A Slice of Life: A Collection of Essays by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen


In the last seven decades of my living a

pleasant life I found that silence has been the

most beautiful and meaningful voice for me.

So whenever I was in any social conversation

with anyone I found that it was better to cross

the line and suffer the evil consequences than

to just stare at that line for the rest of the

time. Now there are times when my greatest

accomplishment and enjoyment come to me

when I just keep my mouth shut.

Having established this internal sense and

sensibility I could better deal with people and


understand them and so did the people

around me in a variety of ways:

 Often silence has become a real good

answer for my people and me;

 All meaningful silent occasions turned

out to be better than my most

meaningless words;

 The quieter I became the more I could

hear other people and even myself;

 I soon realized that the most powerful

statement was my dignified silence;

 When my people did something wrong I

never forgot all the things they did right


 I realized that only those who cared

about me could easily hear me when I

was quiet;

 Therefore I came to know that only a few

people care about me and the things

around me whereas the rest of them are

just curious;

 I then began to let my people know that

‘Never mistake my silence for my

ignorance’, my calmness for my total

acceptance and all my kindness for my

weaknesses’ ;

 Consequently, I began doing little things

for my people and as time went by those

little things silently began to occupy the

biggest part of their hearts and minds;


 I now know for sure that every

successful person begins living with two

solid beliefs and that are that when they

understand the true meaning of the

phrase ‘silence is golden’ then their

future can be better than their present

and they themselves can easily develop

the immense potential and power to

make it so;

 So I have silently tried my best not to let

anyone’s ignorance, hate, drama or

negativity stop me from being the better

person I could become;

 It became succinctly clear to me that

when anyone gave up it became the

easiest thing in the world to do for them

but to hold it together when everyone

else around them would endeavour to

quietly understand if they fell apart then

it all became their true and greatest


 I then realized that all wise people are

not always silent but they know it fully

well when it is the right time to be so;

 Of course, we all are aware that a

moment of patience in a moment of

anger saves us a hundred moments of

pain and regret;

 I would never trust someone who lets

me down for more than twice because I

take once as a warning, twice as a good


lesson and anything more than that is

taking advantage of my silence;

 I have never been in competition with

anyone and I have no desire to play the

game of being better than anyone. In my

entire life of 78 years I simply tried to be

better than the person I was yesterday;

 Silence for me did not always mean that

I had nothing to say but I realized that

words are not always necessary to

express yourself adequately;

 I always believed that small minds

cannot adequately comprehend big and

extended spirits and thoughts so I had

to be strong to be great and be willing to






misunderstanding of the people around


 I now know that someday, everything

and everybody would make perfect

sense to me and so for now I need to

laugh at all the confusion, smile

through my tears and keep reminding

myself that everything happens for a


 I only trust people who can see these

three things in me: My sorrow behind

my smile, the love behind my anger and

the reason behind my silence;

 Now silence does not always mean

“YES”. Sometimes it means I am tired of


explaining important things to my

people who find it hard to understand


 So I do not waste my words on people

who deserve my silence because often

the most important thing I can say is

nothing at all;

 Often it is best for me to stay quiet

because my silence can speak volumes

without ever saying a word;

 I now know that one day I will be just a

memory for my people so let me do my

best to be a good silent admirer of

things, people and places;

 Consequently I never go out of my way

to explain anyone my honesty and

worthiness because time has its own

way of silently showing the truth and

worth of people;

 My silence and my smiles were two

powerful tools for me and my people

because I believed that smile was one of

the ways to solve problems and silence

was the right way to avoid problems;

 My silence never meant that I made an

exit from attachments but it simply

meant that I did not want to argue

unnecessarily with the people who failed

to understand my contentions;


 When I am silent with such odd people

and situations I cannot understand why

I am screaming inside;

 Of course, in my many years of

interaction with people I never saw any

light and lamp that were shining more

brightly than the lantern of my silence;

 So my best advice to all people has been

twofold. Firstly, silence is the best

answer for all stupid questions.

Secondly, smiling is the best reaction in

all situations;

 For me my silence has always has been

my ocean and my humble speeches were

my river because I knew that silence

spoke a million words at times;

 I found that the silence of the people

around me was not empty but full of


 Finally without some stupid people

around us we would have no one to

laugh at so it is advisable to take time

and silently appreciate the contributions

of such people;

 Therefore in my life before I was ready to

silently THINK I had to find out that

whatever I was thinking had enough

TRUTH in it; it was HELPFUL to and for

me; it INSPIRED me; it was NECESSARY

and it expressed the KINDNESS that I



These then lead us to some of my deep beliefs

that should enable the readers to form their

own opinion on their own beliefs.

