A Slice of Life: A Collection of Essays by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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When I was a high school student I had read a

novel, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, the

African writer. It depicted a Nigerian tribal

village that was stable for centuries but

quickly and utterly crumbled after the arrival

of colonialism.

There is a similar corollary in our own lives. In

a heartbeat, things in our life can fall apart

and the reality is that they can and do, as can

be seen from these three of the many true


One of my good friends was standing at a busy

intersection waiting for the lights to change.

Beside him there stood a middle-aged lady and

a grey-haired gentleman. We did not expect

this glimpse of our mortality.

It was evening rush hour, dusk was upon us

and everyone was in a hurry as usual. Traffic

whizzed by centimetres from where they were


standing, staring across the street at the

pedestrian signal. When the lights changed,

each of them instinctively began to step off the

curb to cross the road.

An instant later, they were all reeling back

against each other. A delivery truck, trying to

beat the light, sped past them centimetres

from the curb and through the intersection

against a very clear red light. The wind from

the speeding truck slapped their faces. Had

they taken another step, one or more of them

would have been under the wheels.

The three strangers were brought briefly and

intensely together at the intersection and were

bonded by their shared close call with death. I

heard them briefly counting their blessings by

shaking their heads in disbelief at the red-

light runner and then hurrying in their

separate ways.

Things could have fallen apart for one or all

three road users and I could not help but

wonder how many centimetres stood between

their close and catastrophic adventure?

Last year when I was in Los Angeles spending

my healing time with the family of my brother,

things fell apart close to their home. A young

lady across the street, a sweet natured, always

smiling, high school student was driving


home. It was just her routine trip until she

came to a dip in the road where water tended

to collect but this day because of the freezing

temperature the young lady could not judge

the hazard of the frozen black snow. When

suddenly she applied the brake the car

skidded and hit an oncoming truck.

A happy life was forever altered. The lady

remained hospitalized with brain injuries and

the bereaved parents all helpless and






convalescing in hospital fate put them in even

a worse situation when a loaded truck skidded

off the pavement and crashed through their

bedroom wall, killing them both. Their other

two sons who escaped injury were left


Things fall apart, and many times in ways so

incredible as to seem impossible and

unbelievable but they are n ot.

Later that year I went to visit my younger son

in Kuala Lumpur and heard this story from

the grieving parents. Their three sons went out

one evening and after enjoying their time at a

nearby restaurant decided to call a taxi to go

home but no taxi would come so they decided

to go home on foot. It was only a few

kilometres of walk home late at night.


There was nothing particularly queer about

this but as the brothers were crossing the

road near their home a bus ploughed them

down. Two of the brothers were instantly killed

on the spot but the third brother miraculously

escaped unhurt.

Sometimes life can look like a shooting gallery

and we become the swimming ducks in the

lake. The shots come at random picking off

some and sparing others with no pattern or

predictability. Of course, there seems no

fairness at all.

Therefore, the parents of the brothers still feel

that life is many things but fairness is not one

of them. Think of the brother who was left

behind to prepare to cremate the other two.

Things do fall apart and for the rest of us who

are lucky, there is tomorrow to be careful and

avoid the circumstances where things do and

can fall apart.

Truth, Faith, Hope and


Often we just have to keep reminding

ourselves that

 if we find things, words and situations

that are full of TRUTH then we should


accept them immediately without any


 If we have developed our FAITH in

people, places and procedures then we

should be prepared to speak about and

for them;

 If we have HOPE in or for anything let

us hold on to it; and

 If we are in LOVE with anyone, anything

or any place then we should live happily

with it.



I saw her hanging up in the blue sky tonight

I couldn’t but admire her beauty this night

She was the brightest among the other stars

She was up there ready to heal all the scars

Her light, her might and her beauty so right

Tonight was the full moon shinning so bright.

For all the new and old lovers she is so rare

She is out there ready to give and to share

Lovers cannot help but notice all her glare

She looks unique like a golden star to stare

The pretty face makes all romance to flare

Sparkling, shimmering and glimmering there.

