Mind Reality the Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan - HTML preview

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Mental Knowledge - All knowledge is one knowledge


All mistakes are mistakes of ignorance. Knowledge gaining and consequent power is what determines growth and evolution. Knowledge is the result of man’s ability to think. Thought and knowledge are one and the same.


You can’t think of everything and produce all knowledge yourself as fast as you could by using other people’s minds, thinking and knowledge. Unifying knowledge of others and your own is the best way to achieve greater  awareness in the most efficient way. It is the fastest possible way to gain power. It’s all about speed and power.


Fear is power being projected outside of us. If you belief you have no power over something, you become afraid it can harm you. Doubt is not believing in our power to create a desired outcome for a situation. It is all based on belief. Belief based on awareness or ignorance.


All power is from within, and is absolutely within your control. No power is without. Everything that happens without is happening within. All of reality is in your mind.


From a reality creation perspective, fear and doubt can become two of your best friends. When you’re feeling afraid or powerless, or feeling doubt about the outcome of a situation, it’s a chance to step back and say: “Aha, here is another area for me to reclaim my power.” Fear and doubt are transformed from something which blocked you from achieving your goals, to friendly advisors who wave bright orange flags at any place in your life where you don’t believe in your own power.


The only cause of fear is ignorance. The opposite of fear is a sense of power. Knowledge is power. To move from powerless to power is to move from not knowing to knowing.


Wisdom, understanding, prudence, intelligence are all knowledge. They are all knowledge of one type or another.


Knowing and knowingness is knowledge. Anyone who thinks this or that is different from knowledge is thinking of knowledge in the partial sense. Knowledge in the total sense encompasses everything there is about consciousness.


The purest definition of knowledge is awareness. Awareness of anything and everything.


Awareness is power, the more you have it, the more power you have over every area of life. Perception is the key to solving all our problems. Understanding the problem dissolves the problem.


Awareness is power because awareness gives you choice. Choice is an illusion created by those in control for those who are not. To be in control, you must know. You must know how things work and understand what is going on. You need awareness to make conscious choices.


Awareness is the first step, the second step is change. You should understand what you intend to change and the reasons behind it. Knowledge brings awareness therefore knowledge is power. All of life is a learning experience for you to become all you can be.


All knowledge is self knowledge. In the end it is all about discovering ourselves. The world without is a reflection of the world within. By learning about the universe, we understand our inner universe. The reverse is also true.


The greatest thing in the universe is mind. Therefore the greatest knowledge is knowledge of mind. Mind is the governing dynamic over all governing dynamics of reality. Mental knowledge is mental power. Mental power is the ultimate power of all.


The ultimate mind is the universal mind. The universal mind is the universal spirit. Knowledge of the universal mind is ultimate mental power. Mental knowledge is spiritual knowledge. Mental power is spiritual power because Mind and Spirit are one.


Transformation comes from renewing of mind. When your awareness advances to the next level, change automatically happens. What you know, you are. Knowing is being.


Being leads to doing. The ability to do anything comes from knowledge. Knowledge is what enables us to move anywhere. All action is movement. All movement is mental.


Knowledge can come in all ways. The aim is to acquire as much as possible so that we can gain more range of movement. The more we know, the more freedom we have to maneuver and the further we can transverse in any direction. The more freely we can move, the more unstoppable we are. The more nothing can hold us back or stand in our way, the more powerful we are.


Knowledge is power. Freedom comes from knowledge that is true. Knowledge, power and freedom are one. All knowledge can be organized and reorganized. Essence is the primary thing. Organization is the secondary. As long as everything written in a particular work of knowledge is real substance and not fluff, it is well written. The less fluff there is, the less wastage of mind. The better organized the knowledge, the greater order of mind. The more focused, ordered and clear the mind is, the more powerful it is.


They say that applied knowledge is power. The truth is action naturally follows consciousness. To know and not do, is not yet to know. When you know and not do, it means you have not really known enough to be compelled to act automatically yet. You just need to know some more until your actions begin to flow with your intentions. When knowledge becomes your thoughts, your thoughts control your being and doing.


If any man thinks he knows (Eido - understand spiritually) any thing, he knows (Ginosko - experiential knowing) nothing yet as he ought to know. Head knowledge needs to be accompanied by experiencial knowing.  Spiritual Evolution is about acquiring Gnosis, Illimunation, Enlightenment and Awareness.


Reading the word of God is for the purpose of increasing in wisdom, understanding, spiritual intelligence and discernment. Transformation of Mind is transformation of Being.


Even if you have all knowledge, you still have the free will to choose your thoughts. Since thought and knowledge are one and the same, to know correctly is to think correctly. Wrong thinking is ignorance. Right thinking is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance. The only good is knowledge. To sin is to sin through ignorance. Ignorance is the only evil that leads to all other forms of evil including pride, malice and hatred. Choose to think correctly.


All knowledge is mental. All knowledge is one knowledge.