100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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As long as I Do Not Realize


I will Never Realize



We human beings think we know who we are. We say, ‘I am Robert,’ but Robert is just our name. We were not born as Robert. One day Robert will die, and the body will return to dust. But the 'ME’ - the Mind and Ego that was alive inside Robert's body, will either take rebirth or attain liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth depending on its Karmic balance. That is why at death we say somebody ‘departed’ or ‘moved on’. The first step, therefore, is to realize we are not the body. The second step is to realize we are not even the mind. Then who are we? We are the Divine Soul. However, we will never realize who we truly are, unless we first realize who we are not.