fechner's view of

_See also_ Optimism, Pessimism


in the sense of explication in Nicolas of Cusa and involution in Leibnitz

cosmical, of Spencer

biological, of Darwin

_Cf_. also the systems of Schelling, Hegel, Hartmann Exner, F.


the basis of science in Bacon

Kant on

Green on

Liebmann's view of

_See also_ Empiricism, Sensationalism External World, the

reality of, in Descartes

knowledge and reality of, in Locke

Berkeley on

Kant on the reality of

the "material of duty in the form of sense" in Fichte Faber Stapulensis (Lefèvre of Etaples) Faith

the reformers' view of

Deistic view of

Kant on

Kant on moral or practical

Paulsen on practical

_See also_ Deism

Faith and Reason,

the relation of, in modern philosophy Bayle on

Locke on

Deistic view of

in Rousseau

Leibnitz on

Lessing on

Baader on

Schleiermacher on

_See also_ Deism

Faith Philosophy, the

of Hamann

of Herder

of Jacobi

elements of, in J.F. Fries

Falckenberg, R.

works by

Farrer, J.A.

Fechner, G.T.

system of

Fechner, H.A.

Feder, J.G.H.


the basis of knowledge in Pascal

the central doctrine of Rousseau

central to religion in Schleiermacher _See also_ The Faith Philosophy

Ferguson, Adam

Ferrari, Giuseppe


Ferri, L.

Ferrier, D.

Ferrier, J.F.

Fester, R.

Feuerbach, L.

philosophy of

Fichte, I.H.

Fichte, J.G.

and Kant

system of

and Schelling

and Hegel

and Herbart

and Lotze

_See also_ Idealism, Jacobi, Kant



Final Causes, _see_ Teleology

Fiorentino, F.

Fischer, E.L.

Fischer, K. Ph.

Fischer, Karl

Fischer, Kuno

works by

on Spinoza

on Kant

his philosophy

and neo-Kantianism

Fiske, John

Flint, K.

Fludd, R.



Forge, L. de la

Fortlage, Karl

works by

system of

Fouillèe, A.

Fowler, Thos.

Fox Bourne

Franchi, A.

Franck, A.

Franck, Sebastian


Frantz, K.

Eraser, A.C.

Frauenstädt, J.

Frederichs, F.

Frederick the Great

Freedom of the Will, Hobbes's denial of Descartes's unlimited affirmation of

denied by Spinoza

Locke on

denied by Hume

in Rousseau

Leibnitz on

Herder on

Kant on

Fichte on

Schelling on

Herbart on

Schopenhauer on

J-S. Mill on

_See also_ Character, the Intelligible; Determinism Frege, G.

Freudenthal, J.

Fries, A. de

Fries, J.F., and Kant

an opponent of constructive idealism

his system

and Herbart


Fullerton, G.S.



Galileo (Galileo Galilei)

his work as a foundation for modern physics his system

Galluppi, P.

Galton, Francis

Garve, C.

Gassendi, P.



Geijer, E.G.


Genovesi, A.

Gentilis, Albericus

George, L.

George of Trebizond

Georgius Scholarius (Gennadius)

Gerdil, S.




Geulincx, Arnold


Gierke, O.

Gilbert, William

Gioberti, V.

Gioja, M.

Gizycki, G. von


Glisson, Francis

Glogau, G.

God, doctrine of, in Nicolas of Cusa

in Taurellus

in Bruno

Campanella's argument for the existence of Weigel's doctrine of

Böhme's doctrine of

Descartes's arguments for the existence of Spinoza's doctrine of

Malebranche's view of

Locke's doctrine of

Berkeley ascribes ideas of sense-world to Hume's doctrine of

Voltaire's doctrine of

Holbach's discussion of

Leibnitz's doctrine of

Reimarus's doctrine of

Lessing's doctrine of

Herder's doctrine of

Jacobi's doctrine of

Kant on the arguments for the existence of Fichte's doctrine of

Schelling's doctrine of

F. Krause's doctrine of

Baader's doctrine of

Schleiermacher's doctrine of

Beneke's doctrine of

Herbart's doctrine of

Böstrom's doctrine of

the doctrine of, in Hegel's School

Strauss's doctrine of

Feuerbach's doctrine of

the doctrine of, in the Theistic School Fechner on the relation of God and the world Lotze's doctrine of

Hartmann's doctrine of

See also:

Cosmological Argument


Ontological Argument


Teleological Argument


Göhring, C.

