Mind Reality the Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan - HTML preview

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Watching Reality shift before your eyes


Have you been amazed how many times situations change before you from time to time? Reality shifts from one moment to the next. It is not rigid but fluid.


Whenever you find yourself in a situation that isn’t desirable to you, always remember that reality is in constant flux. Whatever that is happening at the moment in your experience is only temporal. What is true now doesn’t have to be true later.


Have you seen the way children are? They spontaneously move from one moment to the next. They may be in a situation that makes them feel unhappy one moment but when the next situation comes along where it makes them feel happy, they just enter into it afresh without being held back by the previous situation.


This is the power of being present and living in the now. It helps you to make every situation your first situation. It enables you to use all your mental resources fully and freely in the situation that you are currently in.


Being conscious of how you make associations across situations empowers you to choose those associations in ways that are constructive for you. You can consciously decide when to link situations together and when to keep them separate instead of doing them unconsciously all the time even in ways that are not be helpful.


When we experience one positive situation after another, it is better to mentally associate them with each other instead of keeping their meanings separate. This increases the joy we experience from each situation collectively as a whole.


Sometimes we allow a negative situation that comes along after a positive one to diminish our joy that we experienced from the first one. Here is where it is useful to separate the positive and negative situations as independent from each other so that the later does not affect the first, thereby keeping the joy of the first experience shielded.


However when we experience a positive situation after a negative one, we can allow ourselves to use the positive situation to make a positive association with the negative one. That takes away the negativity of the first situation and even transmute it into something positive.


In the case where we experience one negative situation after another, we tend to link them together multiplying the effect of each one. It is important to realize that we don’t have to do that! We can isolate each situation from being independent from the other so as not to make each one worse than it already is.


By reframing the way we think about a situation, we can stop giving power to it and start gaining power over it instead.


Whenever you have just experienced a negative situation and it leaves you feeling negative for awhile, understand that it is ok. The first step to moving out of it is acceptance. It brings you to a state of peace and calm because you are not being judged and there’s nothing wrong with you. Then the next step is to start allowing a positive situation to open up before you. Allow yourself to think positively again and to do things that make you feel better.


The principle of rhythm states that everything has its rise and fall, rest and flow, increase and decrease. Everything is swinging from one state to another from moment to moment. The amount of the swing to the left is the amount of the swing to the right. Rhythm compensates.


The Law of Attraction states that negative emotions attract negative situations while, positive emotions attract positive situations into your reality. But understanding the principle of rhythm helps you to know that your emotions can change from one state to another from moment to moment. So don’t worry of being stuck perpetually in one state because you will only be trapped if you allow yourself to.


Therefore if you are experiencing a negative situation of a certain magnitude right now, realize that you will experience a positive situation of the same magnitude some time later. The swing to the left is the swing to the right. Having this awareness brings hope and joy to your heart.


Although it is the nature of things to swing from one end to another, you can counter the swing by polarizing yourself on the end you wish to be on. By choosing to focus on experiencing the positive as much as possible, you will polarize your reality more of the time in the positive state. Of course the negative situations will still come in from time to time, but by being willing to shift your mind out of it as soon as you can, you allow yourself to ride the return swing to the positive side as soon as it happens.


Every moment is a new beginning. This is eternally true. The sooner you realize this whenever you need to, the faster you become free of any situation you experienced.


You might be in a situation where you want to something but the opportunity is not there. Hold that thought in mind because whenever you have a desire to do something, there will always be an opportunity that opens up some time later for you to do it. It could even happen the very next moment. This is the nature of how reality operates.


Ask and it shall be given. You ask by thinking about it. Every thought is an intention and every intention is a request to the universal mind to make something happen. God can read your thoughts even without you saying it. There is no desire that arises from within without there being the opportunity to fulfill it. Every dream can be realized.


Always be ready to act when the situation opens up for you to do what you want to do. When you live with the expectation that if what isn’t happening for you now may happen for you later, you will watch reality shift before your very eyes.