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to let go of them or to ignore them and to

focus on the more likely positive outcome and

to take action.

Thirdly, if I were in the arena of self-doubt I

would talk to someone wiser than us about it.

It is believed that when we keep our thoughts


on the inside they can become distorted,

exaggerated and not very much in line with

reality or reasonable expectations. This is very

much true when it comes to self-doubting

thoughts. So we have to let them out into the

light. Talk to someone close to us about our

self-doubts. Just letting them out and saying

them out loud can often help us to hear how

exaggerated these thoughts have become. By

talking about those doubts with someone that

is supportive of us can get a change in


Then it would never be wise to get stuck in the

comparison trap. If we compare ourselves to

other people all too often, to their successes

and especially to their high-light reels that

they share on social media then self-doubt can

quickly creep up. A better way to go about

things is to compare ourselves to our own

conditions to see how far we have come, to see

what and how we have overcome and to see

how we have kept going, succeeding and

growing up as a human being.

The next wise thing to do is to start keeping a

journal. Keeping a journal can be a helpful

habit for many reasons. When it comes to self-

doubts it can really help us to:

 Keep a realistic record of our life and

help us to remember the positive things,


the successes we have had and how we

have overcome obstacles if we are prone

to remembering things with a negative


 Gain clarity more easily. It is often

easier to alleviate fears and doubts and

to gain clarity if we have an issue laid

out on paper or in a computer document

rather than if we try to go through it all

in our mind.

By making lists of pros and cons, going

through our thoughts and emotions and

similar events from the past and by writing

down different perspectives on the issue it

becomes easier to find solutions and to see

our challenges in a clearer and more level-

headed way.

Of course, it is good to remember that most

people do not care that much about what we

do or say. When we worry about what others

may think or say and if we do something then

the self-doubt can quickly become stronger

and we get stuck in inaction and in fear. When

that happens we have to remind ourselves

constantly about the truth that people by and

large do not really care that much about what

we do or not do. They have their hands full

with thinking about themselves, their kids and

pets, jobs and upcoming sports matches and


with worrying about what people may think of

them. Be mindful of what someone said or did

might not be about us at all. When someone

criticizes us then it seems easy to start

doubting ourselves. When someone rejects us

and we do not get a chance to respond

appropriately then we begin to get deeper into

our self-doubting castle.

The truth is that we do not know everything

that is going on in the life of another person.

We must be mindful that the world does not

revolve around us. So be careful not to

misinterpret and build blame and doubt

within without any reason. As has been said

by many wise people on this topic that It is

always helpful to get a boost of optimism by

letting someone else’s enthusiasm, motivation

and constructive optimism flow over to us by

reading specific articles on the subject. This

quick relocation of our hearts and minds can

greatly help us to shift our self-doubts into

optimism and into thinking constructively

about our challenge that lie ahead of us.

Whenever we have a setback then we may

start to see things through a negative and

dark lens. We might see this current setback

as something that will simply be our new

normal. This way of looking at things can trap

us in thinking that there is no point in

continuing to take action. So instead of this


we have to remember that we are a failure just

because we failed.

Setbacks happen to everyone who take

chances. It is simply a part of living life fully.

Sometimes things go well and sometimes they

do not. So let us learn to make a failure into

this huge thing or into our identity. Let us ask

ourselves this vital question: “What is one

thing we can learn from this setback? Use the

mistake or failure to our advantage and to

move forward once again in smarter way.

If we, for instance, often get self-doubt before

a presentation in school, university or at work

then let us sharpen our presentation skills

and then read a few books about it and

practice at home in front of a mirror or in front

of a friend. Or join Toastmasters, Rotary Club

or any other such inspirational group to get

the experience or knowledge that is needed.

Then only we would be able to feel more

confident, competent and relaxed in such


A common way to handle self-doubt is to get

angry at ourselves and act on our lack of

motion then try to beat ourselves up as a way

to get us to move forward. If all that does not

help then wise people have found that being

kind and constructive when feeling and

dealing about self-doubt is a better choice. So


let us use kind and understanding words

towards ourselves but also ask ourselves a few

more relevant questions: “What is one very

small step we can take to move forward in this

situation?” Then we should take that very

small step and start to step by step move

towards where we want to go.

When we have taken that one small but

important step forward and are done with it

then we have a win. It may be a small one but

it should still be a solid win to celebrate it. Let

us then have a tasty snack or our favourite

food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, spend

some time on our favourite hobby or buy

ourselves something we have wanted for a

long time. This will renew and recharge our

motivation and make taking action feel more

exciting and fun. That would push self-doubts

aside so that we can keep moving ahead in life

and get a lot more, smaller and bigger wins.

