A New Earth and A New Universe by Rodney Bartlett - HTML preview

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Life and death depend on which dimension the body and brain are associated with. If the 4th; there is movement of joints, beating of the heart, electrochemical signalling in axons and dendrites and synapses, and so on. If the 5th, there is no motion the body is dead and the brain is dead. But things are strangely complicated when you live in unification possessing zero separation ... Physicists predict that the singularity at the heart of a black hole has zero volume. Since there is zero separation in space, a persons heart also has zero volume. Since locations in time are relative, a person´s heart does not possess zero volume at just time A or time B, but always. We can adapt the quantum mechanical thought experiment known as Schrodinges Cat in which the cat exists and does not exist at the same time. In general, quantum mechanics does not predict a single, definite result for an observation. Instead, it assigns a probability to each outcome as in, for example, the quantum mechanical thought experiment known as Schrodinger´s Cat in which the cat exists and does not exist at the same time (a hammer which might or might not be triggered by a source of radioactivity to break a bottle of poisonous gas both kills and doesn´t kill the cat - and all these things are placed in an airtight box). This adaptation says your (and my) heart beats and does not beat at the same time. The strange complexities of living in a Unification possessing zero separation go on and on while it may be useful to think of each of us as existing in 2 worlds (the 4th and 5th dimensions), these 2 worlds would be in the same place in a Unification possessing zero separation. If our hearts are both beating and not beati