100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Life is a journey…

like a river we must flow.

From the Divine we come…

Into the Divine we will go.


Life is a journey, not a destination. Because we think of it as a destination, we are constantly setting goals and creating pressure and stress for ourselves. We make success a priority. Alas, we lose life itself! If we stop and reflect, we will realize that we start as a tiny zygote with nothing belonging to us. And in the end, we leave everything behind! Life is just an experience on earth. It is a journey, but because our focus is on the destination, we forget to enjoy the journey. Let us learn to live life moment by moment, being conscious of our Divine self, enjoying eternal peace and everlasting joy, until in the end, like a river, we empty into the Divine ocean. Our goal is to realize that we are the Soul and unite with the Divine.