In trying to plan well our every move we would

be able to make on a rewarding journey

towards a goal or dream thus curing that

dreadful disease called self-doubt. Of course, if

this does not work then accept the fact that

the sometimes even the best laid plans start to

fall apart a bit or need some necessary

changes when they are confronted with reality.

So it is advisable to do a bit of rough planning

and then start our journey. We can always


course-correct along the way towards what we

want. Empowered by the new knowledge,

experience and feedback we would be able to

get there as long as we keep going on that

path with confidence.

It is normal that on our journey we run into

many cross roads and need to make a decision

on which direction to head. There is no safe

road in life and our journey is the sum of all

the roads we travel and decisions we make.

Some psychologists think that this is when we

fear taking a wrong turn may ruin everything

and it is this doubt that can paralyse us into

not making a decision at all. Everyone

experiences this situation at some point in

their life; however it is with total commitment

and confidence that we keep moving forward

when faced with doubt.

We all have dreams, and our dreams can

sometimes start to fade as we get challenged

by unexpected situations of our life but for

most of us our dreams almost never

disappear. One is never too old to dream or

create a new dream. Our daily lives are

constantly saturated with thoughts. These are

our thoughts of the future, thoughts of the

past, and thoughts of the present. We all

would like to recognise these thoughts to try

and uncover what the next move should be.


To know whether we are at a right and proper

place, have our dream job, chosen the right

partner, a safe place to live or maybe even

better friendships we need to get rid of all

existing self-doubts from our minds. We all

have doubts in our minds and would love

nothing more than the voice in ours heads to

distinguish itself as the voice of intuition and

whisper to us what our next move should be

but what happens when we fail to recognise

our own intuition? What happens when we

start to doubt our knowledge? Or when you

start to doubt our faith?

It is here that we must remember that it is

normal to experience speed bumps, hiccups

and sometimes even train wrecks in life so let

us not be troubled by this. This is an

opportunity to learn, grow and build

confidence in us. If we do not take the steering

wheels of life and dare to try we would

certainly deny ourselves some of the greatest

experiences and lessons of life.

One of the biggest triggers of doubt is

undoubtedly fear. Fear makes us doubt

ourselves, and when we live in fear we start to

doubt ourselves even more and this situation

causes more fear. Until you reach a stand still

and analyse that paralysis, then the fear of

making a decision becomes too great because

of the doubt we have in our own decision


making. This is a very dangerous cycle and in

theory this may sound easy to comprehend

but the solution is obvious hard because when

faced with doubt it is not always so clear what

the next best move should be.

Let us revise and consolidate our points to

accept that faith helps us remove all doubt.

Once we have and develop a vision of what we

want and have faith in it, this would certainly

give us the needed faith and strength to get

there. Faith is a commitment and if we are not

able to have and maintain the desire in our

goals and if we did not have the ability to

achieve it then we have lost to conquer our


Some scriptures reveal that doubt could only

be removed by action so we should always do

something. The only wrong choice is not

making a choice. As Martin Luther King once

said, “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t

run then walk. If you can’t walk then crawl,

but whatever you do, you have to keep moving

forward.” or as Albert Einstein said, “Life is

like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you

have to keep moving.” Always choose an action

because any action, even the wrong one will

help you grow.

We cannot make a profitable investment in

self-doubt because our over-thinking would


never be able to solve any problems.

Sometimes when we move away from the fog of

a situation we can see it from a better

position. So take a step back and look at the

situation from a different perspective and we

will find the required answer.

Then we will win if we make our decisions

from a position of love. Before making a

decision practice taking ten deep breaths.

Physiologically this will increase the oxygen in

your body to help you relaxed, feel more

peaceful and gain more clarity.

John Lennon made an apt remark once by

saying that there are two basic motivating

forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we

pull back from life. When we are in love, we

open to all that life has to offer with passion,

excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn

to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our

imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we

cannot fully open to our ability to love others or

our potential to create. All hopes for a better

world rest in the fearlessness and open

hearted vision of people who embrace life.

Those of us who are not afraid to fail get the

taste of success sooner than the others. So is

it best to stretch outside of our comfort zone.

If a fisherman casts his line multiple times to

try and catch a fish but only catches one on

his final cast, we conclude that he has failed


many times but we fail to accept that he is still

successful in his endeavour.

Often the truth in life is that we have to let go

of some people, change our job, change where

we live, isolate ourselves in order to

understand ourselves better and trust our gut

that we are doing the right thing. Sometimes

we would out grow people, sometimes we

would out grow places, and sometimes we

would out grow situations that keep repeating

but one thing is certain that we cannot be

scared to clear our vision and make a move to

get rid of our self-doubt if we want to be

successful in life.