I believe in many things that are very personal

to me and I feel that this is an age of faith, in

which I like it or not, I am surrounded by so

many militant creeds that in self-defence, I

have to formulate my own.

Tolerance, good temper and sympathy are no

longer enough in a world which is rent by

religious and racial persecution, in a world

where ignorance rules, and science which

ought to have ruled, plays a subservient pimp.

Tolerance, good temper and sympathy still

matter and if the human race is not to

collapse, I feel they must come to the forefront

before long.

Faith, to my mind is a stiffening process, a

sort of mental starch which ought to be

applied as sparingly as possible. I personally

like the stuff because I do believe in it. My

home is my best temple because I can let

anyone enter it and do whatever good one feels

like doing. I have the right to exclude those

who offend me.

We have to live in this age of Faith- the sort of

things we used to hear praised and

recommended when we were children but as


we grow up of Faith becomes selective. As a

consequence I am not a person who has blind

faith. I believe in what is right, applicable,

plausible and good for my living and


I have total belief and faith in my relationships

with the Supreme Being and my ancestors

who have given me a firm foundation, a solid

root to stand on and granted me various

applicable knowledge and talents to rely on for

all my future developments. It is because of

these relationships that I am able to get a little

order into the contemporary chaos that the







I am fond of my people who are truthful, good

and beautiful in their words, actions,

thoughts, character and heart. If I find my

people who are reliable then I should also be

reliable. I love to serve my country honestly

and as best as I can but here too my service

has to be legitimate because I firmly believe in

promoting peace and war of any form is

distasteful to me. We as human beings have

the power of negotiation and the essence of

agreeing to disagree with our fellowmen and

fellow women.

This brings me along to democracy, which

starts from the assumption that the individual


is important and that all types are needed to

make a civilization. It doesn’t divide its citizens

into the bosses and the bossed, as an

efficiency- regime tends to do. The people I

admire most are those who are sensitive and

want to create something or discover

something, and don’t see life in terms of

power, and such people get more of a chance

under democracy than elsewhere.

In my belief democracy has another merit. It

allows criticism and if there isn’t public

criticism there are bound to be hushed-up

scandals. That is why I believe in the press

and the parliament despite all their lies and

vulgarities. So let me hail two cheers for

democracy; one because it admits variety and

two because it permits criticism.

These contentions then bring me to the issue

of force- police force, armed force and judicial

force. In my belief they all are doing their best

in the circumstances but isn’t there a saying

that we could do more to suit the

circumstances. Often we hear legitimate

criticism of these forces. I realize that all

society rests upon force but I believe that they

should not get out of their boxes.

Often the members of the police force do their

job well or bring a wrong person to be tried

but the judicial force often lets them down by


making decisions that show that their

sentencing and punishments do not suit the

crime. They are too lenient, too harsh or

absurd. I believe that these two forces should

complement each other to keep our society


I believe that the armed forces should defend

the country and its people rather than be sent

to interfere with the sovereignty of another

nation. Let each country stand for itself and

defend themselves without any interference

from outside forces.

There is of course the concept of hero worship

frequently recommended as a panacea in some

quarters. Hero worship I believe is a

dangerous vice because it produces great

being on the one hand and small people on

the other. This brings inequality and division

in the society. Those that perform heroic deeds

should be humble and remain gentle to be

with the rest of the human kind.

So a lot of changes are needed in the society

and the country generally to enhance the

economic, educational, cultural, social and

political developments. A similar change is

needed in the sphere of morals and politics.

Not by becoming better but by ordering and

distributing the inherent truth, goodness and

beauty will we shut up forces into boxes and


gain time to explore the world around us to set

our valid marks upon it worthily.

Such changes I believe can come if we have

faith in the Supreme Power and our own

endeavours, talents and actions. There is no

need for division among the human race but a

complete and comfortable belief in unity in

diversity. It is shame that while we practice

our own way of life we have developed a poor

tendency to dislike the culture and belief of

our other members of society who hold and

practice different way of life.

The time is here and now to unite and live

peacefully by loving our neighbours more than

ourselves because they are our best

companions for immediate assistance when

the needs arise. Instead of barking on obsolete

traditional practices and religious dogmas I

believe in liberating ourselves to willingly

respect, to happily honour and to ardently

accept the other point of view.

