Mind Reality the Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan - HTML preview

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The Law of Attraction - Having is about Being


We know from the Nature of All Reality and the Universal Construct that everything in the entire universe is pure energy, differing only in rate of vibration.


How does the Law of Attraction work? It works according to the principle of vibration. Everything vibrates and vibration is Energy. Energy attracts energy that is of the same rate of vibration. Energy attracts like Energy. Hence the statement, “All is energy, the energy you give out is the results you get”.


The Law of Attraction is whatever you focus on most of the time, you get. You attract to you everything and anything you hold in your mind, positive or negative. Simply by observing, your reality is created.


To focus is to concentrate attention or energy. Attention is psychic energy. Psychic energy is living and conscious. Whatever you give psychic energy to, you are giving it mental life to exist. That is why the more you place your mind on something, the more it lives. The less you less you do, the less power it has to remain alive. When you do not pay attention to something, it ceases to exist over time.


The Law of Attraction attracts by creating and creates by attracting. It pulls what you focus on to you, or it pulls together the quantum field to manifest it for you. Focus collapses the wave function into particles and crystalizes the sea of infinite possibilites into something tangible and experiential.


The Law teaches the creative power of thought. This Law is one with the Law of cause and effect. It is this Law that establishes you as a Being made in the image and likeness of the Creator, with a Mind that possesses the same creative properties.


You attract into your experience that which you are in vibrational resonance with. Using the Law of Attraction to manifest what you desire is to put yourself in a state where you are in vibrational resonance with the object you intend to attract. You imagine the situation you desire as though it is already a reality and allow yourself to think the thoughts and feel the feelings related to it. The state of vibrational resonance is the mindset and feeling of already having what you want.


Let’s say you want to pick up a new skill such as dancing. You may have started attending classes to learn a particular dance style such as salsa, ballot, or jazz. But you just feel it in your heart and know it in your mind that you are already a great dancer. You have the talent naturally within you and learning it will be a piece of cake. It all becomes a flow and you are just expressing yourself in freedom. When you watch famous dancers performing, you feel you’re like them, being able to move the way they move and are equally capable of doing their every step and more.


In NLP terms, you can call this modeling or neurological conditioning of your mental and emotional states to follow the patterns of success. But the psychospiritual connection is that, your inner world defines your outer world. You will find yourself being able to master the skill as if you had it all along within you. It is the Law of Attraction at work bringing what you believe you already have to you, simply because you totally feel as though it has always been yours. The secret is that we have our circumstances because of the way we feel. How we feel is controlled by how we think.


Emotion also has the power to create what you want. Find within yourself what it will feel like to have, be, or do the thing you want and you will begin to manifest the thing you want. The energy in the emotion will work to pull you toward the thing you want while also pulling the thing you want toward you.


Feel the joy of having what you want, feel it right now and you will begin to pull it to you and you to it.The whole process of mental, spiritual and material wealth may be summed up in one word, gratitude. Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.


For you to have something, you must be in a mental and emotional state of having it.


If something is in your life but you feel as if you don’t have it or are lacking it, very soon that thing will slip away and you will lose it. For example, you have a great friendship with someone who brings joy and comfort to your life. But somehow you start having this negative idea that friendships don’t last for long and whatever good you experience tends to degenerate, then this thinking will generate a negative energy that will influence events to cause things to fall apart between the two of you.


On the contrary if you believe you have a great friendship with someone and that it is something that is a gift from heaven so you can never lose it because it is fated to be that way, then your mindset will cause things to remain that way and even when bad things happen that threaten to break the friendship apart, it will turn around magically as if that just can’t happen. Think of someone you know whom you’ve “unbefriended” countless of times in your life already and yet are still together with even now, and you know what I mean. That is the result of your beliefs or that person’s beliefs about the friendship.


Your thoughts and beliefs create a force that can break something apart even when all other forces are working to keep it together and can keep something together even when all other forces are trying to pull it apart. You can never lose something on the outside if you never lose it within you. Even if it’s taken from you, it will come back again or something even better will happen. You can never keep something on the outside if you have already lost it within you. Even if you try every means to retain it, you will still only have an empty shell.


It is all about beingness. If you believe you are poor, no matter how much money you have, you will always be a poor person. Because you have a poverty mentality. If you believe you are ugly, no matter what kind of clothes you wear or how much you try to enhance your appearance, you will still never be truly beautiful. That’s because your expressions will communicate that you are not really good looking enough, and so you’re trying too hard to appear beautiful.


Look at the world. No one who is truly beautiful think of themselves as ugly. No one who is truly rich think of themselves as poor. Complete beauty is both inner and outer beauty. Inner beauty is in the self-image. What you are is what you see you are.


Having is about being. To have confidence, be confident. To have understanding, be understanding. To have admiration, be admirable. What you have is always meant to be an expression of what you are, and not to define what you are. It is YOU that define what you are. What you have, is an expression of your beingness that results as a manifestation of your beliefs, and whether that manifestation has occurred or not, should not change your inner definition one bit.


Who you are inside creates the results you get outside. Once you change the way you are inside, the outer world changes. The energy you give out attracts and creates the results you get. Change your inner energy and you change your results.


Consciousness defines Being. To have something is to be in vibrational resonance with the energy of that thing with your being and precedingly, your consciousness. If you have a consciousness of lacking, you will be a person of lack and the energy of your beingness will attract more situations of not having into your life. If you have a consciousness of having, then your beingness will attract more situations of having into your life.


What you embrace in your inner world creates what you experience in your outer reality. Once you take care of the inner, it will show results in the outer. When you get the lessons, you don’t need the experiences.


I think therefore I am. I am therefore I have.


People of the world tend to forget this simple truth of all things and that’s why they are chasing after all the forms and not realizing the essence.


Luke 19:26 “For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.”


Be what you want to attract. To attract the perfect partner, be the perfect partner. We often want our idea of the perfect partner to enter our lives and stay forever, yet we are not willing to do what it takes to be the “perfect” partner for someone else. We can prevent ourselves from painful experiences as well as the loss of precious time and energy if we begin by first working on ourselves.


“Like everything in the Universe, we are all beings of Energy, extensions of The Source Energy, always attracting into our own individual realities similar Energy in complete accordance with the thoughts we vibrate. As we already know, the entire Universe is Energy and all thoughts are Energy characterized by vibration, and therefore thoughts attract precisely those Energy that are in harmony with the thought you hold in your Mind and are therefore vibrating and projecting into the Universe. This same Law applies whether your thoughts are positive, negative or neutral, and the effects will be in precise accordance with those thoughts.” - The Law of Attraction (Our Ultimate Reality Ebook)