An unknown soldier of self-doubt has said

that we have to believe in ourselves, in our

abilities, in our service, in our company and in

our ideas unquestionably and we have to have

faith which ultimately gives us prosperity,

peace, patience and progress. The fact is that

life is a wonderful adventure of rich

experiences, but life does not last. It passes,

and doubt paralyses our ability to move, and

then when we stop moving, all the precious

moments that we could live in that moment

disappear. So as we continue on with our

destination let us feel free to throw away the

fear and make a valued decision anyway. We

are the experienced captain of our own destiny

to get rid of any self-doubt.


Chapter Twenty Six



There were a few very painful moments in my

life that changed my entire world in a matter

of minutes but these moments also gave me

added strength to move on with greater

determination and courage. Of course, those

painful and doubtful moments definitely made

me stronger, smarter and in most ways even

kinder. One thing remained with me always

and that was my determination not to despair

and go to become someone that I was not. I

screamed and even I cried but then I managed

to straighten out my head and kept moving

with added vigour.

I gathered from my experiences that all my

strengths were my following through with all

my dreams even though I keep experiencing

some bumps along the way. My true strength

was hidden somewhere in my soul and spirit

and not in my muscles and I needed to find

out and extract it to my advantage. I realized

that a flower does not think of competing to

the flower next to it but it just keeps on

blooming. So did I.


I soon realized and gathered that my life had,

like that of other human beings, multiple ways

of testing my will to go one regardless. There

came times and moments when either nothing

happened at all or everything happened at

once. I gathered and improved my strengths

and courage when nothing happened but

when everything was happening at once I used

my gathered and improved strengths and

courage to manage these deteriorating

situations. I did not give up but kept

managing my life as a man of steel.

There were moments when I found myself







circumstances but then I gathered my wits

and remembered how far I had already come,

every odd things I had faced but overcome, a

few hard battles I fought and won and the

greatest of them were my fears that I had

turned into my confidence, calmness and

faith. This made me believe that the real

opposite of fear was courage and while I was

growing up my father continuously stressed

the benefits of being brave by reminding me

that courage was not only not being fearful

but overcoming all the fear around me.

After this I culled out my own meaning of the

opposite of fear which for me was my safety

and the security of my family, friends and

faith within myself. Consequently, I began


preaching and practising real security and

safety and wanted to be safe and secure to feel

stressed out, to be imperfect, to solve

marriage, parenting and social problems. I

wanted to be safe and secure from the feeling

that I did not have enough to live well and be

safe and secure to admit my failures,

struggles, sins and any possible addictions.

This feeling of safety and security enabled me

to live a well-planned family life.

All my strengths came from my positive stance

and struggles because when I learnt to







opportunities to become stronger, better, wiser

and calmer then my thinking shifted from “I

cannot do it” to “I can and must do it”. There

were occasions when I did not recognize my

strengths until I came face to face with my

greatest weaknesses. I then began to sail

safely and securely in the vast ocean of life

and living.

I made a point that I did not change so that

people around me liked me but I managed to

be myself and then the right and faithful

friends began to help, like and support the

real me. It became clear to me that if someone

truly liked me, they would not make me feel

like I needed to constantly fight for their

attention. So for this little fighter soon things

became brighter. I began to survive in this


competitive world because the fire of struggle

and inspiration inside me began burning

brighter than the fire around me.

Gradually I became the type of man who

would sat in my bathroom to mourn, cry and

lament but then when I walked out in the

world of competition I made it certain that I

had all my needed strength and nothing odd

ever happened to me. All my weaknesses

vanished. I then realized that all my strength

did not come from what I could do but they

came from overcoming the things that I once

thought I could not do. Then I became sure

that a strong person is not the one who does

not cry but the one who cries and sheds tears

for a moment then gets up and fights again.

My grandfather told me that I was given this

life because I was strong enough to live it the

way I wished and planned it. So I stayed

positive even when at times it felt like that my

life was falling apart. That is where my real

strengths were in order to overcome my

weaknesses. Therefore I became fearless in all

my pursuits that set my soul on fire.

Consequently, in the end some of my greatest

pains, sorrows and worries became my

greatest strengths.

I was often told by my elders that strength did

not come from winning but our struggles


gradually developed our strengths. When I got

ready to go through all my hardships and

decided not to surrender, that became my

strength. From early in my life I was trained

not to pray for an easy life but pray to the

Lord who gave me this life for more strength to

endure all difficult situations. I did not want to

become Bruce Lee but wanted to be stron