Mind Reality the Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan - HTML preview

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Change Reality by Creating it Anew


You can’t create something and then try to make it into something else by manipulation. The more you resist, the more it persist. What’s done cannot be undone. It doesn’t matter!


You just create again, and anew! When you create something wrongly, let it go and focus on creating what you want once again.


The secret of changing reality is to create a new one. Your new creation will cancel out the old one.


Creation vs. Control


Anytime you do something in order to keep something else from happening, you are trying to shape reality to the exclusion of events. In order to exclude something from your life, you have to focus on what you are trying to exclude. Since you get what you focus on, trying to exclude something is not the way.


When you use only biodegradable products, recycle and plant trees in order to stop environment from being destroyed, you are believing in a world where the environment is being destroyed. That mindset creates that reality in your life.


Focus on what you want to create, and let go of anything that isn’t your intention. When some people pray, their problems seem to take care of themselves. Good prayer is focusing on the reality you intend to create and not on problems.


The last thing you want to do is control reality, you want to create it! When you set out to write a story, or paint a picture, you might have an overall sense of what you want, but you don’t try to control the flow of the paintbrush, or the pen in your hand. You let the vision express itself as you stay in “the flow”, and then refine it until you are happy with it.


Reality creation is the higher form of reality control. Control by creating.


Perceiving vs. Judging


We define judgment as saying this is good, this is bad. Perceiving is seeing something for what it really is. A couple had their van hit in the back by a pickup truck. This could be judged as a “bad” event. Who wants their automobile crunched and broken?


The perspective of it being bad would automatically prevent them from seeing each event connected to it as anything more than a pain in the neck. They would have basically been blind to all of the little nuances and genuine feelings they were having towards each part of the sequence.  In this case, they released their judgment about it and simply opened to knowing more about it.


In the end, the guy who hit them actually helped to get their cargo home, which they were having trouble with in the first place. They got far more insurance money back than they actually paid for the van in the first place. The van was still quite usable, and they got to interact with some really great people as well!


When you stop labeling something as good or bad, you can see it for what it is. You may know how you’re supposed to feel, but in finding out how you really feel, you’ll discover another layer of who you really are!


Perceive what IS, is the higher form of judging. Judge by perceiving.


Probable Selves and Probable Realities.


When you think about probable selves like particles instead of a wave form, they are beings you create that take on an existence of their own and are doing their own thing. You may interact with a probable self whenever you shift focus to it.


When you look at probable selves as a wave form, it’s one continuum of consciousness. You simply create an event to experience and when you’re done, you create something else. Subject/Object, Wave/Particle, Observer/Observation, it is all us and not us.


How truly flexible physical reality really is. It is not the hard and fast linear reality we first learned it to be. If we want to experience something in our reality, we can create it by putting our attention on it.


But by focusing only on what you want, aren’t you just ignoring all the bad stuff that’s out there? If you look at anything from one side, you are automatically not focusing on the other side. If you look at a city and expect to see crime, you will align with that aspect and experience crime either directly or via the news or some other source.


It’s not that the “bad stuff” doesn’t exist, the truth is that everything exists. However, you will experience whatever you choose to focus on. The more you choose joy and love, the more you will resonate with events that reflect these choices. The impact of opposite things such as crime will begin to disappear from your reality, becoming more and more distant until you don’t even hear about it anymore.


The ultimate reality is a sea of infinite possibilities. Everything exist in that state. We attract into our own experience and reality according to that which we focus on. It doesn’t matter what exist. It only matters what you allow to exist in your reality. Your reality is the only reality you experience. You totally have the God given power to create your world.


The beauty of infinite probabilities for the conscious creator is that it literally opens the door for magic to happen. Believing that there is an infinite range of experiences to choose from frees up your energy from any limitations you may have placed on it in the past. This is magic in its purest form, the ability to manifest something directly into your life. All you need to do is believe the probability that you have achieved that goal exists, and then feel yourself resonating with it and stepping into it.


Up until now you have created your life in this manner, possibly while being unaware of the mechanics behind it. Now that you have an understanding of these mechanisms, the universe is completely your playground.