I firmly believe that we should become more

humans than what we presently show and

practice to share the common elements of the

great teachings of all our religions which are

our love, care and respect for one another.

There lies all our future salvation.


Chapter Nineteen





I believe that when a person thinks he or she

is about to die, the adrenalin begins to pump

and he or she can become super–human in a

final effort to survive. The effort to survive and

to see another day has always been a problem

since the first human walked the Earth. There

are many obstacles that make living day-to-

day a harsh struggle and many reasons why

some fail to meet the expectations of this


In order to survive in this world, people

sometimes go to great lengths. Within them

they carry a spirit that inspires the will to go

on. A girl soccer team battles its way to the

top; a disaster-movie heroine finds the

strength to save herself; a struggling couple

discovers in their love the spirit to go on. All,

no matter what, have an instinct or a survival

attitude that pushes them to become

winners— to overcome the odds they confront.


The will to survive affects even ordinary

activities such as high school sports

competitions. The girls’ soccer team at a High

School, for example, learned a lot about

survival last year. These girls started out the

season, wanting to achieve great things. We all

knew that they had the talent to win the state

soccer championship, but did they have the

determination to do so?

The season began with a rocky start, including






themselves, not to mention facing tough,

higher-ranked competitors. But one game at a

time, the team made it to the state

competition. It was a harsh battle, and there

were plenty of tears along the way, but they

survived the worst the season had to offer and

earned the title of state champions. That is an

example of survival of the fittest.

The will to succeed can train us to survive

under extraordinary circumstances, too. Such

life-and-death situations are the subject of

some of our most successful movies, including

Titanic, the biggest box-office success of all

time. Rose, the movie's glamorous heroine, is

in love with Jack, and the two are struggling

to stay alive as the ship goes down.


In the final scenes of the movie, Jack dies and

Rose is faced with the challenge of survival.

She can stay in the water and risk the freezing

temperatures and the diminishing possibility

of rescue, or she can use every remaining bit

of strength left in her and summon the lifeboat

that is many yards away, looking to pick up

those alive in the water.

As she sees the lifeboat go by, she finds a

small whistle, uses it to call the boat's

occupants, and is rescued. Someone else

might not have found the strength to go on,

weak and exhausted in the freezing water,

with a true love lost to such enormous

disaster. Rose, however, found the will to

survive. The spirit of survival we admire in the

heroine of Titanic can help us to endure less

glamorous but equally difficult struggles. We

too can learn to survive.

We find such a struggle in many living

examples where courageous people through

their instinct and survival attitude have

overcome the most difficult and demanding

situations of their lives. You may be

exhausted, crying with pain or suffering other

calamities every day and night but if you are

hoping that you will be able to escape from the

hardship that plagues you life, you can do it.

No matter how hard things get, you will be

able to hold on to your hopes for various kinds


of love. You got to have the will to survive and

you will.

We all have experienced that our lives are

plagued by various kinds of losses, chronic

diseases and other tragedies. Such adversities

help us build our strong character but more

importantly, they show us whether we can

step up to the challenges our life presents. The

will to survive comes from within each one of

us. It is the factor that shapes the way we will

be remembered.

To survive is to continue to live or exist despite

dangerous or life threatening situations. There

are many circumstances that could threaten

the survival of a person or a group of people.

Some of these include dire socio-economic

situations and war. It could also be

unexpected situations which arise suddenly

such as being shipwrecked or marooned on an

uninhabited Island, lost in a desert, or cold

corner of the world, isolated Arctic regions or

in a dense forest.

Looking at these various scenarios, it is clear

that to survive in each of these situations one

would most certainly need somewhat different

sets of skills. Therefore, survival skills have to

be developed and discussed in terms of the

scenario to which they apply and, hence, one

could say that there are physical survival


skills, social survival skills and economic

survival skills. There may be a few among


Let us assume that you are stranded in a

forest and it is almost night fall. What do you

do? How do you cope before the elements of

the weather or wild animals get to you? How

do you beat the odds and stay alive? The

critical answers to these and similar questions

depend on whether you possess survival skills

or not. It is naïve to believe that a situation

where you will need critical survival skills to

survive will never arise because according to

Murphy’s Law, whatever can go wrong will

certainly go wrong. So it is better to be

prepared for the unexpected by developing

critical skills needed to survive extreme


During my adolescence years I used to

accompany my father on various hunting

expeditions. One such trip took us to the

forests of the mountain range commonly

known as the Sleeping Giant. The running of a

few wild goats made my father follow them

deeper into the forest beyond the huge rocks. I
