100 Diamond Quotes by AiR-Atman in Ravi - HTML preview

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Love says… I love you

because I need you.

True Love says…I need you

because I love you.


What is the difference between love and True Love? Ordinarily and usually, love is transactional. It is need- based. Thus, we say, ‘I love you’ because we need somebody. When there is Divine Love, then it is true unconditional love that truly seeks the one we love. Unfortunately, the world has not understood the real meaning of True Love. We have not understood that True Love is Divine. It comes from the Soul. When we experience love for one and all, it is only then that we experience True Love. Due to ignorance, we love an individual, and think it is True Love, when in reality, it is not. The moment we realize Soulful Love, our life becomes a paradise.