Her graceful move across the sky is a wonder


Lovers know she is there in rain or in thunder

Her beauty and grace make the lovers sigh

They want her to inspire them and draw nigh

Walk in the park or you stroll along the road

The moon up the sky provides lovers’ code.

Darkness is shattered and night becomes day

She acts as the kingdom for lovers that say

“I love you darling, you have made my day.”

Romance flourishes and lovers become gay

Just one look up the sky brings a lot of bliss

To hold each other tightly to give a sweet kiss.

This moon thus illuminates the whole night

Lovers cannot blink from such a sweet sight

They are mesmerised by the bright moon light

They even decide their engagement that night

Marriage vows revised honeymoon gets right

For lovers pretty moon shines thus all night.

Lovely, charming and shinning moon do stay

Make every night of all lovers happy and gay

Let darkness go away from those dark nights

Change the route to bring full moon all nights

Lovers long to see you shine and give blessing

All the year round without doing any resting.


Chapter Thirty Five


Wise Words of Elders

I believe that there will always be someone

better at something than I am so I refuse to

make comparison because it is the thief of joy.

Therefore, I do not let the success of other

people discourage me from my own

endeavours and make me bitter. If someone

has done or is doing something I would like to

do, I get my inspiration from these because

they become my indicators that I too can

achieve great things.

My grandfather once said, “My Boy, there is a

battle between two wolves inside us all.”

“One is EVIL that is your anger, jealousy,

greed, resentment, inferiority complex, lies

and ego.”

“The other is GOOD that is your joy, peace,

love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and


It took me a few years to fully understand this

philosophy and when I did I asked my

grandfather a question, “Grandpa, which wolf



The old and wise man smiled and quietly


“The one you feed well wins.”

Life teaches us a lot of things. Sometimes in

life things get fantastic but other times they

get messed up when people begin to over-

think and react, over-analyse and assume and

are not able to care, control and create things.

However, it is human nature though and we

cannot be perfect all the time. We learn more

and more each and every day and hope for the

better. The vital thing to remember always is

that while we all are illiterate and ignorant in

some fields, we all are beautiful in some

aspects and while we all have some flaws we

are brilliant in many other areas therefore, we

all deserve a second chance. Let us not brood

over what we did, how well or bad we did it

and when and why we did it because many

times in our life we just were not ready to

make it right the first time. So let us never

give up but keep trying again and again.

Whenever I felt like I could not do any better

or go any further in life, I was confident that

the same strength and stamina that carried

me well so far would definitely take me and

lead me the rest of the way. So I learnt to

press on regardless. If I do something I like it

then it becomes my freedom but if I like what I

am doing then it gives me happiness.


My recent reading has made me realize that

every time I am tempted to do and react in the

same old tradition and way, I seriously

evaluate and look at the choices I have had to

either become a prisoner trapped in my past

old ways or become a pioneer of my future. I

dared to get out of the prison and did

everything possible to become a pioneer of my

future activities.

Sometime back I used to think that the worst

thing in my life was to be lonely and end up all

alone but after I found some renewed love and

laughter I have begun to feel that the best

thing in life is to rejoice, react and remove all

doubts to live a happy and rewarding life

which is short but can be made a lot sweeter.

Now I am fully convinced that the inner peace

begins when I choose not to allow anyone or

any event to control my emotions. Therefore,

for me the tragedy of life is not death but it is

what I let die inside me while I live. So I have

taken the advice of Aristotle, “You are never

too old to set another goal or to dream a new

dream.” I want to lead a really simple life and

never insist on making it any complicated.

There were many a time when my life was

sweet so I said thank you to God, my family

and friends and celebrated but there were a

few occasions when my life got a bit bitter and


then I also thanked God for His Blessings and

Care to save me from despondency and then

tried to grow out of the bitterness.