Golther, L. von




Gracian, B.

Grazia, V. de

Green, T.H., works by

doctrine of

Grimm, E.

Grimm, F.M., Baron von

Groos, K.

Grot, N. von

Grote, John

Grotius, Hugo

Grubbe, S.

Gruber, H.

Grün, K.


Günther, A.

Gutberlet, C.

Guthrie, M.

Güttler, C.

Guyau, J.M.

Gwinner, W.

Haeckel, E.

Haeghen, V. van der


Hall, G.S.


Hamann, J.G.

Hamann, O.


Hamilton, Sir William

Harless, A. von


Leibnitz's pre-established

Wolff's development of Leibnitz's, pre-established Harms, F.

Harris, W.T.

Harrison, Frederic

Hartenstein, G.

Hartley, David

Hartmann, E. von

works by

system of


Hase, K.A.





Haym, R.

Hazard, R.G.


Hebler, C.


Hegel, G.W.F.

and Schelling

system of

opponents of

influence and followers of

_See also_ J.G. Fichte, Kant, Schelling Hegelians, the Old

the Young

_See also_ Semi-Hegelians

Hegler, A.

Heiland, K.

Heinze, M.

Helmholtz, H.

Helmont, F.M. van

Helmont, J.B. van

Helvetius, C.A.


Hemsterhuis, F.

Herbart, J.F.

system of

_See also_ J.G. Fichte

Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury

Herder, J.G.

system of

Schelling and


Hermann, C.

Hermann, W.

Hermes, G.

Herz, M.

Heusde, P.W. van

Heussler, H.

Heyder, Karl





Machiavelli on

Herder's philosophy of

Kant's view of

Fichte's view of

Schelling's view of

F. Krause's philosophy of

Hegel's philosophy of

Vico's philosophy of

History of Philosophy, the

importance of

method in

Hegel's view of

recent development of

Hobbes, Thomas

his system

and Descartes

and Spinoza

and Locke

and Hume

and Pufendorf

Höffding, H.

Hoffmann, Franz

Höijer, B.

Holbach, Baron von

Hölder, A.


Home, Henry, (Lord Kames)


Horwicz, A.


Huber, J.

Huber, U.

Huet(ius), P.D.


Hume, David

system of

and Scottish School

and Kant

_See also_ Berkeley, Locke

Hunt, J.

Husserl, E.G.

Hutcheson, Francis

Huxley, T.H.



phenomenal or individual of Berkeley

in Leibnitz

critical or transcendental, of Kant

post-Kantian, of Beck

subjective, of Fichte

objective, of Schelling

absolute or logical, of Hegel

the opposition to constructive

in Schopenhauer

German, in Great Britain

of Green

in America

ethical or ideological, of Lotze

idealistic reaction in Germany against the scientific spirit

Falckenberg on (ethical) idealism and the future Ideas,

innate, in Descartes, Locke, Leibnitz, the rationalists and the empiricists

origin of, in Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, the rationalists and

empiricists, and Herbart

impressions and, in Hume

unconscious ideas or representations in Leibnitz Ideas of reason in Kant

the logical Idea the subject of the world-process in Hegel

Identity, Locke on

Spinozism a system of

Schelling's philosophy or system of

the philosophy of, among Schelling's followers Hegel's doctrine a system of

Fortlage's system of

philosophy of, in Schopenhauer


Hume on

Voltaire on

Rousseau on

Leibnitz on

Kant on

Schleiermacher on

Beneke on

Herbart on

Hegel's followers on

Strauss on

Fechner on

Imperative, the Categorical

in Kant

in Fichte

in Beneke


Kepler on

Galileo on

used before Bacon

Bacon's theory of

in Hobbes

J.S. Mill's theory of

Irwing, Von

Jacobi, F.H.

system of

and Fichte

and the anti-idealists

Jacobson, J.

