A New Earth and A New Universe by Rodney Bartlett - HTML preview

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Part 3 Into Paper Walls

This morning, I was reading an interview in Australia's TV Week with someone connected to the TV show "Ghost Whisperer". She said she doesn't believe in ghosts because "I like facts and figures." Well, here's a 3,000 word article I wrote which seems very relevant to that comment (the article is a blend of known science + curiosity + imagination [not fantasy] which could be seen as factual since it explains how the world and universe we can see and touch could have come into existence). It suggests that thousands or millions of years from now, progress in electronics and science might make it possible to journey back 13.7 billion years in this time machine we call the universe and construct a computer-generated hologram corresponding to the lumps in the extremely young universe which evolved into modern galaxies and clusters. If you believe there is intelligent and adventurous life anywhere in this universe (even on Earth!), this would be a perfectly natural outcome of millennia of progress - there's absolutely nothing incredible or supernatural about it! Before you conclude I'm talking science fiction or fantasy, please carefully consider the science my article is based on.

The universe producers of thousands or millions of years from now would be incredibly different from the people of 2009. Their ability to ignore the "necessities" of matter (such as spacecraft and solid surfaces to walk on), travel anywhere in space and time, as well as other abilities we can't even imagine; surely qualify them to be described by us as ghosts. A conceivable means of becoming a ghost is that future particle physics might develop a way of creating a backup (to bo