100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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The Mind acts like a magnet...

It gets stuck to the past.

It gets sucked into our yesterdays,

and our Joy and Peace does not last.


Why is it that our mind is always thinking about a yesterday that is gone? Why does our mind take us back to a past regret and make us nurse it, curse it and rehearse it? It is because our mind is like a magnet. It gets stuck to the past. By doing so, it steals our present moment. It robs us of the 'now'. We human beings want to be peaceful and blissful, but that can happen only if we live moment by moment. We must consciously be in the ‘now’. We have to stop this monkey mind from jumping to the past and getting stuck there. The past is gone. We can do nothing about it. Nobody in this world can change the past. Then, why waste time being there?