Mind Reality the Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan - HTML preview

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Consciousness Is Being - You are what you think


Does what you think determine what you are, or does what you are determine what you think? Does Consciousness determine Being or does Being determine Consciousness? Of course each influences the other. What you think influences what you are and what you are influences what you think.


But the question we want to ask when we want to go straight to the core is “which of the two is the higher cause over the other?”. To examine this matter, simply look at the concept of change in each of these two areas.


When you change the way you think, you will change the way you are. You cannot change the way you are, unless you first change the way you think.


In other words, you can change your thinking by simply changing it. The change is direct. The change simply is.


But you can only change your being by first changing your thinking. The change is indirect. The change is through something else.


You are what you think.  Consciousness determines Being, therefore Consciousness is Being. The nature of the spirit is determined by the mind of the spirit.


When you think orderly and coherent thoughts, you will have an orderly and coherent state of mind. When you think disorderly and incoherent thoughts, you will have a disorderly and incoherent state of mind. Your state of being is ultimately determined by your state of consciousness.


A man who thinks Energy manifests Energy. The man, who thinks Courage manifests courage. The man who thinks, “I can and I will,” “gets there”, while the “I can’t” man “gets left.” You know that to be true.


Now, what causes the difference? Thought - just plain thought. But why? - Just because it cannot help itself. Action follows as the natural result of vigorous thinking. You think in earnest, and action does the rest. Thought is the greatest thing in the world.


As a man thinketh, so is he. All that we are is the sum of our thoughts. What you think, you are. To Think is to Be. Thinking is Being.


In Having is about Being, “What you have is always meant to be an expression of what you are, and not to define what you are. It is YOU that define what you are. Consciousness defines beingness.”


All being is energy and energy is mental. The Principle of Mentalism - “The all is mind: the universe is mental.” Mind is all powerful because everything in the Universe without exception is conscious, intelligent Energy influenced by Mind.


Thinking is in the conscious, being is in the subconscious. All things subconscious are created by consciousness. Higher vibrations rule lower vibrations. Consciousness is beta, subconsciousness is theta. Superconsciousness is hyper beta/gamma. All things are ruled by God who is all conscious, omniscient, the highest vibration of all.


You receive communication from Superconsciousness better when your brainwaves are lower because there is less interference from your own conscious activities. Your transmit telepathic information better when your brainwaves are in hyper beta/gamma state.


The self-image is the foundational level where everything else is determined upon. Is your consciousness of self positive or negative? It is your consciousness about yourself that determines your state of self. How you see yourself is ultimately what you make yourself to be.


 “All speech, action, and behavior are fluctuations of consciousness. All life emerges from, and is sustained in, consciousness. The whole universe is the expression of consciousness. The reality of the universe is one unbounded ocean of consciousness in motion.” - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Consciousness and Being are so intertwined, symbiotic and correlated that they are like one and the same with no differentiation. But when you really look into it, you’ll find that consciousness determines Being.


Clarity of thought equals clarity of being. Sharpness of thought equals sharpness of being. Refine and sharpen your thoughts until you become a sword.