Statesman by Plato. - HTML preview

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STRANGER: A vehicle, which is certainly not the for amusement only, and may be fairly compre-work of the Statesman, but of the carpenter, potter, hended under one name?

and coppersmith.


YOUNG SOCRATES: I understand.

STRANGER: Plaything is the name.

STRANGER: And is there not a fourth class which is again different, and in which most of the things YOUNG SOCRATES: Certainly.

formerly mentioned are contained,—every kind of dress, most sorts of arms, walls and enclosures, STRANGER: That one name may be fitly predi-whether of earth or stone, and ten thousand other cated of all of them, for none of these things have a things? all of which being made for the sake of deserious purpose—amusement is their sole aim.

fence, may be truly called defences, and are for the most part to be regarded as the work of the builder YOUNG SOCRATES: That again I understand.

or of the weaver, rather than of the Statesman.

STRANGER: Then there is a class which provides YOUNG SOCRATES: Certainly.

materials for all these, out of which and in which the arts already mentioned fabricate their works;—

STRANGER: Shall we add a fifth class, of orna-this manifold class, I say, which is the creation and mentation and drawing, and of the imitations pro-offspring of many other arts, may I not rank sixth?

duced by drawing and music, which are designed 102


YOUNG SOCRATES: What do you mean?

the general term of nourishment, unless you have any better name to offer. This, however, appertains STRANGER: I am referring to gold, silver, and other rather to the husbandman, huntsman, trainer, doc-metals, and all that wood-cutting and shearing of tor, cook, and is not to be assigned to the every sort provides for the art of carpentry and plait-Statesman’s art.

ing; and there is the process of barking and strip-ping the cuticle of plants, and the currier’s art, which YOUNG SOCRATES: Certainly not.

strips off the skins of animals, and other similar arts which manufacture corks and papyri and cords, STRANGER: These seven classes include nearly and provide for the manufacture of composite spe-every description of property, with the exception of cies out of simple kinds—the whole class may be tame animals. Consider;—there was the original termed the primitive and simple possession of man, material, which ought to have been placed first; next and with this the kingly science has no concern at come instruments, vessels, vehicles, defences, play-all.

things, nourishment; small things, which may be included under one of these—as for example, coins, YOUNG SOCRATES: True.

seals and stamps, are omitted, for they have not in them the character of any larger kind which includes STRANGER: The provision of food and of all other them; but some of them may, with a little forcing, things which mingle their particles with the par-be placed among ornaments, and others may be ticles of the human body, and minister to the body, made to harmonize with the class of implements.

will form a seventh class, which may be called by The art of herding, which has been already divided 103


into parts, will include all property in tame animals, YOUNG SOCRATES: Let us do so.

except slaves.

STRANGER: We shall find from our present point YOUNG SOCRATES: Very true.

of view that the greatest servants are in a case and condition which is the reverse of what we antici-STRANGER: The class of slaves and ministers only pated.

remains, and I suspect that in this the real aspir-ants for the throne, who are the rivals of the king in YOUNG SOCRATES: Who are they?

the formation of the political web, will be discovered; just as spinners, carders, and the rest of them, STRANGER: Those who have been purchased, and were the rivals of the weaver. All the others, who have so become possessions; these are unmistak-were termed co-operators, have been got rid of ably slaves, and certainly do not claim royal sci-among the occupations already mentioned, and ence.

separated from the royal and political science.

YOUNG SOCRATES: Certainly not.


STRANGER: Again, freemen who of their own ac-STRANGER: Let us go a little nearer, in order that cord become the servants of the other classes in a we may be more certain of the complexion of this State, and who exchange and equalise the products remaining class.

of husbandry and the other arts, some sitting in the market-place, others going from city to city by 104


land or sea, and giving money in exchange for money STRANGER: There are heralds, and scribes per-or for other productions—the money-changer, the fected by practice, and divers others who have great merchant, the ship-owner, the retailer, will not put skill in various sorts of business connected with the in any claim to statecraft or politics?

government of states—what shall we call them?

YOUNG SOCRATES: No; unless, indeed, to the YOUNG SOCRATES: They are the officials, and politics of commerce.

servants of the rulers, as you just now called them, but not themselves rulers.

STRANGER: But surely men whom we see acting as hirelings and serfs, and too happy to turn their STRANGER: There may be something strange in hand to anything, will not profess to share in royal any servant pretending to be a ruler, and yet I do science?

not think that I could have been dreaming when I imagined that the principal claimants to political YOUNG SOCRATES: Certainly not.

science would be found somewhere in this neighbourhood.

STRANGER: But what would you say of some other serviceable officials?


YOUNG SOCRATES: Who are they, and what ser-STRANGER: Well, let us draw nearer, and try the vices do they perform?

claims of some who have not yet been tested: in the first place, there are diviners, who have a portion of 105


servile or ministerial science, and are thought to be and has thrust himself in, he must get enrolled in the interpreters of the gods to men.

the priesthood. In many parts of Hellas, the duty of offering the most solemn propitiatory sacrifices YOUNG SOCRATES: True.

is assigned to the highest magistracies, and here, at Athens, the most solemn and national of the an-STRANGER: There is also the priestly class, who, cient sacrifices are supposed to be celebrated by him as the law declares, know how to give the gods gifts who has been chosen by lot to be the King Archon.

from men in the form of sacrifices which are acceptable to them, and to ask on our behalf bless-YOUNG SOCRATES: Precisely.

ings in return from them. Now both these are branches of the servile or ministerial art.

STRANGER: But who are these other kings and priests elected by lot who now come into view fol-YOUNG SOCRATES: Yes, clearly.

lowed by their retainers and a vast throng, as the former class disappears and the scene changes?

STRANGER: And here I think that we seem to be getting on the right track; for the priest and the YOUNG SOCRATES: Whom can you mean?

diviner are swollen with pride and prerogative, and they create an awful impression of themselves by STRANGER: They are a strange crew.

the magnitude of their enterprises; in Egypt, the king himself is not allowed to reign, unless he have YOUNG SOCRATES: Why strange?

priestly powers, and if he should be of another class 106


STRANGER: A minute ago I thought that they were YOUNG SOCRATES: That is a hope not lightly to animals of every tribe; for many of them are like be renounced.

lions and centaurs, and many more like satyrs and such weak and shifty creatures;—Protean shapes STRANGER: Never, if I can help it; and, first, let quickly changing into one another’s forms and na-me ask you a question.

tures; and now, Socrates, I begin to see who they are.


YOUNG SOCRATES: Who are they? You seem to be gazing on some strange vision.

STRANGER: Is not monarchy a recognized form of government?

STRANGER: Yes; every one looks strange when you do not know him; and just now I myself fell into YOUNG SOCRATES: Yes.

this mistake—at first sight, coming suddenly upon him, I did not recognize the politician and his troop.

STRANGER: And, after monarchy, next in order comes the government of the few?



STRANGER: The chief of Sophists and most accomplished of wizards, who must at any cost be STRANGER: Is not the third form of government separated from the true king or Statesman, if we the rule of the multitude, which is called by the are ever to see daylight in the present enquiry.

name of democracy?