Mind Reality the Universe is Mental by Enoch Tan - HTML preview

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Do your Beliefs Reflect Reality or Create It?


Have you ever wondered whether your beliefs reflect reality or create it? We know that our thoughts literally influence the very reality we live in, but what we want to know is which of those thoughts are perceptive and which are creative. And we also want to know what is the difference between thoughts and beliefs.


Perceptive thoughts are what make up deduction and intuition. These are faculties that we use to sense and understand what is going on in reality. Creative thoughts are what make up imagination and psychic creation. These are faculties that we use to form what is possible within our minds so that it will start manifesting in physical reality.


The answer to the question is realized in understanding the concept of objective and subjective reality and the difference between the two. Most people believe that objective reality is made up by the physical laws that govern the universe. Law of gravity, thermodynamics, electromagnetism are some of those laws. But the truth is that even the physical laws themselves are governed by the higher laws of reality.


Quantum physics states that everything in the most minute level is actually pure energy that is conscious, intelligent and living. This energy is directed and governed by consciousness itself. Therefore the physical laws of the universe are actually governed by the mental laws of consciousness. The physical is ruled by the spiritual.


Now although we know that mind rules over matter, that does not suffice to say that we can go ahead and attempt to defy the law of gravity by jumping off a cliff just for the fun of it, without a real and strongly justifiable purpose of doing so. This is where some people misunderstand the truth and why they go and do stupid things which land them in undesirable consequences.


The physical laws of the universe are not governed by the mind of a single individual alone but by the universal mind. The universal mind is the infinite intelligent consciousness of God which is connected to the minds of every single living thing in the universe. It is the universal mind that determines whether a physical law of reality is subjugated by the mind of an individual or not.


In the event where a person manages to defy a physical law of reality, it is because he/she is in harmony with the will and purpose of the universal mind. That is the reason why miracles happen in this world where people are saved from certain death or experience divine providence and empowerment.


So objective reality is made up by the spiritual laws of the universe. That which is immutable, unchanging and constant. It exists whether you believe in it or not, that’s why it is objective reality. It is not subjected to your individual mind alone but by the universal mind that is greater and above all.


Beliefs that reflect reality are beliefs in objective reality. Your beliefs do not lead to its creation or uncreation.


But subjective reality is what you have immediate and direct control over because it is made up by your thoughts and interpretations of your experiences. It is the inner world of your mind. Subjective reality can be influenced, transformed and shaped by you. That is why it is subjective reality, it is changeable according to your beliefs.


We know that the world within governs the world without. Your thoughts literally control reality. We can have control over the whole of reality by following the spiritual laws of consciousness. Hence we can govern all subjective reality by using the power of true objective reality.


All thought is creative, therefore all belief is creative. When you sense and understand what is being created in reality by your thoughts or someone else’s, that is perceptive thinking.


Perceptive thoughts are a reflection of both subjective and objective reality. When you accept a thought, it becomes a belief. When you reject a thought, it becomes an unbelief. Choosing to accept or reject is a decision under the very power of the will. It is simply the very act of saying yes, or no to something.


Perceptive thoughts that reflect subjective reality are thoughts that are pure and accurate. The Tao says “Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. Free from desire, you understand the mystery”. That means when you have expectations about how something should look like instead of seeing what it really is, your perception of that thing will be distorted by your constrained point of view.


You can only see the appearance of the thing you’re looking at, which shapes its form according to your desires. When you observe without your perceptive filters and biases, you’re seeing the underlying essence of a thing no matter what form it appears in.


But subjective reality is subject to change since it is temporal. You can perceive something in subjective reality for what it is, but you can also understand that it isn’t necessarily fixed or permanent. Therefore you can choose to believe in the opposite of what you are observing and thereby causing it to change over time. Beliefs that create reality are beliefs in subjective reality. Your beliefs have the power to create, perpetuate or change the situation.


When you choose to accept a thought that reflects objective reality, it becomes a belief that reflects reality. When you choose to accept a thought that reflects subjective reality, it becomes a belief that perpetuates that reality. It is a belief that allows a particular situation to be continually created. Remove it and you stop its creation.


Your thoughts reflect reality and reality reflects your thoughts. Stop reflecting the reality you do not want and the reality will change.


You need wisdom to discern when to accept a thought that reflects subjective reality and when to change it. Sometimes it may actually be positive even though it appears negative until you realize the reason behind it.


Awareness is the first step, the second step is change. - Mind Reality


There are things you do not have to believe in order for them to exist. They already exist everywhere else. Believing causes them to manifest in your experience according to the Law of Attraction. Disbelieving keeps them away from appearing in your individual reality. They exist to others but not to you.


Everything you experience is the result of your thoughts whether present or some time in the past. You can explain everything that has already happened to you through this paradigm. Was there something already within your conciousness that made this words appear in your reality as the manifestation of your own thoughts?


The purpose of having this understanding about beliefs and reality, is to enable you to choose empowering beliefs for yourself that truly benefit you in life and to override the ones do not. Understanding brings you power. You now have greater a understanding of belief so you have greater power than others in using it.