Mind and Spirit are One and the Same
In Consciousness Is Being, Being is to have life or reality. The reality is determined by consciousness therefore consciousness determines being.
Being can also be defined as pure existence, Energy or Spirit. Consciousness is perception and thought. Consciousness is Mind.
Mind needs substance to exist as. Spirit is the Essence of Consciousness and the Substance of Mind. Spirit is Mind, because spirit is intelligent. Both words are therefore synonymous. Mind and Spirit are one and the same. We all exist as spirit, we all exist as mind.
Mind is Spirit. Spirit is Mind.
Most people are confused because they are trapped by partial viewpoints about what the mind is. When they refer to the mind, they are refering to the intellect, the linguistic, the reason or any faculties that are only certain aspects of the mind.
The heart, the emotion, the feeling is also the mind. The intuition and the instinct is the mind. The autonomic system of the body is the mind. The soul, the entire psyche, the will and desire, the conscious and the subconscious, anything you can think of in this aspect is also the mind.
They are all mental. The mind is all these things together. The mind is the whole.
We differentiate between the mind and spirit with the word. The word pierces into the dividing asunder between soul and spirit, bone and marrow. We use language to serparate inseparable things in order to describe them. The soul is made of spirit and the bone is made of marrow. The mind is spirit and the bone is marrow.
The mind exist as the higher mind and the lower mind. They are both the mind. The higher mind and lower mind is our higher self and lower self. The lower mind is the Ego, the higher mind is the Inner Man within us or the Higher Ego.
The higher mind is in tune with the universal mind. When we access our higher mind, we are accessing the universal mind. The universal mind is higher intelligence.
Intuition and intellect may be different on one level of understanding, but on another level, intuition is actually higher intellect. It is intellect that is above the ordinary level because it comes directly from higher intelligence.
Good and evil exist as the result of whether we are in tune with our higher mind or not. When we are in tune with our higher mind, we access divine guidance and do what is in harmony with the universal mind. When we are not in tune with our higher mind, we lack divine guidance and we go astray doing what isn’t right for ourselves and the universe.
All mistakes are mistakes of ignorance. Knowledge gained and consequent power is what determines growth and evolution. Knowledge which is higher knowledge from the universal mind, is accessed by Man’s ability to think. Man has the greatest ability to think of all creation. The ability to think is the nature of the divine.
Everything that exist is made of mind and is mind. We all exist as the universal mind, being differentiated into individual minds. Everything is made from God, the Spirit of God but every sentient being has its own free will and individual personality.
Something cannot be made from nothing. Something can only be made from something else. All of creation is created from the creator. In the beginning, there was nothing but God. God can only create something out of himself. The universe is made by God and of God.
We are all God but we are not God. We are made of the God stuff but we have our own personality. We are meant to worship the God personality, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit as God. Not the angels nor any other personalities. We are also God because his personality is our true personality. God and us are one.
The only activity which the spirit possesses is the power to think. Therefore thought is creative because spirit is creative. This creative power is impersonal and your ability to think is your ability to control it and make use of it for the benefit of yourself and others.
All thought is intention and intention is prayer, because thought connects the individual mind to the universal mind. Our ability to think is our ability to act on the Universal Mind and bring it into manifestation for the benefit of ourselves or others. Ask and it shall be given always. Therefore take charge of your thoughts because your predominant mental attitude will be your manifest reality.
All thought is vibration but a thought of the Truth is the highest vibration and consequently destroys every form of error the same way light destroys darkness. No form of error can exist when the Truth appears.
So all mental evolution is about comming to an understanding of the Truth. This will empower you to overcome every form of lack, limitation or disease of any kind. To focus on thoughts of Truth is to express true conditions only. The measure of our ability to do this is the measure of our mental/spiritual progress. Higher vibrations rule lower vibrations. Therefore thought rules everything else. Thoughts of Truth will overcome thoughts of error. God is Truth.
When we think the way God thinks, our mind is in harmony with the universal mind, we are walking in the Light and not Darkness. To think like God, we must know God. The more we know, the more we become. To know is to be. The more we know God, the more we become like God.
The fallen nature is the ignorant nature. The new nature is the enlightened nature. Salvation is by Knowledge of the Truth.
To know God is to know ourselves. To know our higher self or true self is to know God. To evolve into who we really are. To be transformed by the renewing of our mind. To be changed from glory to glory.