If we practice like we have never had a win

before then we can perform like we have never

lost at all and if we believe that we can do it

then we are almost there. So let us stop

wishing and begin doing. I believe that my

determination today would always lead me to

my success tomorrow.

If we keep complaining about the things we

are not willing to change we would not be able

to enjoy plain sailing in life. Do not be afraid

to start things over because it is a brand new

opportunity to rebuild what you truly want. If

we learn to push harder than yesterday we

would definitely have a better and different


Words, Words and Words

I have written many words, read a lot many

and heard even a lot more but it was only

recently that I realized that if I stopped and

thought carefully I could feel a lot more about

each word that I write, read and hear.


It has been easy for me to understand the

superficial meaning of words but the day I put

my ears, heart and soul on the nerves of each

word they revealed a lot more to me about

them and their surroundings.

Previously I thought that words were just

words but after my deeper interest in them I






explanations, compassion and passion.

Now I am able to see that there are words

which make me smile or laugh loudly whereas

there are others that make me so sad that I

start crying. There are words that I can use

and misuse in the public but there are those

useful and powerful words that I can only

interpret and appreciate while I am alone and

enjoying my solitary conditions.

The words that brought intense feelings for me

and within me from the pages of books have

given me a variety of experiences. I could run

away from them, be part of them or be in good

company with them.

The word childhood always brings multiple





experiences and I get lost in the pleasant

memories. I have been able to see the naked

me playing with ants, worms and the soil that

used to give me hours of enjoyment.


Then the word rain compels me to wipe my

forehead as if the rain has fallen over my head

to wet my body. Of course, my feet are able to

feel the mud that the water made me develop

by jumping in the puddles.

Having read and heard the word loneliness

made me feel and experience that someone

very near and loved one has forced a sword in

my chest and is laughing loudly by looking at

my sad face. I feel that the wound so inflicted

has not healed till today.

By reading and writing the word crematorium

I get a very frightening feeling where upon my

ears, eyes and the whole body begins to get a

chronic chill. It gives me a tragic feeling that

someone is sitting on my chest and pressing

me so hard that I am not able to get out of the

precarious situation.

By reading the word ghost makes me

scrutinize my surrounding with fear and some

dilemma at night with a feeling that someone

is following me and will soon catch up with me

even if I am the fastest runner on earth.

Upon hearing the word memory I get lost in

my past and a very intense sorrow and

sadness capture me. I feel I have lost some


valuable treasure and someone is telling me to

get out of that situation but I cannot.

I have asked women to look at the word widow

and see if they can see a lady who has lost her

husband and is compelled to wash off the

signs of marriage and break her bangles.

Similarly I have asked some sterile women to

read the word barren and then I tried to

witness the sorrow, remorse and sadness on

their countenance to understand their pain

and despondency.

What does the reading of the word love make

me feel after seeing so much hate related

criminal activities in the world? I get the

scornful feeling or belief that the word is

worthless, despicable and full of mockery.

How do I feel when I read my own name Ram

Lakhan? I feel emptiness, a complete blank

page and like an empty vessel rolling on the

road waiting for someone to come and rescue


There are a lot more words that give me a

variety of feelings but either I try not to

remember them or I have forgotten their

rightful meaning. Of course there are other

words that I cannot forget even if my

conscience desperately wants it.


The most important words for me are the ones

that my loved ones have uttered when they

needed my shoulder to cry and eradicate to

lessen their sorrows, pains and loneliness.

Those were the words that they left in my ears

with a whisper. ‘What were they?’ Asked my

younger son.

Help Me


Guide Me


I love You


Pocket money

Face cream

School fees

Hair cream,

Sports fees


Tennis Racquet




New shoes


New Watch





Air Fare,

Drive me to ..

Boarding fees.

Read a story

Text Books


New friends

Dinner Out

Party time



Record player



The list goes on but the important thing was

that I managed to meet all the demands with

pleasure and no pains.

What a coward of a man am I? I am so weak

that I get defeated by those important words

related to me that have feelings and valuable

meanings but I cannot feel and expose them.

What a shame!