Jäger, G.

James, William

Janet, Paul


Jastrow, J.


Jevons, W.S.

Jhering, R. von

Jodl, F.

Joël, M.

Jouffroy, T.


Descartes on

rationalists and empiricists both mistake nature of Kant on synthetic judgments _a priori_

the categories and, in Kant

judgments of perception and of experience in Kant Kant on aesthetic and teleological


Kaatz, H.

Kaftan, J.

Kaltenborn, C. von

Kant, I.

position in modern philosophy

and Locke

and the Illumination

system of

the development to Fichte

and Fichte

and Schelling

and Hegel

and Schopenhauer

his influence, followers, and opponents _See also_ Berkeley, Critique of Reason, J.G. Fichte, Hume, Leibnitz,


Schopenhauer, Wolff


Kedney, J.S.

Kent, G.

Kepler, J.

philosophy of


Kierkegaard, S.


King, Lord

Kirchmann, J.H. von


Klein, G.M.

Knauer, V.

Knight, W.

Knoodt, P.


theory of, in modern thought

doctrine of, in Nicolas of Cusa

declared deceptive by Montaigne

mathematical basis of, in Kepler and Galileo in Bacon

in Hobbes

in Herbart

the two views of

Geulincx on

Descartes on

Spinoza on

Malebranche on ("we see all things in God") Locke's doctrine of

Berkeley on

Hume's skeptical doctrine of

Scottish doctrine of

sensationalistic doctrine of, in France Leibnitz's theory of

Kant on

Fichte's Science of

Schelling's philosophy of

Baader on

Schleiermacher's doctrine of

Hegel on philosophical

J.F. Fries's doctrine of

Beneke on speculative

Schopenhauer's doctrine of

Comte's doctrine of

Sir Wm. Hamilton's doctrine of

J.S. Mill's doctrine of

Spencer's doctrine of

T.H. Green's doctrine of

Feuerbach's doctrine of

Lotze's doctrine of

Hartmann's doctrine of

the neo-Kantians on

the German positivists on

influence of recent science on the theory of Liebmann's doctrine of

_See also_ Agnosticism, Critique of Reason, Empiricism, Faith,

Faith and Reason, Nominalism, Positivism, Rationalism and Empiricism,

Relativity, Sensationalism, Skepticism Knutzen, M.

Koch, A.

Koeber, R. von

Koegel, F.

König, E.


Köstlin, Karl

Krause, A.

Krause, E.

Krause, F.

Krauth, C.P.

Krohn, A.

Kroman, K.

Krug, W.T.


Kuntze, J.E.


Kym, A.L.

Laas, E.

Laban, F.


La Bruyère

Ladd, G.T.

Laffitte, P.


Lambert, J.H.

Lamennais, F. de

La Mettrie, J.O. de

La Mothe la Vayer

Land, J.P.N.

Lange, F.A.

Lange, J.J.

La Rochefoucauld

Lasson, A.

Lasswitz, K.

Last, E.


Law (or Right)

early philosophy of

Montesquieu on

Pufendorf on

C. Thomasius on

Kant's theory of legal right

Fichte's theory of right

Schelling's view of

F. Krause's philosophy of right

Hegel's philosophy of right

Lazarus, M.


Leclair, A. von

Leibnitz, Friedrich (the father)

Leibnitz, G.W.

position in modern thought

and occasionalism

system of

and the Illumination (Wolff, Lessing) and Kant

_See also_ Descartes, Locke, Spinoza

Leonhardi, H.K. von


Lessing, G.E.

system of

Lewes, G.H.

Liard, L.

Liberatore, M.



Liebmann, O.

Linde, A. van der


Lipps, T.

Lipsius, Justus

Lipsius, R.A.

Littré, E.

Locke, J.

position in modern philosophy

system of

and Berkeley

and Hume

and the French Illumination (and Rousseau) and Leibnitz

and Kant

_See also_ Bacon, Berkeley, Descartes, Empiricism, Kant Lohmeyer

Lombroso, C.

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